Are you anemic (iron-deficient)????

Lorraine said:
I am anemic. I don't take iron vitamins as I should. I experience sever fatigue sometimes and a lot of hair loss. I know my iron is low when I crave shaved ice or want a steak for some odd reason. I really should take the iron pills as instructed, though. I learned that a lot of Black women have iron deficiency anemia, though I am not sure why it's more present among our gender/race.

My Dr. spoke to me about this concerning my own anemia (which has been chronic for the past 13 years or so). She said that many people of African decent have a sickle-cell trait that sometimes (thought not often) affect blood iron levels. She’s plans to run some tests on me to test her theory. I’m just not entirely convinced this is the cause of my own iron deficiency based on some research I did, but it is one possible explanation for the prevalence of low-blood iron levels among women of African descent.

Now, I’m not a doctor, so don’t quote me on any of this. :grin: I did reference a couple of web sites. As some background, sickle cell trait is a gene common in people living in warmer, tropical parts of the world (like Africa, the Middle East, India, etc.) because of the increased incidence of malaria. Sickle cell trait is the natural mutation that occurred to prevent the disease. There are rarely any symptoms in people that has the trait. All this means is that you have you have the gene that has the potential to pass it on to your children. If you have a child with someone that also has the sickle cell trait, your child is more likely to develop the blood disorder of sickle cell anemia (that has a number of dangerous symptoms that you can check out in the links) .

There is tons of information on the net about sickle cell anemia and sickle cell trait on the Internet. This particular site is to-the-point:

However, if you are looking for something more detailed: (easy to read--I like this site best) (more scientific)

As for me, I am more convinced by the fact that I do not eat meat has caused the problem. (When does diet NOT affect anything?) :D :grin: As far as gender issues that may be related to the topic: women with heavier cycles may be prone to a slight iron deficiency. Usually, taking a little extra iron during that time will prevent anemia. HTH
I've been anemic for long streches off and on since 2002/2003 to the present due to issues with my period/fibroids. I used to fall asleep in class, started to drift off while driving (that was scary), when it got bad I almost passed out in the grocery store twice and had to sit down in the middle of the isle I was so dizzy. In 2003 I lost a patch of hair in the back of my head it was almost bald back there, my nails wouldn't grow. I didn't associate it with anemia till later I just figured it was stress. Ended up having to cut my hair short to blend in the patch. Luckily I made it thorough my college graduation etc. before I had to cut it. When I'm really low on iron I crave ice like crazy. This past year I've decided to stop messing around with it and take my supplements everyday (ferrous sulfate). No more light headedness, or running to 7-11 and filling a Big Gulp cup with ice and a a little bit of soda :lol: hahah.

If it is iron deficiency anemia the supplements should clear it right up just get the blood work done and take them regularly it could take a couple months to really see a difference.
Cowgirl said:
I am extremly anemic. Have been since I was a teenager. I am not very good at taking my iron pills, mainly because they nausiate me. But I can definately tell how it affects my hair. When I stop taking the iron pills for 2 or 3 weeks my hair starts shedding by the handful.
Have you tried taking them right before bed? I've heard that this works for vitamins or any other pills that cause nausea...
I am severely anemic due to my fibroids which cause a large loss of blood each month.
Because my iron levels are so low I cannot take enough iron daily to catch up. I have to go to the doctor and get iron infusions (that is where they give you liquid iron [FONT=&quot]intravenously). It take almost three hours.
I have had two treatments since 5/26 and I am getting another one next week. I have to get something done about the fibroids so that my body can keep most of the iron it's getting.
For a long time I didn't know that my shedding was related to my iron deficiency but when I mentioned it to the doctor she said that was one of the side affects.
I'm glad someone started this thread, ladies please get a professional diagnosis.
I agree this is a great thread! I have been anemic for years, however over the past 6 months my anemic became chronic and I started passing out frequently. This is when the doctor found out that the anemima had gotten worst and that I needed to have a blood transfusion. Since I have had the transfusion, and regular vists to my Hemotalogist, I'm very dillegent about taking a multi-vitamin as well as an prescribed iron supplement. I've noticed that my hair will shed if I do not take my iron everyday.
MzTami said:
I was anemic when I had my first child..I took 325mg of ferrous sulfate(Iron pill) which kept me constipated...So I would only take my prenatal vitamin. I haven't heard anything else about it when I had my second child. I also make sure I eat lots of chicken to keep my iron level up.
purchase "cheleted" iron..It ususally does not give the nausea & constipation sides effects;)
I am anemic and have always been. I haven't taken iron supplements in many years. I have had fainting spells all my life as well. I cannot digest beef so I eat lots of fiber.
My doctor prescribed for my anemia It is very good. No upset stomachs or constipation. I do eat Activa yogurt though, which is very good for moving the digestive system.

For fibroids, I took something called Fibrovan was a lifesaver for me and the fibroids disappeared. I have normal periods now...thank God!

Hope this helps someone.

Nice & Wavy said:
For fibroids, I took something called Fibrovan was a lifesaver for me and the fibroids disappeared. I have normal periods now...thank God!

Hope this helps someone.


YOu may have just helped me I've tried something else, but didn't stick with it long.
Anemia is no joke, I suffer from it, but didn't realize why my nails were brittle and not growing. I've always had long strong nails I will take my iron regularly now. Yes, my hair suffers from it, it seems like I've gotten breakage as opposed to shedding
Indigo said:
For fibroids, I took something called Fibrovan was a lifesaver for me and the fibroids disappeared. I have normal periods now...thank God!

Hope this helps someone.

YOu may have just helped me ;) I've tried something else, but didn't stick with it long.
Anemia is no joke, I suffer from it, but didn't realize why my nails were brittle and not growing. I've always had long strong nails :ohwell: I will take my iron regularly now. Yes, my hair suffers from it, it seems like I've gotten breakage as opposed to shedding .:perplexed

Oh, I'm so glad. Fibrovan is not an iron supplement, but an all natural product that has truly worked in getting those fibroids under control. After 6 months, I was so happy and joyful to just have a normal period...even my husband was happy. He made sure during that time that I used it everyday and he commented on how much my 'monthly' had changed. It is a huge blessing!

Let me know how it works for you.
Indigo said:
For fibroids, I took something called Fibrovan was a lifesaver for me and the fibroids disappeared. I have normal periods now...thank God!

Hope this helps someone.

YOu may have just helped me ;) I've tried something else, but didn't stick with it long.
Anemia is no joke, I suffer from it, but didn't realize why my nails were brittle and not growing. I've always had long strong nails :ohwell: I will take my iron regularly now. Yes, my hair suffers from it, it seems like I've gotten breakage as opposed to shedding .:perplexed

Oh, I'm so glad. Fibrovan is not an iron supplement, but an all natural product that has truly worked in getting those fibroids under control. After 6 months, I was so happy and joyful to just have a normal period...even my husband was happy. He made sure during that time that I used it everyday and he commented on how much my 'monthly' had changed. It is a huge blessing!

Let me know how it works for you.
Nice and Wavy thank you for even mentioning it! I'm not taking my iron pills as I should and I need to remain consistent. I've done research and used holistic/herbal medicine and I know they do work!! I checked the website out. I will check into ordering it in the upcoming weeks.:)
yea...Im somewhat anemic...but I never Knew it attributed to shedding...:perplexed ...Ive been taking GNC Mega Woman w/ Iron...I hope that is good enuff
WOW, this is amazing this thread is here just when I need it. I just found out today I'm anemic and may have fibroids. I go for a pelvic ultrasound (think that what he said...I'm still overwhelmed and scared) on Friday and back to the Dr. on next Thur.

I'm gonna check out Fibrovan. Thank you!!
Yes I am. I never knew why at first. I shedded a lot when I was a child and a teen. I've been taking iron pills pretty steady for about a month and I no longer shed as much.
I found out I was anemic 3 months ago. I started taking bc pills and and I noticed that my hair is getting thicker. Plus I can exercise without feeling wiped out. My doctor also told me that my fibroids were shrinking since being on the pill.
I am also severely anemic and have been since I was 12 and have passed out TWICE in public because of it. My doctor used to prescribe me ferrous sulfate to alleviate the iron defiency, but throughout the years I became lazy and stopped taking them. I've noticed that since I've started taking the iron supplement again, my hair sheds less and I'm not as cold or fatigued. I don't think I'll ever get used to the neon-green urine though:lol:
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I was diagnosed as anaemic about 2 years ago, and have completely forgot about it. My hair has been shedding like crazy recently and I've been feeling run down. This is probably the reason. I need to start with iron tablets asap.
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Ive never been diagnosed with anemia, but I do have very low iron.... I'm ALWAYS freezing cold, usually no energy...... But ive never had problems with hair loss, fortunately.
Cowgirl said:
I am extremly anemic. Have been since I was a teenager. I am not very good at taking my iron pills, mainly because they nausiate me. But I can definately tell how it affects my hair. When I stop taking the iron pills for 2 or 3 weeks my hair starts shedding by the handful.

I am really glad you started this thread. I am extremely anemic as well. Always cold. In fact, I am on the couch covered with a throw as I type this. When I was pregnant both times, my doctor kept a close eye on me. Blood drive banks never want my blood cause of the anemia. I am not good at taking pills. In fact I do not take any. I recently decided to change this bad habit and order a bunch of pills which are due to arrive any day now. Funny enough I did not think to add iron to my vitamin regimen at all. I do suffer from alopecia and even though I have been practicing a very healthy hair regimen, my hair has been shedding by the handfuls. I never made the correlation between my anemia, alopecia and shedding. I will look into this further.;)
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i am not...though my iron was low but not to the point where I was anemic. i eat tons of frosted mini wheats which has 90% of iron per serving so maybe thats why...oh and have a weakness for liver :look:
yes I was told I am borderline anemic especially when I am near my period ( due to the blood loss) I would have a lack of energy throughout the day and my face would be pale. My hair would be thin at the end and lackluster.

Right now I am taking a multivitamin with iron and it seems to work. My blood is checked every few months by my doctor in case I need to increase the dosage.
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I'm anemic , and have yet to start taking my iron pills. My hair hasnt been falling out from the root or anything, but Ive always had a problem with split ends. Im always cold and run out of energy quick. They also told me to start taking b12 along with the iron , but Im scared cause I heard the iron upsets your stomach? I can tell that my hair is definitately as healthy and thick as it used to be, but hopefully the vitamins will work.
mzhotniz86 said:
I'm anemic , and have yet to start taking my iron pills. My hair hasnt been falling out from the root or anything, but Ive always had a problem with split ends. Im always cold and run out of energy quick. They also told me to start taking b12 along with the iron , but Im scared cause I heard the iron upsets your stomach? I can tell that my hair is definitately as healthy and thick as it used to be, but hopefully the vitamins will work.

they didnt give you a list of iron rich foods to try in addition to the supplements?...i know a lot of people who cant do the iron vits because it constipates them. You also need an adequate dose of Vit C because that helps absorbs the iron. I never heard of B12 complementing Iron...but Im not a professional.