None of your business or would you tell

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If one of your relatives' BF/BD was messaging one of your FB friends, would you tell them? I hate messiness and drama but at the same time this is a very close cousin of mine and I feel she has the right to know. They have drama and he has cheated and she took him back, but I never feel right knowing some dirt on her man and not telling her because I feel it makes me seem trifling for my friend a stranger to him to tell me he sent her a friend request and ask to come and see her. My cousin lives with this man and they have kids together, creeping with strangers is dangerous and I feel she should know.
Will it make a difference to them?

I vote anonymous letter with screen shots of the Rachetness included, of course blank out my name. :sekret:
Thanks for your responses, I just emailed her (too much of a coward to call, I had the email typed up and waiting for a while) and told her and my friend sent me the screen shots, I am sending them to her. I figure no matter what she decides to do, she deserves to know, we are super tight and I wouldn't feel right not telling. I hope she would do the same and not just look the other way if my DH was that trife!
Thanks for your responses, I just emailed her (too much of a coward to call, I had the email typed up and waiting for a while) and told her and my friend sent me the screen shots, I am sending them to her. I figure no matter what she decides to do, she deserves to know, we are super tight and I wouldn't feel right not telling. I hope she would do the same and not just look the other way if my DH was that trife!

:yep: ITA. Good work!
The whole thing felt messy, but I am glad to say I did my part....she was emailing me back and forth telling me about all the fussing and he was vehemently denying ever having contacted my friend and then denying his intent in the communication saying, he meant something else. I feel like she felt compelled to punish him and make sure she told me about what she did, IDK they have had far worse encounters than this, I mean he has really cheated and she accepted him back this was just intent to cheat whenever they get back together I am sure I will get the cold shoulder from him, but oh well buddy my loyalty lies with my cuzzo...wouldn't have to snitch on ya arse if you didn't do dirt, smh.
I would like to know if it was me and I think any person deserves to know if anyone is lying to them. I would do like Softerlove and do it anonymously...So I can be kept outside of the drama.