Now I know why I am going bald...follow up post!


Active Member
Hi Ladies,

Remember I posted about all my hair falling out, and how I had a tub full of hair. I now know why that was/is about.

About two weeks ago I got my period again for the second time in the month of Aug. This prompted me to go to my GYN. I went and got tested for everything under the sun, and my blood work came back with me being anemic. I always knew I was Anemic but apparently I am dangerously anemic. My doctor called me saying I should come in right away because I should not be walking around with my numbers being that low. I am going in tomorrow.

Also I have been feeling half dead, really drained. I was supposed to start back in the gym today but skipped it until after my appt.

I just wanted to give you ladies and update. I got so much support from u all when I was crying my eyes out I really appreciate it. I will post again as soon as things get better…they seemed to have been getting better but I am still losing hair!:rolleyes:
Keep us posed Bmack. Make sure to drink some oj with your iron pills. I had to get some injections when my hemtocrit(sp?) was too low.
Girl, I am so glad it is just anemia. Did they say that you have blood loss somewhere? Is it pernicious? I hope you get to feeling better soon!
Glad to hear that you finally found out what the culprit is. Now just focus getting better and everything else will fall into place.

:bighug: For you
Knowledge is power. I'm so glad you have an explanation, and can look forward to getting things under control. Thanks for the update!
Girl, I am so glad it is just anemia. Did they say that you have blood loss somewhere? Is it pernicious? I hope you get to feeling better soon!

No, she did not say. I hope its not that bad. However, she did say I need to see her right away.
Bmack, I wondered to myself if anemia was the issue. I, too, an an amemia sufferer, and have been on iron therapy for nearly two years. However, until recently, I was unaware of the devastating impact the condition can have on hair, skin, etc. I am glad that you have discovered what the issue is, and can now begin to get better.
Well at least there is relief in knowing it's something that's very treatable. I wish you and your hair a speedy recovery.
Bmack, I'm glad you found out what's going on with your hair, so now you can focus on being healthy all around. Sharing your story will help a lot of other members too.

Be well and keep us posted.
I am SO happy that they found out what it is! I too had severe anemia, my doctor prescribed me w/ iron supplements which really helped not only w/ hair growth, but with my health overall. Good luck @ the doctor's....hope they don't have take anymore vials from you. That part ALWAYS sucks!:perplexed
Hope you feel better. Trust me, I have been there, so I know how drained and weak you must feel. Taking the iron pills and getting back on track will really help with your hair- plus, you'll gradually start to feel better too.
Hi Ladies,

Remember I posted about all my hair falling out, and how I had a tub full of hair. I now know why that was/is about.

About two weeks ago I got my period again for the second time in the month of Aug. This prompted me to go to my GYN. I went and got tested for everything under the sun, and my blood work came back with me being anemic. I always knew I was Anemic but apparently I am dangerously anemic. My doctor called me saying I should come in right away because I should not be walking around with my numbers being that low. I am going in tomorrow.

Also I have been feeling half dead, really drained. I was supposed to start back in the gym today but skipped it until after my appt.

I just wanted to give you ladies and update. I got so much support from u all when I was crying my eyes out I really appreciate it. I will post again as soon as things get better…they seemed to have been getting better but I am still losing hair!:rolleyes:

Wow! I am so glad you found that out! Our bodies certainly do have a way of telling us something is wrong. As you start getting better, I really hope your hair will stop shedding. That is one of the most depressing things to go through....I've been there!!!
Take care sweetie!
Thank goodness you found out the culprit! Now you can work on the issue - overall health is the most important thing in any case. Soon enough the breakage will stop and you can get back to growing! Feel better chica :huggle:
glad u found out what the problem was..I had the same thing happen to me with the exact same phone call..My iron was dangerously low 2.9.... It wreck havoc on my hair also..Once u get on the iron therapy things will turn around for the better....Hope you start to feel better...:yep:
Glad you found out what you problem was... My periods made me anemic also, and I had to go on iron pills... I had blood work every 2 weeks until the iron levels were back up... you will be back on track now...
Glad you are OK:yep:
Aw Bmack! :hug3:

Girl, I've been there. I'm just happy you found out what's wrong. Now that you know the cause, you can take the necessary steps to get it in check.
It's good to know that you have identified the problem and are having it taken care of. We all wish you well :grouphug:.
Bmack, I wondered to myself if anemia was the issue. I, too, an an amemia sufferer, and have been on iron therapy for nearly two years. However, until recently, I was unaware of the devastating impact the condition can have on hair, skin, etc. I am glad that you have discovered what the issue is, and can now begin to get better.

Thank you NB, I started taking my iron yesterday hopefully I see some results in my health soon.
Thank you ladies, thank you all for your moral support. Like I said, I am on a mission to get my health together and stop neglecting myself.
Sending out prayers for AND hugs to ..... U!

Take care of yourself and let us know what regimen the dr. gives you.