Now Forming an Army of SUPER-LONG HAIR 4B (or mostly 4b) NATURALS!! Come on in!

Awww! Thanks to Platinum, YaYa24, and Foxglove for the hair love and right back atcha. I'm glad I came out of hiding. Hair growing is more fun with company.:grin:

Foxglove I will try to add regularly to my Fotki so that there is more to stalk. :lol:

@SimJam you are right the dandruff poos are drying. Max Green Alchemy is the gentlest I've found that actually still works so I will have to stick with it. There is no cure for dandruff, it can really only be maintained and kept at bay so I don't see any co-washing or anything else like that in my future. The lady at the shop told me that following up with a moisturizing shampoo would counteract the drying effect so I've been following up with AO Island Naturals. But, now that I think about it I'm like, what?!?:huh: Why should I use MORE shampoo?!? So for my wash tonight I skipped the moisturizing poo and went straight to the DC. The suds from the dandruff poo run down my strands anyway so hopefully that will be enough to get them clean. Thanks for giving me something to think about. You just might have saved me some hair tonight. &BTW: your colour is making me want to pick up the bleach again. I heart those highlights.:love:

I will check in tomorrow with the results from my wash night experiments. I'm so pumped to keep this thread alive. 4b 4eva!!!:afro:
Last night I deviated from my usual routine in that I prepooed as opposed to DCing post poo, with a new mix: Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Hydrating-Calming condish** + EVCO + black castor oil + 1 tbsp honey + Aubrey's GBP & WC.

ETA: **I realised a day later that I had mistakenly used Giovanni Direct Leave In by accident! I forgot I gave away the above mentioned Giovanni shampoo and conditioner when I was on holiday. Y'see when you do things in a hurry? lol Anyway, the results were still good.**

DCing before washing, and not undoing my 7 big plaits at any point in the wash process left some condish mix in my hair. Once I rinsed out the shampoo, I coated the plaits with a small amount of Yes To Cucumbers condish (let it sit for about 15 minutes while I ate) and then took each plait out and turned it into 2/3 twists.

I made up a new spritz mix of KCKT, AVJ, glycerine and spring water, but felt like it wasn't adding anything because I could still feel the DC mix on my strands so I didn't use it after a while. I sealed the ends of my twists with castor oil. I lost very little hair.

When I finished for some reason I was paranoid that my hair was going to come out dry, so I took out each twist one by one and added some Qhemet BRBC before twisting my hair back up smaller. By the time I got to the last plaits, my hair was totally dry, but it was sooo soft! Had I been bold enough to leave it alone, I think my hair would've been fine! Interesting. Anyway I had a pretty twistout today, but it didn't make it out the house - I didn't wanna leave my ends exposed to the cold air.
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i love this thread! i think is exactly what 4b's needed.

i'm in my 8th month of transition (i think), and so far so good. at first i did flexi-sets but then it became too difficult to hide the new growth at the front of my head. i didnt want to wear headbands all the time.

i've since decided to transition with crochet braids because they're quick and easy, not to mention cheap cos i can do them myself.

i spray with my moisture spray once a day if i remember (more like every other day). i only wash my hair when i do a new install once a month, but i clean my scalp weekly with tea-tree oil and aloe vera gel. when i wash i prepoo for a couple of hours with evco, then condition-wash-condition, and blow dry on low heat.

i plan to crochet braid for another year at least, and BC when my hair is apl. its between sl and cbl now.
@Ladylo- your hair is so beautiful! Thick and healthy looking. Have you had your hair cut into that shape, or is that how it naturally grows out?

So I think I've found my winter moisturizer....SCURL!! You heard me right lol. I dropped glycerin based moisturizer mix like a bad habit as soon as the cold air came, but nothing else seems to keep my hair moisturized. So...after reading a couple of @Nonie posts where she kept going on and on (jk lol) about how great it is, I decided to give it a try.

I did a water rinse last night, t-shirt dried, sprayed the scurl over my braids and sealed with CO. I woke up with the sofest hair I've had in weeks!! Thanks @Nonie!

Don't know if it'll work for anyone else, or even longer into the cold months, but I'd definitely suggest at least giving it a try. HTH
The lady at the shop told me that following up with a moisturizing shampoo would counteract the drying effect so I've been following up with AO Island Naturals. But, now that I think about it I'm like, what?!?:huh: Why should I use MORE shampoo?!? So for my wash tonight I skipped the moisturizing poo and went straight to the DC.

@bride91501: thanks so much. My hair seems to grow naturally into these layers. I have never had it specifically cut this way. I think some of this effect is also caused by breakage over time (esp. in the crown area) but I like the look so I'm not sweating it:lol:

Results from my wash n' twist yesterday:

I think the avocado oil pre-poo was a good idea. My hair did not feel stripped after shampooing. I'm still not sure whether the oil might prevent the hair from getting totally clean but my scalp is my main concern so as long as that's spotless I'm ok.:ohwell:

I detangled in the shower with wheat germ oil and my fingers and this was awesome!:yep: I had way less breakage and it took way less time (1/2 hour instead of 2 hours) I am now convinced that since twisting keeps my hair in an untangled state anyway there is no need for me to do all this heavy detangling before a wash. The comb and conditioner method only serves to shrink and tangle my hair and waste my time. The oil and finger method kept it stretched and minimized manipulation.

I DC'ed with AOHSR and a TBSP each of honey and castor oil. This is my new favourite thing. My hair was softer than it's ever been after a DC. I didn't even use heat cuz I had to hustle to get the dishes done before my fiance got home. Then again I might have been sweatin' a little. I spent my day off taking hair pics and starting a fotki instead of doing chores like I shoulda been.:drunk: SMH, oh well, I gotta have my fun.

After rinsing I moisturized, combed, blowdried and twisted. I then put my twists into a low banded pony, put on a plastic cap (Imma tryout this Greenhouse effect method for a bit) and a silk scarf on top of that and slept on it. This morning I fluffed with a tiny bit of water, Giovanni direct leave in and JBCO. I have pics in this post of the results.

If anyone is interested in my twisting method or wants to see more pics of this then feel free to check out my fotki. I have also updated the album I created yesterday with descriptions of my hair, my goals and my story. I am hoping to find a hair twin to share info with and learn from so hopefully my albums will help me with that search.:look: And even though this HHJ in a new thing for me hopefully I'll be able to help someone else out too.

Thanks ladies! Since finding LHCF my hair already looks and feels better than it has my whole life!


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Oh! I'm also wondering if I can put out a general question. How much hair do you lose when you twist? I always seem to have some hairs slide out of the twist when I get to the end. Some are probably shed hairs but I know that some of them are broken too.:sad: Does anyone else have this issue? I lost was less hair detangling then I ever have before BUT then I lost just as much hair twisting as I did detangling. I took a pic of it so y'all can see. Just wondering if it's normal. The clump on the right is from detangling and the one on the left is from twisting. I've got a nickle in the middle for comparison.

BTW: My mom keeps her shed hair after she combs it.:perplexed Weird or what? She collects it in envelopes!!! I always ask her if she's trying to keep it safe in case someone tries to work some Obeah on her.:lachen: She insists that it's just cause she can't stand to part with it but I'm suspicious.


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Oh! I'm also wondering if I can put out a general question. How much hair do you lose when you twist?

BTW: My mom keeps her shed hair after she combs it.:perplexed Weird or what? She collects it in envelopes!!! I always ask her if she's trying to keep it safe in case someone tries to work some Obeah on her.:lachen: She insists that it's just cause she can't stand to part with it but I'm suspicious.

I dont lose much hair when twisting, yes a few shed annd maybe some broken ends but I usually get the bulk of it in detanging

and re th ecollecting hair, my mom always used to tell me not to throw /sweep my hair ouside as ppl can use it to work obeah on u or if birds use is to make their nest u;ll get insane LOL

but Ive nvr heard of anyone collecting it forever
I love the Yes To Cucumbers Colour Care conditioner!! (I don't have colour BTW). I enjoyed it as a cowash when I had my mini-plaits in, and last night used it as a moisturiser/light detangler. Love love love the stuff.
I dont lose much hair when twisting, yes a few shed annd maybe some broken ends but I usually get the bulk of it in detanging

and re th ecollecting hair, my mom always used to tell me not to throw /sweep my hair ouside as ppl can use it to work obeah on u or if birds use is to make their nest u;ll get insane LOL

but Ive nvr heard of anyone collecting it forever

Thanks for the response! If this is not happening to others then I think I'm probably still being too ruff with my hair. The blowdrying I'm sure doesn't help either. I'm trying to wean myself but I have yet to make peace with my shrinkage and it helps with SSK's. I think it does give me more splits though so:perplexed.

And you know I honestly don't know if she keeps the hair forever. I just know she always puts it away. I'm hoping she chucks it eventually but who knows? I have also heard about the birds nesting in hair and it making you sick. Man these people can talk crazy sometime.:lol: I love to hear the old stories though.

Judging from that last pic with the fat twists, you're hair is my goal length! Awesome!:clapping:

Thanks! Your hair is beautiful and I've admired the style in your avi and siggy for a while as a lurker. I know that with the help of these ladies you will reach your goal.

Your hair is beautiful ladylo!

Thanks Vee! This means a lot because I have probably gone through every pic in your fotki :blush: and you're a lifelong natural whose late to the healthy hair game just like me. I LOVE the styles you do and it has really inspired me to try something different on my hair besides the same old twists I do every week. I can't part or canerow though so I am going to ask my sister to do it for me. She does her daughters hair and theirs has always looked great. I have not had my hair braided by anyone since I was 13 and I always hated it because I'm tenderheaded. But at least with my sister I will feel free to act up if she pulls too hard.:lol: Hopefully she won't knock my head with the comb.:spinning:

I'm also going to keep an eye on the products you use because I think we are close in texture although It's hard to tell because my hair is still so dry. I'm hoping I will also get that lovely sheen and pliability when my moisture retention is finally on point.:lick:

Thanks ladies! First time using multi-quote, looks like it turned out ok.
4b checking in! This thread is right on time!

My current goal is bra strap length twists

I wear wigs 95% of the time, I will continue to do so until about June 2011.

Today I decided to try and wash and steam once a week in the cornrows, I have been slacking majorly on my deep conditioning and I have horrible splits.

Im not trimming though because my hair splits at each curl, kind of an "o" so trimming does nothing. Im hoping that regular deep conditioning will help with this problem.

Im looking forward to wearing my hair out next summer for my 10th wedding anniversary:grin:! But it will have to be strong and healthy enough for 3 mos of not protective styling.

My staples: Trader Joe Shampoo and condish, Jessicurl WDT, Taliah Waajids protective bodifier spray, JBCO, Megatek and Ovation Cell Therapy mix, Aveda Damage Remedy IRT and Alter Ego Garlic Treatment for Shedding. Nasaab's shea butter is good for sealing.

I also own a steamer, which is a MUST for 4b's. My hair was chronically dry without it. Also I henna regulary, I LOVE IT! Keeps my hair strong and helps with SSK's. I do not comb at all. I have been natural for 5 years. Had I known this in the beginning of my journey my hair would be so long...but no regrets and hopefully someone will learn from this info.

Now that I type this out, I believe my hair would thrive using only these products and aggressive protective styling until I get these splits under control by actually deep conditioning weekly instead of monthly....
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I LOVE THIS THREAD. This is just my place keeper because it is late and my alarm will be going off in 4 hours. I have GOT to get off of this board and go to bed!
I love this thread!

Ladylo, I want your hair! BEAUTIFUL! I hate doing twists, because I too experience exactly what you described. Now that I am using kimmytube's leave in conditioner, its helped some. I even dip my fingers in coconut oil as I twist hoping that will help.

Afrokink, I wore my hair like yours today. This is the first time I saw your pic & its lovely. My hair ended up in this updo because I finally decided to use Ms Jessie silkening cream. I purchased it when I was transitioning. Well, its not for my 4b hair. After washing my hair, I used the kimmytube leave in, applied the silkening cream to each section & braided. I sit under my soft bonnet dryer for about 20 mins & air dried the rest of the night. This morning, I applied some coconut oil to each braid before taking them down. My hair was defined & very soft. When I pulled the braids apart for more fullness, it poofed & I lost most of the definition. The silkening cream did not provide enough hold. At least my hair smelled nice & it was moisturized.
Just browsed the thread from the beginning. Britt, Mook, Lala, too many of you to name, are shining examples of why I wanted to go natural. I used to drool over Mook's fotki album.
Thanks Vee! This means a lot because I have probably gone through every pic in your fotki :blush: and you're a lifelong natural whose late to the healthy hair game just like me. I LOVE the styles you do and it has really inspired me to try something different on my hair besides the same old twists I do every week. I can't part or canerow though so I am going to ask my sister to do it for me. She does her daughters hair and theirs has always looked great. I have not had my hair braided by anyone since I was 13 and I always hated it because I'm tenderheaded. But at least with my sister I will feel free to act up if she pulls too hard.:lol: Hopefully she won't knock my head with the comb.:spinning:

I'm also going to keep an eye on the products you use because I think we are close in texture although It's hard to tell because my hair is still so dry. I'm hoping I will also get that lovely sheen and pliability when my moisture retention is finally on point.:lick:

Thanks ladies! First time using multi-quote, looks like it turned out ok.

Hugs and much love baby girl, thank you!

Hope sis don't conk you in the head with the comb :lol: brings back memories, lol!

In short, my hair has thrived since I cut out heat, upped my moisture, and stayed committed to double protective styling i.e. making sure my ends are up, protected and hidden as much as possible even when twisted/plaited.

Need to make a products album but for now I'm just trying to be a bit more detailed in my fotki as to my processes and the products I use etc so hopefully that can be of some help.
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@finickyone: Thanks! You got some fly hair too lady. I love how thick your puff looks in your avatar

@vee: Yay! I will continue to keep an eye out:detective:
I love this thread!

Ladylo, I want your hair! BEAUTIFUL! I hate doing twists, because I too experience exactly what you described. Now that I am using kimmytube's leave in conditioner, its helped some. I even dip my fingers in coconut oil as I twist hoping that will help.

Afrokink, I wore my hair like yours today. This is the first time I saw your pic & its lovely. My hair ended up in this updo because I finally decided to use Ms Jessie silkening cream. I purchased it when I was transitioning. Well, its not for my 4b hair. After washing my hair, I used the kimmytube leave in, applied the silkening cream to each section & braided. I sit under my soft bonnet dryer for about 20 mins & air dried the rest of the night. This morning, I applied some coconut oil to each braid before taking them down. My hair was defined & very soft. When I pulled the braids apart for more fullness, it poofed & I lost most of the definition. The silkening cream did not provide enough hold. At least my hair smelled nice & it was moisturized.

Thanks! I've never tried Ms Jessie silkening cream, I wonder if its suppose to be used for shingling. If I remember correctly, I did a pulled apart a twist out in the pic. I dont like hair touching my face or neck:look:, so I tend to wear it up a lot...
So I'm in the process of getting my hair straightened. It is a process. Yesterday was my 5th or 6th time going. :blush: Anyway, after 2 more visits, it should be straightened. :lol: But when it is, it will get a trim, maybe even a cut. So how should I cut my hair? Blunt and straight across? Reshaping layers? No real layers except for a gentle U? I haven't seen my hair straight for about 8 years, and haven't had a cut for shape for at least that long. It's an exciting thought.

I don't know, maybe I'll just get 1/2" trimmed off everywhere and call it a day. My plan was to grow to waist before cutting for shape. Maybe I should just stick to that.
So I'm in the process of getting my hair straightened. It is a process. Yesterday was my 5th or 6th time going. :blush: Anyway, after 2 more visits, it should be straightened. :lol: But when it is, it will get a trim, maybe even a cut. So how should I cut my hair? Blunt and straight across? Reshaping layers? No real layers except for a gentle U? I haven't seen my hair straight for about 8 years, and haven't had a cut for shape for at least that long. It's an exciting thought.

I don't know, maybe I'll just get 1/2" trimmed off everywhere and call it a day. My plan was to grow to waist before cutting for shape. Maybe I should just stick to that.

ahhhh ummmm :look:

is it because it keeps reverting? or is it because of the sheer volume of ue beautiful hair?

anyhooo, can we have pics of the final product?

why do u want to trim? just for shape or is it that ur end need trimming for health reasons?

sorry so many questions :spinning:
So I'm in the process of getting my hair straightened. It is a process. Yesterday was my 5th or 6th time going. :blush: Anyway, after 2 more visits, it should be straightened. :lol: But when it is, it will get a trim, maybe even a cut. So how should I cut my hair? Blunt and straight across? Reshaping layers? No real layers except for a gentle U? I haven't seen my hair straight for about 8 years, and haven't had a cut for shape for at least that long. It's an exciting thought.

I don't know, maybe I'll just get 1/2" trimmed off everywhere and call it a day. My plan was to grow to waist before cutting for shape. Maybe I should just stick to that.

I like your last paragraph. I vote for that.

And yeah, your line about two more visits and it should be straightened is funny. :giggle: Please elaborate.
ahhhh ummmm :look:

is it because it keeps reverting? or is it because of the sheer volume of ue beautiful hair?

anyhooo, can we have pics of the final product?

why do u want to trim? just for shape or is it that ur end need trimming for health reasons?

sorry so many questions :spinning:

I like your last paragraph. I vote for that.

And yeah, your line about two more visits and it should be straightened is funny. :giggle: Please elaborate.

:giggle: I have to trim because of my single strand knots that lead to more tangles. But if I cut it will be for shape. I don't like my current layers.

So I have to keep going because she is trying to coax my hair into being straight. My hair was very cottony, spider-web-y, and all of that when I first went. I try to tell folks the severity, but they don't hear me though. I think she was a little surprised after the first visit when it took her over 4 hours to detangle (sorta). :blush: So she's learning my hair bit by bit, taking notes, and getting it used to heat. And not too long ago, I missed a few weeks, and though I tried to detangle it (spending a long time, too), it was back to full on nappy with shed hair. So we had to start again.

I've had others straighten my hair before, but it was more used to heat ( I used to blow dry for real, with a comb extension) and also they hurt me. She's trying her best, and succeeding, at not hurting me. But that means it takes a looooong time. This past time, I detangled, washed, conditioned, and blow dried before going in and then she was able to straighten more than usual.

See fotki for pictures, ones in the white shirt for latest visit.
^^First of all you're so beautiful. :love: Such a joy to see your pics.

Then that hair! :drool:

Looks like you're really making strides. :yep: Looking at your latest pics, one would never guess you're not yet quite there. Your hair looks so smooth, more than I've ever seen it.

So nice to have a patient and caring stylist. I remember you do have a tender head so that she doesn't hurt you is just priceless. I shall be checking in. Seems like a fun project.
^^First of all you're so beautiful. :love: Such a joy to see your pics.

Then that hair! :drool:

Looks like you're really making strides. :yep: Looking at your latest pics, one would never guess you're not yet quite there. Your hair looks so smooth, more than I've ever seen it.

So nice to have a patient and caring stylist. I remember you do have a tender head so that she doesn't hurt you is just priceless. I shall be checking in. Seems like a fun project.

Thank you. :Blush2: She really gets it pretty straight. :yep: But if you've seen her handiwork before (and you have), you see that the hair is really straight when she's done. I can't run my fingers through my hair quite yet. But I will post pictures in December!
Thank you. :Blush2: She really gets it pretty straight. :yep: But if you've seen her handiwork before (and you have), you see that the hair is really straight when she's done. I can't run my fingers through my hair quite yet. But I will post pictures in December!

OK, I lost my meds and don't have a clue of whom you speak. :poke: Do tell!
Good Morning Type 4 naturalistas!
Today I am going to my friend (who is a stylist) to get my hair blown-out, trimmed and lightly flatironed.

This will be my first blowdry/ flatiron on my hair at the salon since my BC

I'm a little nervous.. but excited to see the results
Good Morning Type 4 naturalistas!
Today I am going to my friend (who is a stylist) to get my hair blown-out, trimmed and lightly flatironed.

This will be my first blowdry/ flatiron on my hair at the salon since my BC

I'm a little nervous.. but excited to see the results

It will look great; don't be nervous. Can't wait to see the pics!! :yep: