Now Forming an Army of SUPER-LONG HAIR 4B (or mostly 4b) NATURALS!! Come on in!

Yay! More 4b hair idols checking in! I'm glad this thread has you guys excited...that's saying alot!

@Platinum- your hair has grown so much since I first joined! Despite the nape setback, you must be doing alot of things right. It looks so healthy.

@MizzBrit -:worship2: your puff is LHCF's best. Hands down. Have always been meaning to tell you that....glad I just got my chance lol.

GENERAL QUESTION: How do I know the moisture content of my hair when it's in cornrows? I'm PSing in cornrows under wigs, and I moisturize and seal daily. However, when it dries, although it does feel soft it also feels kinda rough or coarse to the touch at the same time. Does that make sense? I don't know if it's the fuzz from the braids or depleted moisture level.

Any thoughts? Advice? I've attached a pic so you guys can at least see what I mean. And PLEASE don't judge....I know it's bad but I'm on week 3 in these bad boys! lol

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Thanks for the lovely compliments ladies. I tried to quote but the feature doesn't seem to be working right. MizBritt your hair is fab, you don't need to kill to get mine. Your twists are gorgeous. And no weirdness but your body is hott. I have Insanity at home on the shelf. I need to get moving.
Hi everyone! I'm a new LHCF member and have been lurking so far.:sekret: This is the first time I've felt encouraged to post in a thread and I'm super inspired by all the awesome 4b women in here with luscious moisturized hair. Sorry I don't have pics but like I said I'm new and I wasn't sure I'd every really post until seeing this and realizing there are more long-haired and aspiring long-haired 4bs out there then I thought.

Currently my hair is in layers. Some APL(back), some SL (sides) and some CBL (front). My hair is very thick and I know that many black women I meet already consider it long (especially hairdressers! lol) but since finding the hair community and the amazing things black women are doing with their hair I now feel like a shorty and am really inspired to grow to BSL if I can.:lachen:

My story: I've always been natural. I used to tag along to the salon with my big sisters in the 80's and watch them cry through their relaxers. Then I watched as all their hair slowly broke off. Between the two of them they tried a lot of things to get their hair straight and all the while it only got shorter and thinner.:perplexed Because of their experiences I was discouraged by my mom (who rocked a curl for a while but otherwise has always been natural as well) and by my sisters from ever relaxing my hair. I wore it in twists, box braids and occasionally braided extensions throughout high school (with not a lot of dates, needless to say:nono:). I also bleached and died it Manic Panic Red for years (I know! but I loved it and I dream about doing it again all the time). Truthfully I've always been haphazard with my hair care and consequently it has always hovered between SL and APL. Like I said it is thick, BUT I have trouble with split ends, breakage and moisture retention. It looks healthy enough to the person on the street but unfortunately I know the truth.:nono: I'd also love some new ideas for styling techniques. I'll be keeping an eye on you ladies to see what works for you and if I get up the nerve I may start a fotki and take some hair pics so that I can really join in. I really hope we can keep this thread alive and come to each other when we have issues.

BTW: both my sisters are natural now as well. One with Sister Locks and one loose like me. My mom alternates between braids, presses and cornrows. Our cousins think we're crazy. We are the "weird" natural-headed branch of the family.:lachen: Right now I'm just trying to figure out a regimen and the right products to use. Also how to comb and detangle my hair without ripping it out. It's always been so thick that I honestly didn't care how much came out in the comb.:spinning: Now thanks to LHCF I realize that rough handling is probably my main problem in growing to a really long length.

Sorry this post is forever long. I got a little excited!!!!! Nice to meet all of you and your beautiful hair! I think I finally found my place on this forum.:woot:
Love this thread. :lick: @Ms Lala hair and I second Rustic Beauty from yt :yep: being a great type 4 natural.

I have type 4 hair and am really enjoying this thread. I don't post alot of pics (I really need to fix that soon) but my hair ranges from past collarbone in the front bangs area and bottom of bra strap in the back. My last relaxer was 12/4/2008 so I consider that my growth starting point (even though I didn't make the decision to "go natural" until the following March).

I did my BC at 16 months post relaxer. I lurked LHCF and did Twisting for Growth challenges from the sidelines. I don't use any growth aids or supplements other than a regular multivitamin for general health.

While I have tons and tons of shedding (despite efforts in tea rinsing and monthly protein treatments) I have managed to retain the appearance of dense hair. I have fine/medium strands though.

No real set reggie just lo/no mani. Usually pixie braids or twists. Co-wash with Trader Joes NS ~2x per week and leave some condish in. I've been slacking on moisturizing and sealing regularly. When I remember or have the energy I'll rub some Jane Carter's N&S on it after the co-wash. I have been trimming ALOT on a monthly basis bc of SSKs but it hasn't had as big an effect on my natural styles (we'll see what happens when I straighten). Just took out a set of braids and did a chunky twist set with a shealoe and olive oil mix I did in a small batch until next week when I'm thinking about doing a blow-out for the holiday.

Sorry the post was so long and no pics :blush:
Glad to see lurkers coming out of the woodwork, this was a great thread idea OP!

Last night I took my hair out of the flat twist style and it took alot of time and energy to detangle my hair and put it in 7 big plaits - they are thiiick! I have alot of hair on my head, my sister was amazed, lol. I'm happy that my hair is thick and flourishing right now, but sometimes (when the arm pain sets in after a detangling/wrangling session) I wonder how much more hair I can handle!

I may be on the verge of trying out blow-drying again - cool setting only for now. I have not trusted myself to consider this for a while.

Somebody posted recently about a blowdryer which actually has a cool setting, or was that on Fotki? Hmm, I need to do some research.
Hi Ladies!

Subscribing! I am a 4a/b mix with a goal of full APL by the end of 2011. I LOVE my hair, its thickness, and its texture! :yep: I have finally found a regimen that works for me. Products and practices such as: Kimmaytube leave-in, prepoo/wash/condition/steaming hair in 6-7 braids, castor oil, jojoba oil and aloe vera juice/gel have made my hair so soft, moisturized, and easy to work with.
@Mizzbrit wow:yep::yep::yep::yep:
Mook's Hair I always droll at your hair :yep::yep:
Ladies I cannot name you all but your hair is amazing .
I did not put my goal on my first post ,so my goal is be APL -MBLcoz I have never had long hiar in my life ,so I need mine to be APL or MBL.

Update so my hair was screaming for moisture ,I am still waiting for my Aubrey Organics condtioner to come thru the post.I passed thru Aveda Hair Saloon on friday and bought the dry remedy hair mask OMG my hair is thanking me for it.I deep condtioned with it and the mask just melted in my hair this does not happen to me a lot .Mositurised with Talian Wajjid mist bodifier then sealed with rice bran oil.
The only CON with the mask is that it is expensive for a small tube .I hope the Aubrey Organics White Camelia will work just as good as Aveda Dry REMEDY .
Tonight I'm trying a new prepoo/DC mix and a lil variation on my routine. I'll update with how it turns out.
Hey everyone 4b lurker checking in :yep: My long hair goal is MBL. Right now Im NL (cut 2in in June and need to cut off more:sad:) No pics posted...too lazy:blush: OP love this thread:yep:
I feel left out because I'm predominantly 4a! :sad:

But, I'll keep a watch on this thread (in part to feed my hair porn needs) but also to be inspired and provide encouragement!! :grin:
I'm pretty sure I'm mostly 4b, maybe some 4a here and there. I don't want super long hair ( I think APL straightened will be enough for me) but I wanted to pop in for support and to get some good tips!

I was getting my hair flat ironed weekly at the salon, but recently I've decided that if I want to make APL, I probably need to cut way back on the heat. So i've just been wearing plaits under kinky curly textured half wigs. I won't straighten again until my birthday in February.

I've been using a lot Bee Mine products for shampoo/conditioners/moisturizers. I always DC under a steamer. I use EVOO for detangling. I've been avoiding sulfates, cones, mineral, and petolatum. My hair is way more manageable that I ever thought it could be.
I'm so in!!

I have 97% natural hair; up until like 6 months ago I used to relax the very edges of my hair. I used to go to the salon and get a wash, blow-dry and curl every other week. I had my hair cut in a layered style.

About 5 months ago I decided to grow my hair and stop having it cut in a style. My front grew to my chin but my back didn't seem to go very far.

My hairdresser and I are really good friends since I was really young; I was in her wedding and I trusted her when it came to my hair to the point where I never go to anyone else. She encouraged me not to relax my hair. So I haven't for almost 6/7 years and just the edges every 3/4 months up until like 6 months ago. So basically I trusted everything she told me up until I asked her why my hair wasn't getting any longer in the back since she stopped cutting it into layers and she said " because everyone can't grow long hair, each persons hair has a cut off length."

Well, I just refused to accept this answer and went searching for my own. I ran across Cathy Howse's site which led me here and I'm so glad that it did. I am learning so so much and even though I have had one setback in my month and a half of being here when I protein overloaded my hair, with the help of the women on this site I recovered without having to cut anything and my hair feels great.

I have 4b hair.
I am currently neck length in the back and chin length in the front.
I co-wash 2xs a week with Patene Pro-V Relaxed and Natural Conditioner.
I DC 1x a week with Patene Pro-V Relaxed and Natural, EVOO, EVCO, and peppermint oil.
I shampoo once a month.
I moisturize with Shea Butter, Cantu Shea Butter leave in treatment, S-Curl (sometimes), and Aussie leave in.
I seal my hair with EVCO or Kemi Oil.
I'm still experimenting with protective styles as I can't find one that fits me perfectly yet.
I take a multi-vitamin and an Iron supplement daily. I want to add anything that will help with my growth (any suggestions?).

My goal length is WL as soon as possible. :grin: I know it will take a lot of dedication on my part and I'm ready for it. About a week ago I was contemplating texlaxing because I was becoming overwhelmed with the thickness of my hair and finding a style but I've changed my mind because I know that i just need to get past this in between stage. I am just so used to having straight hair that my current texture kinda overwhelmed me.


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My hairdresser and I are really good friends since I was really young; I was in her wedding and I trusted her when it came to my hair to the point where I never go to anyone else. She encouraged me not to relax my hair. So I haven't for almost 6/7 years and just the edges every 3/4 months up until like 6 months ago. So basically I trusted everything she told me up until I asked her why my hair wasn't getting any longer in the back since she stopped cutting it into layers and she said " because everyone can't grow long hair, each persons hair has a cut off length."

I still can't believe that so many stylists actually fix their mouth to say this to people. No everyone isn't going to have hair to their butt, and yes its going to be harder for some, but I truly don't believe that NL or SL is anyone's "cut off length".
:welcome: to all of the new folks who've found this thread since the weekend! I'm glad to see that we can fill a need that's maybe been lacking.

It's my hope that other 4bs who may be "lurking" the board (you know who you are lol) will find this thread to be a source of support in their long-hair journey.

I'm STILL looking for a winter moisturizer & staple DC....I mixed Joico-K with Lustrasilk for my DC session last far so good, but I think I can do better. I'm also thinking about adding henna to my regimen. I desperately need the conditioning properties it offers, but I'm deathly afraid of the curl loosening I keep hearing about :nono:

Have any of you guys henna'd before? What were your results?
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@bride91501 I henna at least once a month and Ive not experienced curl loosening.

I mean, while the henna is in my hair the weight of it loosens the curl but once I wash out Im good to go.
Checking in:

I am DC with Brahmi powder and skala fruit coctail tonight.

In the morning I will shampoo and quick condition.

I hope I can keep these box braids in until Thursday.
Hey! It's the formerly lurking Ladylo. I had some time today so I took my first ever hair pics and created a Fotki. There's no password so feel free to check it out. Not much there yet though.:look:

Tonight is wash night so last night I pre-poo'd with avocado oil on damp hair. here's my plan for the rest:

Finger detangle in the shower with wheat germ oil then make 8 big braids.
Shampoo my scalp with Max Green Alchemy Scalp Rescue for my dandruff.
Shampoo the length of my hair with AO Island Naturals.
DC for a 1/2 hour with heat using AO HSR, honey and castor oil (first time trying this!)
wash out and plop then oil my scalp with JCBO (does wonders for my scalp condition)
Apply Giovanni Direct leave-in, coconut oil and my shea butter mix then blow dry on low.
Twist and finish with a spritz of water then finish by rubbing on some JBCO.

I know that's a ton of product to put in my hair after washing but my hair is always so dryyyy! It seems to just suck up anything I put on it. In any case I'm going to try this wash routine and see what happens.

I've never tried to do only finger detangling before washing but last time I washed I got the feeling that the comb was only further tangling my hair and I was getting a lot of breakage even when using a ton of conditioner and taking my time. FYI: I use a seamless bone comb that I paid $15.00 for. I'm NOT happy that it seems to break my hair just as much as my old cheapo comb. I just ordered a Magic Star Rake from so I'm hoping it will be gentler on my hair. Hope I find what works for me soon cuz this PJ'ism is costing me $$$$$.

If anyone has any suggestions for me I'm happy to hear them! I MUST use medicated shampoo on my scalp though because I have an inherited scalp condition which results in serious dandruff otherwise. I'm trying out the blowdrying because it seems to make my hair break less (although it may also be making it split more). Ack! Clearly I'm still figuring things out.:spinning: I'm also avoiding cones and mineral oil to see whether this makes a difference.

My original stated goal was to reach BSL and looking at the photos I took today I think the hair at the very back may already be grazing there. So I guess my goal now that I have a better idea of where I'm at is MBL with fewer layers and healthier ends. I'm only 5'1 so hopefully I can make it.:lol:

Thanks ladies! HHG! I'm super inspired by all your luscious locks. Ms Lala and Mwedzi you make my head spin!:drunk:


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YaYa, where do u get skala products?

Sim I stocked up during the skala craze earlier this year and I have a few jars of the fruit coctail left and a few bottles of the ceramides conditioner left :yep:

I absolutely loved the avocado conditioner but I am out
@ladylo your hair is droolworthy. Thanks for coming out of lurking :+)

I know that most dandruff fighting poos usually are drying, so that may be one of the reasons why ur hair is feeling dry.

re the amt of product u r using, hay do what ever floats ur boat as long as it works for u LOL
BTW: If anyone is wondering about my texture... The pics I posted above are of an old twistout done on blowdried hair. I do not naturally have clumping curls except for a very small patch in the back. I have been trying to keep my hair stretched at all times to minimize tangles. In the pics my hair is also saturated in avocado oil as a pre poo for my wash tonight so it may look kind of weirdly shiny.
BTW: If anyone is wondering about my texture... The pics I posted above are of an old twistout done on blowdried hair. I do not naturally have clumping curls except for a very small patch in the back. I have been trying to keep my hair stretched at all times to minimize tangles. In the pics my hair is also saturated in avocado oil as a pre poo for my wash tonight so it may look kind of weirdly shiny.

Yesss new fotki to stalk :grin:
It's nice to see the Lurkers come out.:lurking: Welcome all newbies and lurkers!:lots: Ladylo, you're hair is beautiful!