No A/C In His Car


Well-Known Member
Is it a requirement that your man have a working A/C in his car?

An associate of mine drove me home after work today and I thought I was going to pass out because it was so hot. Yeah, he rolled down the windows but I really prefer to feel the cool air on me.
Its only a requirement that I have working A/C in my car. If he's a good man, I won't penalize him over something like that. It is a recession.
Hmmm never thought about it. I don't have a/c but I only notice about 2x a year. I am never hot always cold. It might be a bonus.
Not really. As long as I don't have to drive you around..I'm good. In my last car, the A/C went out and it was costly to get it replaced so I went without for a WHILE.
lol, funny thread. Ish happens and A/C can get wonky in cars bUt I dont think it would be a deal breaker. He'd have to buy me a portable fan and some ice cream or something.
Ac is only an essential depending on where you live. Vegas, Arizona and Houston AC is a must.

1.Does he plan on getting it fixed any time soon?
2. Do you have a car? :giggle:
Its only a requirement that I have working A/C in my car. If he's a good man, I won't penalize him over something like that. It is a recession.

I agree with this. Sometimes the natural air is nice. Just take your car in the summer and his in the winter.
Not a requirement, but it would be helpful. I live in the northeast, so it doesn't matter much for me. I just got my AC fixed in Aug. It had been on the fritz for the last 4 years. All I needed was a coolant flush, I could have done that a while ago. Silly me. I can't really demand what I don't have.

On that same note, chicks without a car, shouldn't bother to chime in, IMHO, ya behind is walking or busing. LOL I booted someone out of my car when they ask me why I didn't get my AC fixed. I looked her dead in the face and told her, I will drop you off at the bus stop and I did. I was going to take her home, because she lived near me. It was a trainee at my job and I was being nice, because I have not always had a car and I was grateful when someone would give me a lift.

Don't ask me about my ride when you don't have one. HA
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I haven't dated in decades, but I wanted to answer this one.

If I were dating, having an a/c in the car would be a requirement. We routinely have 100 degree days here, so he can't very well pick me up for a date and then I'm all hot and sweaty by the time we get to wherever we're going. :nono:

Maybe it's because I'm older, but this is a sign of just how responsible a man is. I mean if you were to marry him, what other things would he put off fixing or doing? Is he saving to get it fixed? Is he even knowledgeable about cars to know what's wrong with it?

Even my piece of crap first car had working a/c and heat. I don't know, I guess my DH has me spoiled......:yep:
never had that issue. i do remember when i visited SO in NY during the summer he gave me his usual lecture about a/c on the highway and windows down on regular roads. idk if that has any merit but we'd be in traffic on a "regular road" and i'd be dyingggggg. he caught on pretty quickly that idc whats best for his car. i freak out in high humidity/heat.


so maybe that's a yes. i don't want to be with a man i like worrying about smelly funky (or him smelling funky :look:) cause his a/c is broken. :(
Is his AC broken or does the car not have it? Is he a greenie or just cheap/lazy or saving for a repair? If he is a greenie then I'd be cool with it. If he is saving for a repair then he gets a pass. If he is just cheap or lazy then I cannot live with either. How a man treats his car speaks volumes of his mentality.
At least he has a car and gave you a ride home instead of keeping your ungrateful butt company on public transportation.
yes it is. esp since i live in florida. if a guy can't afford to have his A/C fixed then i'd just think he was broke, and i wouldnt want to date a guy who's broke. maybe when i was a poor college student, or in high school. but as of now? hell no.
:lol: really? No, it's definately NOT a requirement!!! Lol it'd be nice and all but i am NOT about to write a dude whom i like off my list just cause of maybe if there was something else linked to it, like, he has money but he's extremely thrifty/stingy or he's a weirdo who wants to rebel against conventional society by not having ac or something like that :lachen: i digress, but nooooo it's no deal breaker to me.