
New Member
Is it possible not to have any new growth? I am almost 7 weeks post relaxer and I have no new growth and it is worrying me. I relaxed my hair the last time with a Vital relaxer. I asked about this on the board before and someone said they have used it and it lasted a VERY long time in their hair. Has anyone else ever experienced this? It’s really bothering me especially because I have been using Surge and would have new growth like crazy by now. Is it possible for a relaxer to last this long? I loved the way it made my hair feel and I have had no breakage or anything and my hair was nice and straight.
I really don't understand how a relaxer can "last long." Relaxing is a chemical process that takes place on the outside! I certainly hope that its effects do not penetrate and affect the hair that is yet to grow. That just doesn't seem plausible. Perhaps your hair is in a resting phase? Are you taking MSM? People have reported a texture change with this. Have you changed your vitamins lately? I really don't think it could be the relaxer. That just sounds impossible, but someone please chime in if that could be so...If it is in a resting phase, it will start to grow again soon enough.
I was wondering the same thing, I don't have anywhere near as much new growth as I had before and I'm about 6 or seven weeks post. I thought maybe it's because I haven't taken l-cysteine in a while. That's the only thing that changed.
I don't take MSM just surge and ultranourishair. I do believe though that some relaxers last longer than others. I don't know why but they do. Like I have used Optimum relaxer twice and both times it lasted in my hair for about 2 weeks tops. Then I have used creme of nature and its lasted 6 weeks and I do remember with Vitale it lasted much longer.
How did you determine that you have no new growth? Maybe you should wash your hair and let it airdry to really assess your hair - you might be surprised. Sometimes the heat styling and products used to style hair can make new growth "lay down" or "relax" to match the rest of the hair.
Wolftrap said:
I don't take MSM just surge and ultranourishair. I do believe though that some relaxers last longer than others. I don't know why but they do. Like I have used Optimum relaxer twice and both times it lasted in my hair for about 2 weeks tops. Then I have used creme of nature and its lasted 6 weeks and I do remember with Vitale it lasted much longer.

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I can see how a relaxer might not take as well and how the new growth that was relaxed could revert a bit, but I still cannot see how a relaxer can make the hair, that is yet to grow, just stop growing. That's a scary thought...I think there must be some explanation other than the relaxer itself. Your hair is always growing and since the relaxer only straightens the hair that is outside your scalp, I don't see how your new growth would not just keep growing, being that it has not yet emerged from the scalp at the time of relaxing. I think there may be some other factors. Are you stressed right now? Stress affects hair growth as well. Also, hair growth rate varies. Maybe you are have a slow month or two, and then, it will pick up again. It might not be no growth, it could just be slow growth.
Carefree said:
How did you determine that you have no new growth? Maybe you should wash your hair and let it airdry to really assess your hair - you might be surprised. Sometimes the heat styling and products used to style hair can make new growth "lay down" or "relax" to match the rest of the hair.

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This is a great suggestion, too.
Carefree said:
How did you determine that you have no new growth? Maybe you should wash your hair and let it airdry to really assess your hair - you might be surprised. Sometimes the heat styling and products used to style hair can make new growth "lay down" or "relax" to match the rest of the hair.

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Whenever I am using surge which I am now for the next several weeks. I wash my hair every 3 days and let it airdry or twist it up someway. So I would have noticed the new growth
I have been VERY stressed out lately.
That may be a good reason for not hair growth. My hair should be falling out by now.
Wolftrap said:
I have been VERY stressed out lately.
That may be a good reason for not hair growth. My hair should be falling out by now.

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I have been trying to get a handle on stressors in my life for this very reason. Stress can inhibit hair growth. Easier said than done, but try to find ways to alleviate the stress/relax/pamper yourself. I am sure your hair growth will pick up again. Just don't worry about the growth! You don't need any more stress!
Wolftrap said:
I have been VERY stressed out lately.
That may be a good reason for not hair growth. My hair should be falling out by now.

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Sorry to hear this - stress can definitely be the culprit. Do you exercise - I know exercise is a great stress reliever for me. Take care of yourself and I hope things get better for ya.
Thanks so much. Nope I don't excercise. I need to though. I know it relieves stress and grows hair at the same time. Even though I have like a whole gym in my basement I'm just
Surge makes my new growth more wavy like its easier for me to tell when I have new growth. But maybe not. I will start taking pictures
I also had a Revlon relaxer about 6wks ago and I have minimal new growth. I've been getting kinda ansy about it. I haven't used Revlon relaxer in a while and i'm hoping it didn't damage my scalp in some way.

But..i'm doing all the samethings and will not give up taking care of my hair due to discouragement.

I really hope I see some spurts soon.

When you say "no new growth" you mean NO new growth? Are you sure you don't have even a tiny bit?

I remember when I was relaxed, my growth rate was extremely extremely slow. We're talking less than an 1/8 of an inch per month slow. The relaxer was the culprit to the stunted growth but I at least got some growth.

I can't imagine getting absolutely no new growth. Could you be experiencing a texture change? If so, it would take longer for the new growth to curl.

In a few weeks, let us know your findings.

Yeah I mean NO new growth. My hair still looks like I have a fresh perm. I guess the plus side to this is that I can stretch my relaxer longer. I usually relax at 8 or 9 weeks. I will let you know how it goes.
Wow...I can't imagine why your hair would stop growing
Yeah, if I were you I'd enjoy having straight hair longer than usual
, take pictures now, and then in a few weeks compare the hair at the scalp AND the total length to see if there's any difference in either.
Wolftrap said:
Yeah I mean NO new growth. My hair still looks like I have a fresh perm. I guess the plus side to this is that I can stretch my relaxer longer. I usually relax at 8 or 9 weeks. I will let you know how it goes.

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I hope either one of these things are true:

1. Your hair is growing but the texture is straight
2. Your new growth will sneak up on you and it will be a whole whole lot!
This happens with my nails. I will cut my nails and a week later they are the exact same length. But then one week during the month it looks as if my nails have grown overnight!
