My stylist & I's conversation when I got my hair done yesterday!!!!!

Z- Your hair is absolutely beautiful.

One word: AVEDA
If you're on a budget, two words: AVEDA INSTITUTE

I used to endure so much torture with blowdrys before I discovered Aveda. I've gone to Aveda lifestyle salons (not concept) and the institutes in two different states. Between the products and the techniques they have handled my natural 4A/B hair like it's butter....
After reading all these experiences, I think I'm going to have a talk with my stylist BEFORE I make the apt. to let him know exactly what I'm looking for and what products I would like for him to use on my hair and how I want him to handle my hair. If he cannot do it, I'm sure I will find someone else who can and that includes myself...

Thanks for the Aveda/Aveda Institute suggestion, I'll def. remember that!
I am SO sorry this girl hurt your feelings and your hair. Shes just like the masses of hair stylist who dont know what the heck they are doing and talking about. Thats aiight though. This is reason # 5,678 why I will NEVER go see another stylist again. :nono:
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**I am bumping this thread to let ya'll know....that almost over a whole year later from this incident, I have not been back to this stylist.

ALSO...I got a call from here in January and she left a message for me. If I recall correctly, she said she was calling to let me know her new location. I also got 2 back-to-back calls from her on this past Saturday, but she didn't leave any messages...:blush:

Since this incident I found someone else that does a great job pressing my hair (without harrasing me about my hair practices).

That's what i'm talkin' bout.....:grin:
Z- Your hair is absolutely beautiful.

One word: AVEDA
If you're on a budget, two words: AVEDA INSTITUTE

I used to endure so much torture with blowdrys before I discovered Aveda. I've gone to Aveda lifestyle salons (not concept) and the institutes in two different states. Between the products and the techniques they have handled my natural 4A/B hair like it's butter....

Thanks shakesha22 :drunk: I bumped this old thread cuz I've since found another stylist (I frequent Too Groovy here in Atlanta)..but thanks for the recommendation. I've heard VERY good things about the Aveda Institute and I love Aveda products! :yep:
SUZIEq-Thanks for the kind words ;)

Mwedzi-OMG, I’m sooo sorry to hear you had such a horrible experience! When was that, and how is your hair doing now? Did you see that I bumped this thread a few days ago? This thread was started in 06…I hadn’t been back to that stylist since. I usually do my own hair, and I go to a new stylist now whenever I want a press (which has been about 3-4 times a year, but I may start to go more frequently this year)…

Lovelychar-Girl, thanks for the empathy-sounds like you can relate! A lot of the things you listed are reasons why I wasn’t frequently salons very often at the time this thread was originally created…I take care of 99% of my hair care, and that’s currently fine with me…lol

Arr1216-Thank you for the kind words…I’m anything but discouraged at this point. :grin:
Over a year after this incident, I’m pretty content with where I’m at with my hair…no major complaints, I’m glad to be able to say!

Inches411-I thought about going back, and I can’t say I “never” would, but at this point, I just don’t have a reason to since I do most of own hair care and if I need a stylist, I’m pretty happy with the new one I’ve been using. :yep:

Trudy-Yep…this incident was over a year ago (even though it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long to me, lol)! The thought has crossed my mind of showing her my progress but at this point, I just don’t even care enough to do that lol….

Turnergirl-Yeah, that thought crossed my mind, too. Maybe she was having a really bad day. Either way, this incident was over a year ago and (unfortunately for her, I guess), I have another stylist now. I bumped this thread cuz I was reminded of this incident because she has made several attempts over the past….I would say 2 months, to reach me (out of the blue). I haven’t call her or anything cuz I just don’t have a need for her services but if she continues to try to contact me I guess I do need to speak with her. I mean, I haven’t made an appointment with her in over a year so I was kind of surprised that she started calling me out of the blue, ya know?

OT—Saw your texlaxed thread and I love LOVE LOVE your hair!!! It looks slightly different from when you were natural…it hangs more and seems to have more definition. It’s gorgeous…I’m glad you’re happy with your decision and I can’t wait to see more updates on that gorgeous hair of yours! All these people round here texlaxin makes me want to give it a try! :look:

Sweetpea99-You are too sweet (no pun intended)! Thanks for the love :drunk::drunk::drunk:

Fine 4s-That is a good idea to have a talk before the stylist does anything to your hair. That’s what I do…especially if I’m getting a trim. Best belive….we discuss how much is coming off BEFORE the scissors come out, LOL!

Naturallady-Thanks, girl. See, this original post is like so many other posts on this board and just a reminder of why we should be thankful LHCF even exists! :drunk:
Okay, part of this is a rant.

But let me first say that I went to get a press yesterday for the first time since this January. My stylist did an EXCELLENT job getting it straight. I usually only go to see her like twice a year for a press b/c I've been trying to grow my hair out, I'm afraid of heat, plus the cost is outrageous (to me).

Anyways, she did a good job. And I always ~*L~O~V~E~*~ how my hair looks after she has pressed it. However, why did it HURT SO BAD this time???!!!! I mean, I was almost CRYING when she blowdryed me. Not only that, but the entire process this time took 5 HOURS!!! (As compared to a usual 2 hours!) I did get a black rinse in my hair, which added a little to the time, but still. I think the reason why it hurt so bad is because after washing me, I sat for like 20 minutes before she started blow drying me. In other words, my hair had already started to dry/shrink. Plus, she doesn't use the type of dryer with teeth on it. She uses a regular blow dryer and combs through it with a detangling brush.

Now, here's the thing---that freakin brush is HARD. I know it's for detangling but what added to the pain was it seemed she started closer to the top/middle of my hair and combed down....rather than from the bottom, detangling the ends first, then working her way up (which is how I do it).

My brain turned to LHCF mode and I told her TWICE how it never hurts when I detangle my own hair. She told me it hurt cause I waited too long to get a press....??????? Huh? That doesn't make sense to me. I thought it hurt cause my hair was starting to dry/tangle and it basically had no product on it, as compared to when I detangle my hair, I told her how I twist it up, soak it down with conditioner and detangle in the shower under running water, section by section. I told her how the comb just glides through.

Anyways, she was not hearin it. She's good at stylin but it's her way or no way. I could tell she thought I was ignorant and miseducated about hair because she asked me why did I wear my hair in a bun so long and I told about reading stuff on this site about minimal manipulation and keeping the ends tucked under, etc. You know what she said?? She said that that was STUPID and why would I read/do things that other people who probably know NOTHING ABOUT HAIR would do???! She said if I want to RETAIN length I need to start COMBING MY HAIR EVERY DAY. And on top of that she said I should be combing it dry! She said my hair was nappier this time because I hadn't been combing it enough. I told her I detangle once a week and she said it was NOT ENOUGH.

(And get this-I asked her, how was I supposed to find time to comb my hair every day considering that would take so long. She suggested I "blow it out a little" to make it easier to comb through. Remind you-she had just said a few moments earlier if I want to retain length, I should avoid alot of she suggests blowing it every week so I can comb it every day????)

Basically I know her major concern is that I come to see her more often. Which I told her from the beginning that that was the plan b/c I want to get presses a little more often. But from our conversation she made me not want to come. She just kept going on and on about how I shouldn't pay attention to the things I"m reading and if I want to know how to get more length I need to talk to a stylist that grows natural hair (HER!). I told her that I know alot of women that go to salons every month and their hair stays right at the same length. (I didn't say this in a mean way).

She stated that I was hurting my hair by not combing every day. She said I should be avoiding water as much as possible, too. She also made it a point to say that how can I believe the things I am reading cause if those things really did grow hair, then WHY IS MY HAIR AT THE SAME EXACT LENGTH AS 10 MONTHS AGO, THE LAST TIME SHE PRESSED IT????

Now when she said that, ya'll, my feelings were really hurt. I know my hair is not at the same length as last time and next week I will post pics to prove it. I cannot believe she said that. She could tell she hurt my feelings cause afterwards she was quiet and then she was like "Jade, I take it back that you can't heed everything you are reading. I really can't say what will work for everyone. I just want you to start doing more with your hair, start wearing more styles and not neglect your hair just cause you're so busy with 2 jobs. I just want to help you grow your hair to your goal, which I know we can do together."

I felt a little better but I had already begun to question her skills after the painful detangling experience. I kept wondering why she didn't detangle it while wet with some type of detangler on it...?

Anyways, she thought I was talking about nappturality when I mentioned this site and I corrected her. I offered to show her the site but she really didn't have time. I told her about the beautiful long haired women on LHCF :) Maybe I'll send her an email with the link....
Have you ever tried Too Groovy?