Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

I have been taking these for almost a month now. I take one nioxin in the morning, then at night I take Be beautiful vitamins ( hair, skin and nails vitamin) from gnc. I also take 5000mcg of biotin, 10mg of garlic, 600mg of calcium. My hair has been growing like crazy. I like that the Be beautiful vitamins has msm, l-cysteine and the Nioxin has the wild yam, stinging nettle and saw palmetto.
I've been taking Nioxin for a month now and I am happy with my results. The sides have gotten longer, they grow so slow.

And I have a bald patch on my front hairline from stress. I'd tried other methods before and hair would grow, but it would fall out if I even looked at it funny. But, the hair that's grown with Nixon is strong hair and it doesn't fall out, even if I pull gently. I have about an inch of growth in that section.

I've been taking two a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

I thought it was filling in my bald spots but it wasn't that was just the new growth of the hair I still have, making the bald spots look as it there was hair there.I do see better growth of hair but no fill in, in the bald spots.

If anyone know of anything that will fill in bald spots please LET A SISTA KNOW! :rofl:
Thanks Ladies...

My plan is the same take one a day and keep my hair in a weave hopefully I came make BSL by the middle of August.
Update: So I've been taking the Nioxin for nine weeks so far and I definitely notice about a half of inch of growth each month, compared to my usual1/4 of an inch per month. My hair also seems thicker since taking the supplement. I only take one a day along with my multivitamin and I will certainly re-purchase. Will post comparison pics the next time I flat-iron...
I finally sucked it up and paid the $6.50 so I can post on here. I got my Nioxin vitamins today and I will keep you posted with my progress.

I thought it was filling in my bald spots but it wasn't that was just the new growth of the hair I still have, making the bald spots look as it there was hair there.I do see better growth of hair but no fill in, in the bald spots.

If anyone know of anything that will fill in bald spots please LET A SISTA KNOW! :rofl:

I don't remember the poster's name but there was a woman who saw significant improvement using Ovation. You'd have to read the original VERY long MegaTek/Ovation thread, but maybe someone else will remember her.
I took a bit of a break between may and april. Started back in June and I am definitely having the itchiess!! I had to go back down to taking one because I am started to get a few cycts bump so I am going back to one a day. I will take a pic next month when i finally relax I will be 3-4 months post when I relax.
I've been taking 2 of these a day, 1 morning and night fit the last 3 weeks. My skin has cleared up so much. I've also noticed the increase in leg/ underarm hair, which really didn't grow quickly on me before. Well worth the trade-off. I'm not sure about increased hair growth otherwise. I'm going to give that a few months.
Ladies, when taking biotin and nioxin please take (1) Natuermade Super B Complex with it this will avoid you having any breakouts. Biotin must be taken with B vitamins to avoid this. Happy Growing!
Ladies, when taking biotin and nioxin please take (1) Natuermade Super B Complex with it this will avoid you having any breakouts. Biotin must be taken with B vitamins to avoid this. Happy Growing!


Hey I'm taking biotin forte. Would you suggest this for me still ? And do u know how the super b complex is beneficial(aside from this)
I have gotten so many benefits from this vitamin. I take one a day and a multivitamin,except week ends. I take it 2X a day on week ends because my multivitamins are at work.:grin: I get better sleep, more energy, and I'm less hungry. My hair has most likely grown, but even if not, these vitamins have benefited me more than another vitamin. I can't say it, enough. I don't have any break outs, other than the normal period break outs. I did not have any PMS symptoms and period bloat. Normally when I have my period, I am an angry black woman. Now, I have no hormonal madness and I am losing inches. I am still fat and have to work out, but I am amazed at the effects this is having on my body.

[USER]DDTexlaxed [/USER]ITA! This vitamin has really boosted my overall well being & this vitamin seems to have supercharged the other stuff I was taking. At the rate I'm going, I will meet my weight loss goal by September. If this keeps up this will become a staple product.
Okay ladies, I caved in and purchased these vitamins last night. I plan to take them for at least 1 year (if no ill side effects).

Here is my starting length (little below CBL):

I'll will take an update picture once a month :)
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I was off Nioxin for about 1-2 weeks. Within that time my nails broke and stayed short(like they normally did before the vitamins). NOW that I've started back taking them (for about 2 weeks ) my nails are back growing/staying strong. I'm in an install right now , hopefully I can keep this in for 8 weeks and update again. My temples are filling in very very well!! I'm sure to have progress when I come out of this protective style.
Today, is day 21.... I noticed something I'm not sure what to think here. I got a BKT in my hair and I noticed this morning when I woke up my roots...Its like I got new growth. My roots are not wavy..I'm feeling an Afro....I think...I know my hair has gotten thicker but I noticed even if I try to flat iron my roots its go straight as quickly and smoothly as usual..its a bit resistant.:look: I think I need to stock up on more BKT ....Im also re-investigating the aveda conditioners that Im using.
One week of Biotin down and the remainding 80 days left. Let's see what happens. I can already tell they're kinda working b/c my eyebrows are getting a bit fuller which NEVER happens b/c my family hair naturally uber thin eyebrows. Can't tell you about the nails though. My nails always grew pretty fast so I can't tell any difference.
I've been watching this thread...kinda hesitant to add yet another vitamin to my repertoire but I like the ingredients in the Nioxin vits. If it will help w. my energy I will be glad, whether it helps the hair or not! (also if it keeps my skin clear too). Gonna order some this wk
I have been taking them for two months and I am getting great results.

My hair as well as eyebrows have shown significant improvement.
This is my three month update with my nioxin. I didn't realize how much my hair has grown until I compared my last protective style pics that I took and I also noticed that my leave-out is ALOT longer than it was before. I began taking the Nioxin at the beginning of March.

When my hair was uninstalled I really couldn't see a lot of length mostly Thickness and areas that were bald I did notice that they were filling in. But I guess I didn't notice the length because I don't straighten/stretch my hair aside from my leave-out.

But my edges have made a HUGE improvement. NOTHING would grow my edges in. I'm so glad I've been taking these vitamins. I don't see myself ever getting off of them. I have benefited so much by taking them. Sorry can't say how many inches my hair has grown within these 3 months because I really didn't think I had anything to measure (especially the edges).

So I really think it's true that you begin to really reap the benefits after a full 3 months!!

(Oh and my hairline was damaged from a botched color and relaxer [not at the same time lol] )

growinghealthyhair* wonderful growth! Wow looks like the Nioxin is working extremely well in reviving your edges.

This is day 2 for me. I'm taking 2 pills a day...I already feel a lot more energized and it is definitely suppressing my appetite!
This is my three month update with my nioxin. I didn't realize how much my hair has grown until I compared my last protective style pics that I took and I also noticed that my leave-out is ALOT longer than it was before. I began taking the Nioxin at the beginning of March.

When my hair was uninstalled I really couldn't see a lot of length mostly Thickness and areas that were bald I did notice that they were filling in. But I guess I didn't notice the length because I don't straighten/stretch my hair aside from my leave-out.

But my edges have made a HUGE improvement. NOTHING would grow my edges in. I'm so glad I've been taking these vitamins. I don't see myself ever getting off of them. I have benefited so much by taking them. Sorry can't say how many inches my hair has grown within these 3 months because I really didn't think I had anything to measure (especially the edges).

So I really think it's true that you begin to really reap the benefits after a full 3 months!!

(Oh and my hairline was damaged from a botched color and relaxer [not at the same time lol] )


growinghealthyhair Great progress & your hair is a lot thicker.....

Happy Hair Growing!
Thanks everyone :)

Lita yesss I started noticing the thickness early on. I'm so excited to see how my edges are another 3 or even 6 months from now!!! I know it has to be the nioxin because i've tried everything in recent years and NOTHING would grow them back in properly!!

You can also see how my hairline is filling in. At first it made it look as if my hairline was thinning out (because hair began to grow in front of my "previous" hairline lol).

jaded_faerie the nioxin definitely give you a boost of energy!!! Overall these are really great vitamins, I can't wait until you begin to see progress!!
Thanks everyone :)

Lita yesss I started noticing the thickness early on. I'm so excited to see how my edges are another 3 or even 6 months from now!!! I know it has to be the nioxin because i've tried everything in recent years and NOTHING would grow them back in properly!!

You can also see how my hairline is filling in. At first it made it look as if my hairline was thinning out (because hair began to grow in front of my "previous" hairline lol).

jaded_faerie the nioxin definitely give you a boost of energy!!! Overall these are really great vitamins, I can't wait until you begin to see progress!!

growinghealthyhair I cant wait to see your hair in another 3 months...

Happy Hair Growing!
This is my three month update with my nioxin. I didn't realize how much my hair has grown until I compared my last protective style pics that I took and I also noticed that my leave-out is ALOT longer than it was before. I began taking the Nioxin at the beginning of March.

When my hair was uninstalled I really couldn't see a lot of length mostly Thickness and areas that were bald I did notice that they were filling in. But I guess I didn't notice the length because I don't straighten/stretch my hair aside from my leave-out.

But my edges have made a HUGE improvement. NOTHING would grow my edges in. I'm so glad I've been taking these vitamins. I don't see myself ever getting off of them. I have benefited so much by taking them. Sorry can't say how many inches my hair has grown within these 3 months because I really didn't think I had anything to measure (especially the edges).

So I really think it's true that you begin to really reap the benefits after a full 3 months!!

(Oh and my hairline was damaged from a botched color and relaxer [not at the same time lol] )


Amazing progress!