Relaxed ladies who stretch: Do you comb your new growth?

When in the thick of a stretch I only comb my NG on wash day and if I need to I spray with Taaliah Waajih prtotective mist (the 2010 ingredients list) After that I comb from demarcation line on down 1-2x's a week.

I move the hair around at the scalp and that helps to release the NG so when I comb and tug on my ends a bit I am able to remove more. This helps with matting.

I typically wash my hair 1-2 days my TU. The night before relaxing and I pre-part and twist my hair the night before and apply no snag rubberbands on the ends, this way no breakage the next day and minimal scalp manipulation
I detangle my new growth on wash day when it is damp and has been moisturized and sealed. Since I started doing this, stretching has become so much easier because my new growth stays detangled, moisturized and lays down. I used to avoid detangling my new growth and would just condition and moisturize it. On relaxer day, the combination of me being tenderheaded and having uncombed new growth would result in me having a sore scalp (and scabs) and underprocessed hair :nono:

I shampoo, do a protein DC and detangle 3-4 days prior to my touchup and base the day before (I based the day of and that was too much manipulation because I burned quickly).
I finger comb my NG before my weekly wash to get out shed hairs. I make sure my hair is well lubricated with oil before doing so. My hair is extremely fine and most fragile when wet so I actually get less breakage doing it this way and leaving those sheds in there is just not an option. My sheds do not go quietly into the night no matter how moisturized my NG is.
I comb during stretching to remove shed hairs. But I usually do it when it has conditioner in it while I'm in the process of washing it. I use a wide tooth comb first followed by my denman. I do it for every section.
I detangle ng on wash day. I can get by with detangling when hair is roughly 90% dry when air drying on weeks 1-7. Weeks 8-10, I detangle with conditioner in my hair. I TU every 10 weeks, typically.
I am currently 8 wks post. I washed and deep conditioned my hair on Sat and then moisturized my new growth with Jamaican lime transitioning cream which made my hair very manageable.

However, this morning I can feel the roots getting dryer again and it's not as easy to comb :ohwell:. I feel like when I go home, I have to cowash again and apply something my new growth just to keep the hair smooth and manageable. I ordered Silken Child detangler, hopefully that helps some and I can spray it on my roots to make drying combing a bit easier. Ideally, I'd like to stretch to 12 weeks.
if you stretch and are having issues, please please please try an oil rinse with coconut oil. your new growth will not be a big deal for you at all.
I finally detangled my hair today. Omg I thought I was gonna have to cut back to EL. It was soooo bad. Although most of the shed hair is out, it made sure to knot and tangle with the hair around it. After 45 minutes I lost patience and cut out a knot that looked like a dredlock. I've only gotten tangles on the underprocessed parts. And I was underprocessed at the salon. So I'm doing a corrective myself in September. I can't take these knots

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I've learned that in order to stretch without the tangles and knots you must make conditioner your bff. I am currently 8 weeks post relaxer but my hair feels great. I washed last night and did a protein conditioner (Mega-Tek) for 15 minutes under the dryer and a moisturizing conditioner (mixture of Argan oil, Herbal Essence Hello Hydration and Silk Elements Moisturizing conditioner) for 15 minutes. My comb went from root to tip without a stop in between. I did a rollerset, let dry, wrap hair in saran wrap and sat back under the dryer for an additional 15 minutes. My hair is so soft and smells great.
I have a question. Is it really necessary to do a corrective? I have some really under processed hair. I just decided to live with it. I figured once my hair reached a certain length I'll just cut the under processed hair.
Here's what I do if I have a lot of new growth:

1. Section hair with end of rattail comb, being sure not to comb through the hair.
2. Shampoo and condition in sections. The conditioner needs to be top quality and provide slip.
3. Rinse out conditioner while combing through each section with a shower comb.
4. Use rattail comb to section and comb through while roller setting.
5. When I flat iron my hair in sections, I do not comb through each section... only parting with the end of the rattail comb. In fact, I don't even comb with a wide tooth comb until after I wash and condition again.
UBH Satin Creme Moisturizer has always been the best friend of my NG. Somehow it just melts away the NG.

I wash with diluted shampoo mixed with EVOO in sections, only keeping the hair somewhat de-matted with my fingers. Then I use a detangler like Mizani D'Tangle or Mane and Tail detangler lightly on each section. Then as it is air-drying I apply an ample amount of the UBH Satin Creme Moisturizeron the NG only. Now I can comb out eash section. The UBH SCM lets the hair dry nice and soft. Style as desired after this.
I am now 14+ weeks post and I'm having no problem. I'm just switching to braidouts and will decide whether I am relaxing at week 16.

And I'm Type 4B. I really want to transition, but we'll see.
UBH Satin Creme Moisturizer has always been the best friend of my NG. Somehow it just melts away the NG.

I wash with diluted shampoo mixed with EVOO in sections, only keeping the hair somewhat de-matted with my fingers. Then I use a detangler like Mizani D'Tangle or Mane and Tail detangler lightly on each section. Then as it is air-drying I apply an ample amount of the UBH Satin Creme Moisturizeron the NG only. Now I can comb out eash section. The UBH SCM lets the hair dry nice and soft. Style as desired after this.
I am now 14+ weeks post and I'm having no problem. I'm just switching to braidouts and will decide whether I am relaxing at week 16.

And I'm Type 4B. I really want to transition, but we'll see.

That product is chock full of cones so I am not surprised it works so well

I wish they sold this in stores. I hate paying shipping.
@Myjourney2009 - I visited the UBH website and see they have a trial size. I might consider trying that to ensure I like it. Shipping is meh, $6 bucks for USPS. I've seen way worse so I guess that's good in comparison to some. So for the trial size, it would cost $11. ETA: I feel that my regi is pretty secure but what I think I'm missing is a good product that will help me get through ng challenges. Have you tried this before?
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@Myjourney2009 - I visited the UBH website and see they have a trial size. I might consider trying that to ensure I like it. Shipping is meh, $6 bucks for USPS. I've seen way worse so I guess that's good in comparison to some. So for the trial size, it would cost $11. ETA: I feel that my regi is pretty secure but what I think I'm missing is a good product that will help me get through ng challenges. Have you tried this before?

no I havent but looking at those shipping prices I might give it a go.
I have to detangle or my hair would be matted or tangled and my TUs hurt when the stylist parts through ng. I pre wash detangle with wheat germ oil or conditioner in. Makes post wash detangling much easier.

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I'm tex-laxed and I "gently" detangle my new growth only when I apply my conditioner. This helps me to prevent "matting" at the root. Using a wide tooth comb I start at my ends and work my way up. I'm on a healthy hair journey so with that said, I'm very gentle when it comes to combing my new growth and my ends. :yep:
I'm over 14 weeks post now and I can't comb my newgrowth at all!

Matter of fact, I can't even do my signature bun! I'm just wearing my hair in a half up/half down style until I relax this weekend.

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That looks perfect! I actually honed in on #222 before I noticed the number! :)

I might by a few and give one to my mom. :yep: