Are you anemic (iron-deficient)????

naptrl said:
I am extremely anemic. In fact I have sickle cell anemia. I don't have any problems with my hair and i don't take iron. It's thick and grows really fast. Maybe it's a combination of things for you.

I have SCA, too and have never had problems with my hair shedding/breaking due to severely low iron levels. (I've never taken iron, either.) My hair has always been healthy & super thick. And it grows like weeds.
I used to be SEVERELY anemic. I don't remember if my hair suffered from it. Probably did. I do remember having TERRIBLE menstral cramps. My mom used to make me eat liver regularly. I also used to get cold easily and had no energy. I had to take iron capsules when I was pregnant too, even though my iron was 'okay' in blood tests.
Divine Inspiration said:
You're welcome mama!! I'm just glad that somebody can benefit. I'm glad to hear that your shedding has slowed down. As you continue to take it, it will slow down even more and your energy levels will surge.
I know that so many ladies have shedding issues and many of us just write it off as a seasonal issue or "just one of those things." But truthfully, your hair can be trying to tell you something more significant that's goin on inside your body.

Good luck girl! I'll say a prayer for ya ;)

I'm anemic as well, and recently started taking the chelated iron (25mg). Can you tell me how much you're taking to achieve results? I do have more energy these days, but much of this is attributed to the Spirulina that I'm also taking.
I am anemic. I don't take iron vitamins as I should. I experience sever fatigue sometimes and a lot of hair loss. I know my iron is low when I crave shaved ice or want a steak for some odd reason. I really should take the iron pills as instructed, though. I learned that a lot of Black women have iron deficiency anemia, though I am not sure why it's more present among our gender/race.
Lorraine said:
I am anemic. I don't take iron vitamins as I should. I experience sever fatigue sometimes and a lot of hair loss. I know my iron is low when I crave shaved ice or want a steak for some odd reason. I really should take the iron pills as instructed, though. I learned that a lot of Black women have iron deficiency anemia, though I am not sure why it's more present among our gender/race.
This is funny/not funny a few min. ago I told my mom i want a BIG hamburger and i dont eat beef hardly ever. She reminded my to take my iron just minutes ago!
CookieLAD said:
I'm anemic as well, and recently started taking the chelated iron (25mg). Can you tell me how much you're taking to achieve results? I do have more energy these days, but much of this is attributed to the Spirulina that I'm also taking.

I notice a HUGE difference in my hair. My shedding stops, and my hair isn't brittle & prone to breakage when I'm taking the iron. If I pull a piece of hair out from my scalp, I can see the difference in the bulb. It's much thicker & has a coating on it when I'm taking iron.
I'm taking 300 mg/day, but that was at the rec of an MD. I would go have blood work done first and foremost. I wouldn't suggest taking large amts of iron w/o consulting a health care professional.
Good luck! :)
I know exactly what you mean!!! :lol:

foxybrownsugar said:
This is funny/not funny a few min. ago I told my mom i want a BIG hamburger and i dont eat beef hardly ever. She reminded my to take my iron just minutes ago!
Divine Inspiration said:
I would go have blood work done first and foremost. I wouldn't suggest taking large amts of iron w/o consulting a health care professional.
Good luck! :)

I get blood work done at least 2x per year due to a kidney condition and I see my doc every 3-4 months. She's constantly scolding me about taking the iron, but even when I'm consistent my levels aren't right, just higher than usual. I've decided to give the chelated iron a try, in hopes of absorbing more and getting my levels up into a normal range.

Thanks for your advice :grin:
I am anemic, and have always been. I dont take iron like I should, plus I am always cold....and tire easily.

I have passed out twice once in elementary then in college. My hair has been shedding but when I wash...Can't you buy iron at a vitamin store?
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Bmm said:
I am anemic, and have always been. I dont take iron like I should, plus I am always cold....and tire easily.

I have passed out twice once in elementary then in college. My hair has been shedding but when I wash...Can't you buy iron at a vitamin store?

you can, but if you're truly anemic, your iron levels should be assessed by a professional, IMHO. I'm leary of diagnosing & prescribing things for myself, especially when an overdose could be toxic. Besides that, the dosage of iron available OTC is *nothing* compared to the dosage you get with a prescription. If I was tryin to take OTC iron, I'd need like 12 capsules a day! :lol:
I always have been, and I have never taken iron tablets. When I started eating red meat again, I got a lot better, almost normal iron levels. Atkins has been great for me!

I take my hair vitamins, so I think I'm getting enough iron in those (that plus meat).

Well I decided to start back up on the S.S.S Tonic (it's a very high potency liquid iron supplement, w/ some B vit's added) this is the only thing I know of that gives me that instant jolt of energy I could use but taste terrible.. Does anyone know if I can take something like this along with my hair vitamin?? (And Im supposed to be the pharmacy student here... :cool: )
Ladies, you may also want to consult with your physicians about taking Folic Acid (Folate) in addition to the iron supplements. It's a water-soluble vitamin that helps the body form more red blood cells. More red blood cells=more oxygenation, which=less fatigue & tiredness. I've been taking 1mg of Folic Acid/daily for years now, and it seems to help me achieve more energy and lengthens the time between needed transfusions.

Also, fresh fruits and vegetables, grain products, legumes, nuts, and seeds provide high amounts of Folate.
Thanks Divine Inspiration, no I not I will see my doctor next week.

Divine Inspiration said:
first things first, your hair is BEAUTIFUL...
now on to other things :lol:
did you get a prescription for iron??
Divine Inspiration said:
bumping for gn1g and others :)

Thanks so much for bumping! :) This is a problem I mention often to help other women I encounter experiencing fatigue, hair loss, malaise, etc. and do not know why. Getting checked out a doctor should be first, and they will tell you how much iron to take. In addition to iron rich foods I must eat, I have to take 65 mg. each day in iron supplements, which is almost 4 times the recommended daily dosage of 18mg.

I know it’s already in this thread, but it bears mentioning again, DO NOT take high dosages of iron without a Dr.’s approval. High iron levels can be toxic and will make people very ill. That is also why I caution women taking prenatal vitamins for hair growth as those vitamins may have 50 mg. of iron (or more).

Great thread! :up:
My Docter told me I was slightly anemic a while ago, but I haven't been taking my pills... I never thought shedding dealt with this..No wonder why my nose is cold all the time...I mean ice cold, but I have my ferrous sulfate pills...I'm going to start taking those again because I can't deal with being dizzy sometimes
Lorraine said:
I am anemic. I don't take iron vitamins as I should. I experience sever fatigue sometimes and a lot of hair loss. I know my iron is low when I crave shaved ice or want a steak for some odd reason. I really should take the iron pills as instructed, though. I learned that a lot of Black women have iron deficiency anemia, though I am not sure why it's more present among our gender/race.

I do NOT know if this is the reason, but there is something called G6PD deficiency( Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is an enzyme deficiency of the red blood cells) , which causes abnormal rupture of the red blood cells called hemolytic anemia. This is most common in African Americans, Italians, Greeks, Asians, and other Mediterranean peoples. Not that this is the case with anyone here, but it "could" explain why it "seems" to be more common amongst certain races or ethnicities.

So, there are certain medications that must be avoided and fava beans(for some reason) if you have this condition. This is the short version ... there is a wealth of information out there about this.
Cowgirl said:
I am extremly anemic. Have been since I was a teenager. I am not very good at taking my iron pills, mainly because they nausiate me. But I can definately tell how it affects my hair. When I stop taking the iron pills for 2 or 3 weeks my hair starts shedding by the handful.
same here.
Recherché.Beauty said:
My Docter told me I was slightly anemic a while ago, but I haven't been taking my pills... I never thought shedding dealt with this..No wonder why my nose is cold all the time...I mean ice cold, but I have my ferrous sulfate pills...I'm going to start taking those again because I can't deal with being dizzy sometimes

My doctor told me the same thing! I get dizzy often, but the real problems don't occur until my period comes around, when I become truly anemic. Ihave been tested so many times for this, its crazy!
Thanks for bumping, the shedding has stopped. but I still get a short dizzy spell for about 2 minutes near cycle time.
I found out I was anemic with my son, I think they told me it doesnt go away. I had my son and stopped taking my pills..

Thanks for reminding me, cuz I be freezing when its 60 degrees outside :lol:

I was taking SlowFE and I would only take it every other day because um, Being pregnant and constipated isnt fun.. I always took it with Orange Juice and always made sure I ate some ruffage like greens or salad once a week..

This could really explain alot
extremely anemic. i take a multi-vitamin with iron. i also have severe shedding. not sure if related though. my hair is so thick i actually don't mind the shedding
I'm anemic and I have a hypo-thyroid which contributes to the shedding as well. I have to take iron and my thyroid meds or I am really, really sluggish. Even with the meds, my hair still sheds but not as much as it did before. Even my eyebrows are thin which is really annoying.

My hair also seems to have become thinner in the last couple of years. I contribute that to the anemia and thyroid issue too. I just have to stay up on my meds for my overall health.

Good thread!:)