Now Forming an Army of SUPER-LONG HAIR 4B (or mostly 4b) NATURALS!! Come on in!

i'm in! i'm mostly 4b with a little 4a in the front. i WILL reach mbl in 2011. my siggy is from may, so i believe that i am right around bsb currently. my goal used to be mbl, but honestly i can't imagine reaching mbl and maintaining. I'm might as well....WAIST LENGTH!:grin:
Since my stylist gave me a 6 inch trim last year, my hair has been stuck at bra clasp length. The right side was much longer than the left, that's why the trim was needed.

Since then, I haven't really been taking care of my hair the way I used to. So count me in. I want to be back at mid-back length. This time my hair will be even. Waist length would be even better.:lachen:
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I'm joining this thread. I'm going to go by inches. I was at 8-10inches and got down to 6-8inches (more like 7 inches around the head, mid October). I'm now at 7.5 inches so I grew and retained, but not enough!

Definitely 4b with definite porosity issues. I've been planning on doing an Aphogee 2-step treatment, but I pushed it until December 19th when I have more time to care for my hair. Split ends are my enemy, but I'm proud that most of them are GONE (with the exception of the front which remains a disaster, but slowly getting beyond that snip by snip).

I'd like at least 2 inches by May, but aiming for a goal of 4inches :yep:
Hey lovelies, checking in to say I've gone back to my comfort zone of minibraids (no hair added) for the next 4/5 weeks. Haven't finished my whole head yet but I've been parting, adding Yes to Cucumbers condish, smoothing it through, removing sheddies with my Denman D41, and then plaiting the section.

Covering the unfinished portion in the middle with a beanie type hat today; the little front sections I leave out in the front are noticeably longer than they used to be, yay!!
Not at all. I was a little worried about it though, cuz I think I made my henna mix a little too thick, but it rinsed out just fine. I was terrified about the post-henna dryness, thats why I added the oils and water.


Alright. Maybe I'll try some oils and see how that works :)
scribing, all you ladies have really lovely, inspirational heads of hair

i'm holding my spot so i can update when i take this weave down, i'm working towards being a super-long haired 4b (waist length here i come), so will be happy to see where i'm at at the end of year
i lovw this thread! i would KILL to have lala's hair.

anyway im a 4b, about apl..some sections are a little past that. i honestly dont do anything with my likes to be left alone: i keep it under a wig, henna about 1x a month, moisturize/seal daily, co wash when needed and finger detangle when needed.

produce i use:
shea butter
coconut oil
oilive oil
castor oil
water/aloe juice mix
cone free conditioners for co washing
tressemmme moisture rich if i wanna dentagle in the shower
eco gel for occasional styling




Mercy me, your hair is sooooo LUSH, THICK & BEAUTIFUL!
My original stated goal was to reach BSL and looking at the photos I took today I think the hair at the very back may already be grazing there. So I guess my goal now that I have a better idea of where I'm at is MBL with fewer layers and healthier ends. I'm only 5'1 so hopefully I can make it.:lol:

Thanks ladies! HHG! I'm super inspired by all your luscious locks. Ms Lala and Mwedzi you make my head spin!:drunk:

Gorgeous ! ladylo - You're definitely at BSL! :yep:
I love this thread, so many inspirations. I BC this year April and i have 4.5-5'' all over. I can tell my hair is growing. I'm a 4A, will try and post pics soon. I mainly do CW with vo5 conditioners and i shampoo & clarify with baking soda if absolutely necessary. I wear weaves and wigs as my protective styles and i'm hoping to have grow and retained all 6'' when i reach my 1year mark of being natural april 2011.
Since my stylist gave me a 6 inch trim last year, my hair has been stuck at bra clasp length. The right side was much longer than the left, that's why the trim was needed.

Since then, I haven't really been taking care of my hair the way I used to. So count me in. I want to be back at mid-back length. This time my hair will be even. Waist length would be even better.:lachen:

Girl that's a major cut, not a trim. That's more hair than I grow in a year.
i'm still in crochet braids. a new install this time - well, new hair old cornrows cos i was too depressed to want to bother with undoing, washing&drying and redoing the cornrows. i've had these cornrows in for three weeks now and i'll be removing the hair and the cornrows next weekend, which will be four weeks.
i use my moisture spritz about every other day cos i'm scared of build-up and i clean between the rows with aloe vera gel and tea tree oil once a week.

watching this thread and feeling so inspired, but i'm determined to hide my hair for at least a year because i really really want long hair (apl at least).
So, one of the things alot of 4bers, and 4s in general, deal with is moisture retention. ESPECIALLY during this time of year. And as we all know, we are more likely to retain our growth if we can retain moisture.

This is my first winter as a natural and I have to admit, I'm struggling to overcome the dry-hair demon lol. What are you guys doing that's working? Products, tweaks to regimens?

I'm going to finish reading this thread, but I had to come in and comment. I was actually looking for a thread that already raved about it... but came across your wonderful thread first!!!

First, let me say, I'm sort of a long-time lurker and newbie poster. So I am not here that often consistently. But I do want to mark my spot in this post. I have 4B, maybe C,D,E,F,G hair and I have never had any length...mainly due to me not taking care of my hair, so it constantly broke off and my edges have always been a problem.

I haven't had a relaxer since April 2009 and I am finally 100% natural (very slow grower) I didn't do the big chop, because I don't have the face or look for that, so I wouldn't have felt comfortable with it. I honestly don't know what length my hair is, because I haven't had it straightened in a long time. I'm sure it's not that long though.

But I do have a job interview coming up soon, so I'll have to straighten it before then and will hopefully be able to post some results (what's the best place to post pictures by the way?)

Any who, right now I am still dealing with breakage around me edges around the crown of my head. I have been using OCT since August, but not consistently because I have been wearing braids and sew-ins for most of the year. But I did notice that some of the spots I had have grown in and become thicker.

But if anyone could recommend a growth aid for edges, Please DO! :yep:

BUT back to the point of me posting (sorry the above was a serious

I wanted to mention that my hair is and has always been very dry, even with relaxers, but I KNOW that I have recently found my HG!!!

And it is GLYCERIN and water. That's it. 100% glycerin that you get in a bottle ( I purchased mine from Walgreens in an 8.5oz bottle for $5.99) I mixed it about 50% water and 40% glycerin... sprayed my hair after washing, DC , twisted it on Monday and as of today (Thursday) my hair is still moist and I haven't had to respray it or anything. And I didn't even drench it the first time.

I used to use S-Curl which kept my hair moisturized during braids, etc... but I heard some of the products in it aren't ideal so I stopped using it. I can't comment on the longevity of it as far as growth, but I can vouch for the fact that it moisturized my always dry head and will remain a staple from this point forward.

The other product I wanted to rave about was L'Oreal Hydra Gloss CON($4.99) this is the FIRST conditioner that I have tried as a co-wash and it is the first time I have ever seen and felt a change in my hair. I had ringlets, and curl definition with this conditioner that I never really had with any other and I've used CD, Curls, Organix shea butter CON, ORS Replenishing CON, Alterna Caviar CON, Suave Humectant CON, Suave Almond and Shea Butter CON and Trader Joe's Balancing Moisturizer (yeah I'm a bit of a product whore) and none made my hair feel or look as good as this Hydra Gloss CON... OMG...

Sorry for the long post, but I had to share! :grin:
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So, I am still in my beehive and wearing my wig. I spray with my glycerin/water/leave in mixture twice a day and baggy every night and occasionally under my wig. I am determined to retain my growth!
Sorry ladies... would any of you be willing to post what the abbreviations mean? I've been trying to search for it and I checked the new users form, etc and I can't find anything. :eek:(

A few of them I can guess, but I want to be sure before posting my goal! Thanks!!
if u mean abreviations for hair length then

SL = shoulder length
APL = arm pit length
BSL = bra strap length
WL = waist length
TBL - tailbone length
I wash and deep condition my hair twice a week. Lemme tell you it helps with moisture during the winter months.

I use Mega/OCT mix everyday. So I'm getting my protein from using this mixture.

I'm going to start baggying every night to help with moisture.

My edges aren't growing the way I like, but I remember my edges grew quickly with Emu oil, so I'm going to order that.

I'm definitely going to order my steamer this month, I believe this will help with moisture.
I'm going to finish reading this thread, but I had to come in and comment. I was actually looking for a thread that already raved about it... but came across your wonderful thread first!!!

First, let me say, I'm sort of a long-time lurker and newbie poster. So I am not here that often consistently. But I do want to mark my spot in this post. I have 4B, maybe C,D,E,F,G hair and I have never had any length...mainly due to me not taking care of my hair, so it constantly broke off and my edges have always been a problem.

I haven't had a relaxer since April 2009 and I am finally 100% natural (very slow grower) I didn't do the big chop, because I don't have the face or look for that, so I wouldn't have felt comfortable with it. I honestly don't know what length my hair is, because I haven't had it straightened in a long time. I'm sure it's not that long though.

u dont have to straighten to do a length check, just grab a small section of hair and pull, promise, it works LOL

But I do have a job interview coming up soon, so I'll have to straighten it before then and will hopefully be able to post some results (what's the best place to post pictures by the way?)

I use photobucket

Any who, right now I am still dealing with breakage around me edges around the crown of my head. I have been using OCT since August, but not consistently because I have been wearing braids and sew-ins for most of the year. But I did notice that some of the spots I had have grown in and become thicker.

But if anyone could recommend a growth aid for edges, Please DO! :yep:
low tension low manipulation styles, Ive nvr had an issue with edges (other than genetics LOL) but ladies have used megatek, MN and Castor oil infused with rosemary or teatree oils for growth and stimulation

BUT back to the point of me posting (sorry the above was a serious

I wanted to mention that my hair is and has always been very dry, even with relaxers, but I KNOW that I have recently found my HG!!!

And it is GLYCERIN and water. That's it. 100% glycerin that you get in a bottle ( I purchased mine from Walgreens in an 8.5oz bottle for $5.99) I mixed it about 50% water and 40% glycerin... sprayed my hair after washing, DC , twisted it on Monday and as of today (Thursday) my hair is still moist and I haven't had to respray it or anything. And I didn't even drench it the first time.
I also love glycerine and water but Ive stopped using because Ive found a better moisturizing spritz well atleast for me ( water, aloevera gel, silk amino acids and rosewater)

I used to use S-Curl which kept my hair moisturized during braids, etc... but I heard some of the products in it aren't ideal so I stopped using it. I can't comment on the longevity of it as far as growth, but I can vouch for the fact that it moisturized my always dry head and will remain a staple from this point forward.

ummm S-Curl cud have the debbils sweat in it I ent giving it up ... lOL but seriouslt, its the only "non natural" thing thats it my regimen now

The other product I wanted to rave about was L'Oreal Hydra Gloss CON($4.99) this is the FIRST conditioner that I have tried as a co-wash and it is the first time I have ever seen and felt a change in my hair. I had ringlets, and curl definition with this conditioner that I never really had with any other and I've used CD, Curls, Organix shea butter CON, ORS Replenishing CON, Alterna Caviar CON, Suave Humectant CON, Suave Almond and Shea Butter CON and Trader Joe's Balancing Moisturizer (yeah I'm a bit of a product whore) and none made my hair feel or look as good as this Hydra Gloss CON... OMG...

Sorry for the long post, but I had to share! :grin:

happy hair growing :grin:

I hardly post, mostly lurk. Anyway, I would like to comment. I have been using Ayurveda powders (2 months) and I also have been transitioning, with that being said, reason for me transition was because relax hair require too much maintance (this is my opinion). Also, being relax requires more products; cheleting being one. I got one relaxer last year November 2009 and at the time I decided I REALLY wanted to be natural. So... I transition, a year and a month later I am still transitioning.
Long story short, I soon got VERY interested in indian powders. Not only did this improve my hair by SO much, my relaxed ends NEVER looked better (stringy ends and lifeless hair even though I was texlax) and my new growth is so managable w/ indian powder. If I knew about how good the powders would make my natural hair feel, I would have never texlaxed.
Just wanted to share, if any was ever thinking about Ayurveda (esp if you are a natural w/ unmanagable knots), I strongly recommend it.
I have fine 4 hair and lots of it.
Oh and the added growth is a PLUS.

BTW, great thread!
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@Honi - ur baby is soooo cute! And her hair looks good and healthy......ur obviously doing a great job :)

Awww thanks! I was just about to do her hair and needed something to hold it up before I started to detangle, wash, etc. Those ouchless bands are so difficult to get around it so what you see there is an old shoestring! :lachen:

She looked so cute with the puff and her feet pajamas I snapped that picture.
Now Forming an Army of FUTURE SUPER-LONG HAIR 4B (or mostly 4b) NATURALS! Come on in!

That is my goal I thought I was alone! I BD'd August 2009 and I hope to be waist length within 5-6 years (August 2014-2015).
Re: Now Forming an Army of FUTURE SUPER-LONG HAIR 4B (or mostly 4b) NATURALS! Come on

So, I've been on the forum for just about 6 months, and I joined because when I BC'd, I set a goal for SUPER LONG NATURAL 4B hair- WL to be exact :grin:

I've "met" and researched the fabulous long-haired 4b naturals on the forum (shout out to @Sera, @***Victory is Mine, @mwedzi, and the others), but what I haven't seen is a thread dedicated specifically to those whose goal it is to grow SUPER-LONG 4B NATURAL HAIR (BSL or longer).

I'd like this thread to be an inspiration to 4b/mostly 4b natural newbies that there are other 4bs out there who share their same super-long hair goals, are activitely growing their hair super-long, or have already acheived their super-long hair goal. It should be a place where we share tips, advice, encouragement, pics, inspiration, setbacks- the whole gamut.

So, come on in ladies!! I promise- this isn't another challenge :nono:, there are no hardfast rules, just a support community we can use to reach our super-long hair goals and show the world that "our" hair CAN & WILL grow as super-long as we want!

Please post your current reggie, your ultimate super-long hair goal, and starting and current pics, if you have them. Feel free to share your "relaxed to natural" story too....those are always fun to read :grin:

Public Home | Snickieb |, photo and video sharing made easy.

I need to update my pictures.
Speaking of moisturizing.....

So I worked out this morning, and decided to just water rinse my hair afterwards. I normally would have applied my moisturizer and oil to seal afterwards, but I noticed my bottle of Africas Best oil and decided to experiment with oil rinsing. After I water rinsed, I saturated my hair with oil and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Afterwards I quickly rinsed again, making sure not to completely rid my hair of all the oil. I was tempted to "seal" afterwards, but I didn't cuz I wanted to really test the effects of the oil rinse.

When my hair dried.......OMG it was so SOFT! Dare I say it is softer than it is after I moisturize and seal! I will DEFINITELY make this a regular part of my weekly regimen.

For all the newbies who haven't tried oil rinsing- try it and let us know your results!
if u mean abreviations for hair length then

SL = shoulder length
APL = arm pit length
BSL = bra strap length
WL = waist length
TBL - tailbone length

THANK YOU!!! So my first goal is SL all over. This is going to be challenging for me, as I've never been that even when it was permed. I am truly a work in progress and learning how to properly take care of and LOVE my hair. :grin:

Speaking of moisturizing.....

So I worked out this morning, and decided to just water rinse my hair afterwards. I normally would have applied my moisturizer and oil to seal afterwards, but I noticed my bottle of Africas Best oil and decided to experiment with oil rinsing. After I water rinsed, I saturated my hair with oil and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Afterwards I quickly rinsed again, making sure not to completely rid my hair of all the oil. I was tempted to "seal" afterwards, but I didn't cuz I wanted to really test the effects of the oil rinse.

When my hair dried.......OMG it was so SOFT! Dare I say it is softer than it is after I moisturize and seal! I will DEFINITELY make this a regular part of my weekly regimen.

For all the newbies who haven't tried oil rinsing- try it and let us know your results!

Hmmm... sounds great. I'll have to try it.. Is there a particular type of oil that will do?

I have a bottle of Aveda or is it Kera Care... Essential Oils and I'd love to try it out during my wash day this week!
Originally Posted by Amazhaan
I'm going to finish reading this thread, but I had to come in and comment. I was actually looking for a thread that already raved about it... but came across your wonderful thread first!!!

First, let me say, I'm sort of a long-time lurker and newbie poster. So I am not here that often consistently. But I do want to mark my spot in this post. I have 4B, maybe C,D,E,F,G hair and I have never had any length...mainly due to me not taking care of my hair, so it constantly broke off and my edges have always been a problem.

I haven't had a relaxer since April 2009 and I am finally 100% natural (very slow grower) I didn't do the big chop, because I don't have the face or look for that, so I wouldn't have felt comfortable with it. I honestly don't know what length my hair is, because I haven't had it straightened in a long time. I'm sure it's not that long though.

u dont have to straighten to do a length check, just grab a small section of hair and pull, promise, it works LOL

But I do have a job interview coming up soon, so I'll have to straighten it before then and will hopefully be able to post some results (what's the best place to post pictures by the way?)

I use photobucket

Any who, right now I am still dealing with breakage around me edges around the crown of my head. I have been using OCT since August, but not consistently because I have been wearing braids and sew-ins for most of the year. But I did notice that some of the spots I had have grown in and become thicker.

But if anyone could recommend a growth aid for edges, Please DO!

low tension low manipulation styles, Ive nvr had an issue with edges (other than genetics LOL) but ladies have used megatek, MN and Castor oil infused with rosemary or teatree oils for growth and stimulation

BUT back to the point of me posting (sorry the above was a serious

I wanted to mention that my hair is and has always been very dry, even with relaxers, but I KNOW that I have recently found my HG!!!

And it is GLYCERIN and water. That's it. 100% glycerin that you get in a bottle ( I purchased mine from Walgreens in an 8.5oz bottle for $5.99) I mixed it about 50% water and 40% glycerin... sprayed my hair after washing, DC , twisted it on Monday and as of today (Thursday) my hair is still moist and I haven't had to respray it or anything. And I didn't even drench it the first time.
I also love glycerine and water but Ive stopped using because Ive found a better moisturizing spritz well atleast for me ( water, aloevera gel, silk amino acids and rosewater)

I used to use S-Curl which kept my hair moisturized during braids, etc... but I heard some of the products in it aren't ideal so I stopped using it. I can't comment on the longevity of it as far as growth, but I can vouch for the fact that it moisturized my always dry head and will remain a staple from this point forward.

ummm S-Curl cud have the debbils sweat in it I ent giving it up ... lOL but seriouslt, its the only "non natural" thing thats it my regimen now

The other product I wanted to rave about was L'Oreal Hydra Gloss CON($4.99) this is the FIRST conditioner that I have tried as a co-wash and it is the first time I have ever seen and felt a change in my hair. I had ringlets, and curl definition with this conditioner that I never really had with any other and I've used CD, Curls, Organix shea butter CON, ORS Replenishing CON, Alterna Caviar CON, Suave Humectant CON, Suave Almond and Shea Butter CON and Trader Joe's Balancing Moisturizer (yeah I'm a bit of a product whore) and none made my hair feel or look as good as this Hydra Gloss CON... OMG...

Sorry for the long post, but I had to share!

happy hair growing

Thanks for all the info and feedback... LOL @ the S-curl comment... I have to agree with ya... I'm cool with the water and glycerin for now... I am so happy with this product... I just can't believe it... nothing has every worked that well... besides the s-curl...but I really only used that while in braids/weaves.