Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

Anybody use Nutri-Ox vitamins from Sallys which is supposed to be a cheaper version of nioxin

I haven't, but it's not really cheaper since u can get the 90 count of Nioxin from amazon for less than $20 vs. the 30 count of Sally's version for 12.99.
I've been taking this consistently now for 2 weeks (one every 7 hrs). I really hope and pray that this vitamin can help with my shedding. My shedding is making me so depressed. I feel like I'm gonna have a major setback. Nothing I'm doing is working to stop it. Plus I think its shedding and breakage. I dc weekly. Do protein (hardcore) every 8 weeks and keep my hair moisturized (ORS moisturizer) when needed and my hair is STILL shedding and breaking. Haven't had heat in my hair for 3 weeks now and have been bunning or doing braid out buns for the past month.:sad:


*Not to scare you..May-be you should go to your PCP & get/complete blood work-up..Just to be on the safe side (to see if any-thing else) is going on.....

Happy Hair Growing!
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I really need to stop coming in these threads! Lol!

Just purchased 90-day supply from Amazon.

I currently (not very consistently) taking a prenatal vit, MSM, Flaxseed oil, Fish Oil, Saw Palmetto, B-Complex, and Garlic. I have NO IDEA if they've been effective. I feel like when I take them consistently, I see good results. However, I hate taking pills anyway... and most days the thought of (9) of them keeps me from even going there, hence my inconsistency.

When these arrive, I plan on just taking Nioxin and nothing else... every 12 hours, 9am and 9pm. I'll report back here how that goes :).
I've seen improvements as well...I had alot of breakage around my edges to where there were visible small bald spots...Now they've all filled in...I'm happy with this but I want more growth, but its only been a couple of weeks...also I have a full weave in right now that I'm taking out next week so I cann't wait...

How long did it take for your edges to fill in?
^^^ I started this thread when I started taking the nioxin, and I kid you not my edges were so bad that I went to a dermatologist...I made a thread asking for help a couple months ago, yes a couple of months and they still hadn't grewn in which scared me. But after taking the nioxin for what 3 weeks they are filled in, its a month now and they are so full!!! I was surprised since I'm really hard on myself when it comes to my hair.
So far so good!!
I was waiting on someone else to bring this up! I have cystic acne and since starting the Nioxin, the breakouts seem to have gotten worse and I found out its from the Bladderwrack that's in the proprietary blend. Bladderwrack is from seaweed or sea kelp but basically it's iodine, which makes acne worse. So for me....yeah it has made the acne worse, and the pimples hurt more too but it may not do so for others.

I usually get cystic acne really bad, especially when taking biotin, and have been taking 2 nioxin a day for a little over a month and no cystic acne. I do drink at least 64oz of water a day and take a Stress B complex 2x daily, contains B complex along with vitamin C and zinc, because I heard this helps with contracting the biotin so not to cause cystic acne.
I've been taking Nioxin 2 a day since mid January and I'm just now starting to see the results in my hair and nails. I was taking two at a time, but since I switched to one in the morning & one at night I'm now seeing the results. Increasing my water intake and taking all my vitamins with kefir has also been a major factor. My hair grows fast normally (3/4-1inch per month), but with all my growth aids I'm aiming for 2 inches/month (I know, high hopes lol).
^^^ I started this thread when I started taking the nioxin, and I kid you not my edges were so bad that I went to a dermatologist...I made a thread asking for help a couple months ago, yes a couple of months and they still hadn't grewn in which scared me. But after taking the nioxin for what 3 weeks they are filled in, its a month now and they are so full!!! I was surprised since I'm really hard on myself when it comes to my hair.
So far so good!!
Thanks msdarnlovely. This is very encouraging.
I've been taking Nioxin 2 a day since mid January and I'm just now starting to see the results in my hair and nails. I was taking two at a time, but since I switched to one in the morning & one at night I'm now seeing the results. Increasing my water intake and taking all my vitamins with kefir has also been a major factor. My hair grows fast normally (3/4-1inch per month), but with all my growth aids I'm aiming for 2 inches/month (I know, high hopes lol).

omnipadme Kefir Milk,is AWESOME I drink it with my daily vitamins & it really helps with absorption..

*I drink Kefir Coconut milk & blend it with berries...

Happy Hair Growing!
I got my Nioxin in the mail yesterday. (I love Amazon Prime) I'll start takin it tomorrow. I'm going to do 1 pill every 12 hours since that seems to have worked better for others. I don't take any other vitamins so I'm not afraid of an overdose or anything. I drink mainly water now anyway, but I'm going to make sure I pay extra attention to my water intake. I hear that helps.

I'm gonna take some before pics (or do a before video) tonight too and possibly do a length check if I can. Geeked! :grin:
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Potentially Toxic Dosages and Side Effects of Nutrients
Nutrition Infocenter
Nutrient Toxic Dosage Symptoms and Diseases
Biotin n/a No side effects from oral administration at therapeutic doses have been reported
Boron >10 mg No side effects reported
Calcium >2,000 mg Drowsiness, extreme lethargy, impaired absorption of iron, zinc and manganese, calcium deposits in tissues throughout body, mimicking cancer on X-ray
Carotene >300 mg Orange discoloration of skin, weakness, low blood pressure, weight loss, low white cell count
Chromium >50 mg Dermatitis, intestinal ulcers, kidney and liver impairment
Copper 15 mg Fatigue, poor memory, depression, insomnia, increased production of free radicals, may suppress immune function. Violent vomiting and diarrhea. Cooking acid foods in unlined copper pots can lead to toxic accumulation of copper.
Fluoride, acute 500 mg Poisons several enzymes, (5,000 mg lethal)
Fluoride, chronic 5 mg Fluorosis (white patches on teeth), bone abnormalities.
Folic acid 15 mg Abdominal distention, loss of appetite, nausea, sleep disturbances, may interfere with zinc absorption, may prevent recognition of vitamin B12 deficiency
Iodine 2 mg Thyroid impairment, iodine poisoning or sensitivity reaction.
Iron 25 mg Intestinal upset, interferes with zinc and copper absorption, loss of appetite, not safe for those with iron storage disorders such as hemosiderosis, idiopathic hemochromatosis, or thalassemias. Toxic build-up in liver, pancreas, and heart.
Magnesium N/A Diarrhea at large dosages of poorly absorbed forms (like Epsom salts). Disturbed nervous system function because the calcium-to-magnesium ratio is unbalanced; catharsis, hazard to persons with poor kidney function.
Manganese 75 mg Toxicity only reported in those working in manganese mines or drinking from contaminated water supplies, which results in loss of appetite, neurological damage, loss of memory, hallucinations, hyperirritability, elevation of blood pressure, liver damage. Mask-like facial expression, blurred speech, involuntary laughing, spastic gait, hand tremors.
Niacin (B3), acute 100 mg Transient flushing, headache, cramps, nausea, vomiting
Niacin (B3), chronic 3 gm Anorexia, abnormal glucose tolerance, gastric ulceration, elevated liver enzymes. Excessive uric acid in blood, possibly leading to gout. See Thiamin.
Pantothenic acid (B5) High dose Occasional diarrhea. Increased need for thiamin, possibly causing thiamin deficiency symptoms.
Phosphorous High dose Distortion of calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, creating relative deficiency of calcium.
Potassium High dose Mental impairment, weakness. Excessive potassium in blood, causing muscular paralysis and abnormal heart rhythms.
Pyridoxine (B6) 300 mg Sensory and motor impairment. Dependency on high doses, leading to deficiency symptoms when one returns to normal amounts.
Riboflavin B2) N/A No toxic effects have been noted. See Thiamin.
Selenium 750 micro gm Diabetes, garlic-breath odor, immune impairment, loss of hair and nails, irritability, pallor, skin lesions, tooth decay, nausea, weakness, yellowish skin
Thiamin (B1) N/A No toxic effects noted for humans after oral administration. However, since B Vitamins are interdependent, excess of one may produce deficiency of others.
Vitamin A, acute (infant) 75,000 IU Anorexia, bulging fontanelles, hyperirritability, vomiting
Vitamin A, acute (adult) 2 million IU Headache, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting
Vitamin A, chronic (infant) 10,000 IU Premature epiphyseal bone closing, long bone growth retardation
Vitamin A, chronic (adult) 50,000 IU Anorexia, headache, bluffed vision, loss of hair, bleeding lips, cracking and peeling skin, muscular stiffness and pain, severe liver enlargement and damage, anemia, fetal abnormalities (pregnant women must be very careful), menstrual irregularities, extreme fatigue, liver damage, injury to brain and nervous system.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) N/A No side effects from oral administration have been reported. (See thiamin)
Vitamin C, acute 10 gm Nausea, diarrhea, flatulence
Vitamin C, chronic 3 gm Increased urinary oxalate and uric acid levels in rare cases, impaired carotene utilization, chelation (binding of vitamin C with minerals) and resultant loss of minerals may occur, sudden discontinuation can cause rebound scurvy. Kidney and bladder stones, urinary tract irritation, increased tendency for blood to clot, breakdown of red blood cells in persons with certain common genetic disorders (such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, common in persons of African origin), may induce B12 deficiency.
Vitamin D, acute 70,000 IU Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, excessive urination, excessive thirst
Vitamin D, chronic 10,000 IU Weight loss, pallor, constipation, fever, hypocalcaemia. In infants, calcium deposits in kidneys and excessive calcium in blood; in adults, calcium deposits throughout the body (may be mistaken for cancer) (pregnant women must be careful), deafness, nausea, kidney stones, fragile bones, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, increased lead absorption.
Vitamin E 1,000 IU The safe dose is probably over 2,000, but some people experience weakness, fatigue, exacerbation of hypertension, increased activity of anticoagulants at 1,000 IU, while some research shows that as little as 300 IU can slow down the immune system. Can destroy some Vitamin K made in the gut. A small amount of immune suppression is probably a reasonable trade off for vitamin E's much needed antioxidant activity.
Vitamin K No known toxicity with natural (phylloquinone); synthetic (menadione), while relatively safe, when administered to infants may cause hemolytic and liver enlargement. Anemia in laboratory animals.
Zinc 75 mg Gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, adverse changes in HDL/LDL cholesterol ratios, impaired immunity. Nausea, anemia, bleeding in stomach, premature birth and stillbirth, abdominal pain, fever. Can aggravate marginal copper deficiency. May produce atherosclerosis.

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Can someone upload a pic of the actual tablet? I have to choke down Advil liqui-gels so I want to make sure I can actually take them before I buy them.
Can someone upload a pic of the actual tablet? I have to choke down Advil liqui-gels so I want to make sure I can actually take them before I buy them.

I took a picture of it next to a dime so you can kinda gauge the size of it. I don't have a hard time taking them and a lot of women on here that don't like to take pills say they don't have a hard time getting it down.

Hope this helps.


  • IMG00117-20110323-1620.jpg
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I took a picture of it next to a dime so you can kinda gauge the size of it. I don't have a hard time taking them and a lot of women on here that don't like to take pills say they don't have a hard time getting it down.

Hope this helps.

THANK YOU so much for doing this!!! I think if I break it in half or maybe into 3 parts, I can do it.

Truly appreciate this!!!
Anybody trying the shampoo or conditioner? I'm thinking of getting the conditioner. I saw some at costco today.

I have been using the scalp therapy conditioner for natural fine hair and I really like it. It has helped thicken up my hair, even though I only use it once a week because I got a smaller bottle at a local store so I'm trying to stretch it out. They had the 10 oz bottle for like $18 which is expensive to me since the bottle is pretty small and I need to use a lot so I can't use it every wash. I plan on ordering the 33 oz bottle from amazon for $23 which is a pretty good price for a larger bottle.
Ok, adding my two cents... I purchased some of these before even viewing this thread.


I was at the grocery store earlier this month and ran into a friend of mine that went natural last year. Her hair was so long, thick and healthy. She bc around the beginning of last year cause I saw her in Feb. 2010 and her hair was very short. Anywho, when I saw her, her hair was mid back and full. I asked her how did she grow her hair so damm fast?? She told me about nioxin and how she took two a day for the 1st six months, and then 3 a day for the next six. She said that a girlfriend of hers lost her hair from breast cancer and the doctor recommended them. He told her to take them in that dosage schedule so the body wouldn't develop a tolerance for them. The doctor also told her to take them for a year to experience more permanent and long lasting results. I was like, shut the funk up!!! OMG! So I order six bottles to start off and I just received them in the mail. I knew her hair could not grow that long by itself. She never had long hair ever in her life and it was absolutely gorge!

I will try to post picture updates and everything, but sheesh....sometimes, you don't need pictures to know a good thing when you hear it. Also, the doctor says that it is important to take them EVERYDAY to ensure that the nutrients are always in your body for the vitamins to work properly. This is not something that will work with occasional usage. Also, she told me after continuous daily usage, she saw immediate results of more thickness and about an inch and a half new growth after about three weeks. She said in four months, she went from above EL to shoulder length. Now, explain that?? I have four months to spare, do you?? I hope this helps. I will be growing my hair down to the floor!!! Yippie :)
Ok, adding my two cents... I purchased some of these before even viewing this thread.


I was at the grocery store earlier this month and ran into a friend of mine that went natural last year. Her hair was so long, thick and healthy. She bc around the beginning of last year cause I saw her in Feb. 2010 and her hair was very short. Anywho, when I saw her, her hair was mid back and full. I asked her how did she grow her hair so damm fast?? She told me about nioxin and how she took two a day for the 1st six months, and then 3 a day for the next six. She said that a girlfriend of hers lost her hair from breast cancer and the doctor recommended them. He told her to take them in that dosage schedule so the body wouldn't develop a tolerance for them. The doctor also told her to take them for a year to experience more permanent and long lasting results. I was like, shut the funk up!!! OMG! So I order six bottles to start off and I just received them in the mail. I knew her hair could not grow that long by itself. She never had long hair ever in her life and it was absolutely gorge!

I will try to post picture updates and everything, but sheesh....sometimes, you don't need pictures to know a good thing when you hear it. Also, the doctor says that it is important to take them EVERYDAY to ensure that the nutrients are always in your body for the vitamins to work properly. This is not something that will work with occasional usage. Also, she told me after continuous daily usage, she saw immediate results of more thickness and about an inch and a half new growth after about three weeks. She said in four months, she went from above EL to shoulder length. Now, explain that?? I have four months to spare, do you?? I hope this helps. I will be growing my hair down to the floor!!! Yippie :)

WOW!!! EL to SL in 4 months!! Now that is what I'm talking about. I have been taking mine since mid February twice a day. I hope I'm having growth like she did.
Ok, adding my two cents... I purchased some of these before even viewing this thread.


I was at the grocery store earlier this month and ran into a friend of mine that went natural last year. Her hair was so long, thick and healthy. She bc around the beginning of last year cause I saw her in Feb. 2010 and her hair was very short. Anywho, when I saw her, her hair was mid back and full. I asked her how did she grow her hair so damm fast?? She told me about nioxin and how she took two a day for the 1st six months, and then 3 a day for the next six. She said that a girlfriend of hers lost her hair from breast cancer and the doctor recommended them. He told her to take them in that dosage schedule so the body wouldn't develop a tolerance for them. The doctor also told her to take them for a year to experience more permanent and long lasting results. I was like, shut the funk up!!! OMG! So I order six bottles to start off and I just received them in the mail. I knew her hair could not grow that long by itself. She never had long hair ever in her life and it was absolutely gorge!

I will try to post picture updates and everything, but sheesh....sometimes, you don't need pictures to know a good thing when you hear it. Also, the doctor says that it is important to take them EVERYDAY to ensure that the nutrients are always in your body for the vitamins to work properly. This is not something that will work with occasional usage. Also, she told me after continuous daily usage, she saw immediate results of more thickness and about an inch and a half new growth after about three weeks. She said in four months, she went from above EL to shoulder length. Now, explain that?? I have four months to spare, do you?? I hope this helps. I will be growing my hair down to the floor!!! Yippie :)

I've been hearing RAVE reviews about this vitamin. I actually tried it a few years ago but honestly was not anywhere near consistant. I plan on ordering about 6 bottles. One 90 capsule bottle will last 45 days if taking them 2 times a day. 360 (4 bottles) capsules will last 4 months at 2 capsules a day then I will increase it to three to see if I just didnt give it a chance to work.... YOur friends results are amazing though and combined with everything I am doing with my hair this year I hope to have a similar story....
THANK YOU so much for doing this!!! I think if I break it in half or maybe into 3 parts, I can do it.

Truly appreciate this!!!
What I like about it is that it's thinner than most vitamin pills. I have a really easy time taking them. You might not need to break them at all.
I BC'd January 3rd and I had about 2 inches of growth at the time. I'm on my 2nd 90 count bottle - consistent use- haven't skipped a day. There was a post on here that talked about a growth burst after 3 months. I have about 2 weeks to go til I hit the 3 month mark. My hair definitely feels thicker & I've taken weekly -sometimes biweekly - length check pics since feb. I'm at 4 inches right now, trimmed last week . I'll gladly be the Ginnie pig for BSL:lachen:, lets see if this stuff is all its cracked up to be :drunk:

Starting Pics: 3/37/2011

*sorry for the blur
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