NJ&NYC/Tri state area Hair Show 5-21& 22


New Member
If you're looking for a hair "fix" The International Hair Show is this coming weekend 5-21-06. Please go to the website for details and hours. It's at the Meadowlands Convention Center. Hair shows are a great place to purchase all of your professional favorites at the same price the salons pay. You can buy anything hair/nail related. There are also a vendors and stylist from all over. My favorite -Jane Carter is usually there with the best deals. I go every year a ticket cost about $40-50 if you're not a stylist but it's worth every penny. Just thought I'd share. You can even take free classes.

Here's the link to the website

Alli77 said:
Oh why oh why did I even enter this thread...so tempting!

I can't wait to go. I've been holding off from buying things at the BSS so I can stock up. They even sell hair for braiding weaves.