Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

I'm gonna start taking Nioxin again this week. I used to take it regularly about a year ago and it was great! I didn't really see results until a month or so in and then I started to notice things all at once. Like :yay: but then I tried to up the dose and that didn't workout so well for my skin after about a week so I went back to 1 a day...

Although I heard of another way of doing it where you take one in the morning and one at night, which might work better seeing as you're not overloading your body all at once.

I think you should avoid taking high doses of any vitamin because your body can only absorb so much after that everything else becomes waste to your body, which may account for adverse reactions.
I was hoping it wouldn't break me out. I would like for my hair to grow quickly. I may try again, but take a pill every other day. I noticed that my eyebrow hairs are growing in thicker (which I wanted).

Hopefully, once my MSM soap comes in this will help with the bumps.....

I am surprise at how many people have broken out on Nioxin. For me it has been the ONLY vitamin not to cause me to break out. Huh, I am also takin Alpha Lipoic Acid (irregularly).
Hi ladies! :wave:

I decided to peek in and see what this thread is all about and I'm totally intrigued now. I'm currently taking GNC Hair,Skin & Nails. Is it okay to mix the 2? For those that are taking other vits besides Nioxin, what are you taking and how are you taking it?
Hi ladies! :wave:

I decided to peek in and see what this thread is all about and I'm totally intrigued now. I'm currently taking GNC Hair,Skin & Nails. Is it okay to mix the 2? For those that are taking other vits besides Nioxin, what are you taking and how are you taking it?

I personally would not take two hair vitamins because they have many of the same base ingredients, and I also take a multi that has some overlap and for me it's too much. When I started Nioxin, I just finished my other vitamins first and switched. I take a food based multi (mainly for iron) with my Nioxin and I take them together (2 each, once in the morning and again in the evening). I started in April and have not had any issues.
I personally would not take two hair vitamins because they have many of the same base ingredients, and I also take a multi that has some overlap and for me it's too much. When I started Nioxin, I just finished my other vitamins first and switched. I take a food based multi (mainly for iron) with my Nioxin and I take them together (2 each, once in the morning and again in the evening). I started in April and have not had any issues.

Thanks EllePixie! I was thinking of alternating them (1 Nioxin in the morning followed by lots of water throughout the day and 1 GNC HSN with dinner), but I'll wait until I'm done with my current vits before starting Nioxin.
Thanks EllePixie! I was thinking of alternating them (1 Nioxin in the morning followed by lots of water throughout the day and 1 GNC HSN with dinner), but I'll wait until I'm done with my current vits before starting Nioxin.

I think that would be fine health-wise, but if you are looking to measure effectiveness of the Nioxin, it'd be difficult.
Hi ladies! :wave:

I decided to peek in and see what this thread is all about and I'm totally intrigued now. I'm currently taking GNC Hair,Skin & Nails. Is it okay to mix the 2? For those that are taking other vits besides Nioxin, what are you taking and how are you taking it?

NikkiQ I actually mixed those exact vitamins at first bc I had the full system and didn't want them to go to waste. I'm now only taking nioxin,a multi and biotin
iri9109 wow! what do you usually have after 2 months??

well i dont usually measure, but the very 1st pic is how my roots looked a month after i colored my hair, before i started taking nioxin, so i guess multiply that by two, and that should be near what i would normally get in 2 months
I'm a member of the slow, slow growers club. I just finished a full bottle, taking 2 pills a day. Last week I checked my length and had almost one inch of growth. I believe it was accurate as I henna'ed one month prior to that and have a few grey hairs in the front. I could see the difference from the color change from grey to the orange/red henna'ed hair. My normal rate is just over a 1/4 inch per month. (sad, I know)

I don't want to get too crazy with excitement so I will be checking again from the date of my next henna treatment. I'm not looking for 2 inches per month or for the hair that I already have to look different. I never thought that was possible for me. So as long as the growth rate improves, I'm happy. I'm not getting breakouts which is good. My nails are fine but I have not seen spectacular, speedy growth there. But so far, so good.

On to the second bottle...

Checking back in. It's been a month since my quoted post. I mentioned last month that I had not seen anything spectacular with my nails. This month that has changed. My nails are ridiculous and longer than they have been in my entire life! I'm happy. Now, I have no doubt that the improved durability is because I started using nailtiques within the last 2 or 3 weeks. But my nails have never grown as quickly before. Nailtiques combined with Nioxin = long, strong nails.

Okay on to hair... my rate seems to be close to the same as last month. I have just over an inch of new growth which is still great for me. I'm sold on these vitamins. Now, I went from taking nothing to taking these so I'm sure I needed something. But I haven't missed a day taking these and I'll be keeping it up.
Vitamins have been ordered. Can't wait to get them! :-)

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Nioxin is the truth- I get so many compliments on my hair & growth. The best part is that I can clearly see the burst in hair growth I have- its like every week I look in the mirror and say wow- where did that come from? :yay:
Checking back in. It's been a month since my quoted post. I mentioned last month that I had not seen anything spectacular with my nails. This month that has changed. My nails are ridiculous and longer than they have been in my entire life! I'm happy. Now, I have no doubt that the improved durability is because I started using nailtiques within the last 2 or 3 weeks. But my nails have never grown as quickly before. Nailtiques combined with Nioxin = long, strong nails.

Okay on to hair... my rate seems to be close to the same as last month. I have just over an inch of new growth which is still great for me. I'm sold on these vitamins. Now, I went from taking nothing to taking these so I'm sure I needed something. But I haven't missed a day taking these and I'll be keeping it up.

My hair grows at the same rate. I'm hoping for atleast 1/2 to 1 inch per month with the Nioxin
Nioxin is the truth- I get so many compliments on my hair & growth. The best part is that I can clearly see the burst in hair growth I have- its like every week I look in the mirror and say wow- where did that come from? :yay:

I just think it is a really good vitamin. I am often a vitamin whore and usually switch after I finish a bottle, checking what's on sale and if my previous one is sold out...I am the pits at measuring true growth (which is why I finally got a shirt), but every couple of weeks I have noticed that my hair will "do" something that it did not do before.
How did the Nioxin and GNC work together?

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I didn't have any adverse affects. I think it might've been for about 2 weeks that I took them I think. I prefer the Nioxin so much. The GNC taste horrible and are huge compared to Nioxin.
Hi everyone, I'm new here I usually just lurk but I wanted to let everyone know that I started taking Nioxin on May 8. I tried doing 2x a day (every 12 hours) but missed a few doses here and there and I am now on my second 30 day bottle. The first month I did not notice any changes. I had one pimple appear that has since gone away.

Now that I'm on my second bottle I have noticed the nails are growing. I am not really big on nails; always keep them cut down really short because they are weak. I actually painted them today and I love them.

I put yarn braids in last Thursday so I can't report on the hair growth part yet, but I did measure on the 8th, the day I started taking them and my bang was at the very tip of my nose and the back was at the base of my neck.

I have noticed extra hair growth in other places like my underarms, I went and had a waxing there for the first time. If you don't already do that I highly recommend it! I did have a bit more peach fuzz above my upper lip and on my jaw line. I could do without it but it wasn't hard to remove. I have a battery operated eyebrow trimmer that easily took it off without any problems. There is now “real” hair growing on my thighs, it used to be very fine and thin. There is also hair growing down my inner thigh that was also very fine and thin before.

I plan on taking my braids out beginning July 1 since it's a long weekend for me and will do a length check and post my findings.

Yesterday I started taking additional supplements, I'm up to 7 now...sheesh. In case anyone cares I take the following:

Nioxin - 2x day (every 12 hrs)
Foti Root - 2 x day
Garlic Oil - 2 x day
Biotin 2,500mcg - 1 x day
Vitamin C 1,000 - 1 x day
Iron w/Rosehips - 1 x day
Fish Oil 1,000 mg - 1 x day

I just order MSM powder and will add that to my daily routine, starting at 1,000 and working my way up to 2,000 or so.

Good luck to you all and HHG!
Darn it!! I'm going to give Nioxin another try. I only take one pill a day before my face broke out.

Maybe I'll do half a pill in the morning then again in the evening. To see if that will prevent my face from breaking out.

But my hair did grow, I just did a length check. Plus, my left side edge was see through and now, it's thick and filled in.

Please God no more breakouts or other harmful effects from Nioxin.
I'm finish with Nioxin. It broke my face out SOMETHING FIERCE!!! I have bumps on my CHEEKS!!!

Now, I'm drinking plenty of water to clean my system. I think I'm just going to buy biotin and give it a try.

I would love the fast growth, but not at the expense of my face breaking out....

The biotin may make it worse, nioxin has 300mg of biotin, which most of us get breakouts from. I switched from biotin to nioxin fort this reason.

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My hair grows at the same rate. I'm hoping for atleast 1/2 to 1 inch per month with the Nioxin

Good luck. If I maintain my new rate, I'll stay happy. It's definitely been good for me. In a couple of weeks, I'll start my 3rd bottle (taking 2 a day).
The biotin may make it worse, nioxin has 300mg of biotin, which most of us get breakouts from. I switched from biotin to nioxin fort this reason.

Sent from my MyTouch 4G

Nioxin has 300mcg, not mg, which is actually not a lot of biotin. If people are breaking out from Nioxin, I would not recommend taking a biotin supplement alone, as many of those are 1000mcg-5000mcg.
just checking in...still taking 1 a day now. can't really see the progress since i'm in a weave. I hope and PRAY i get some sort of retention and growth....i'm tired of being stuck @ APL (and now shorter)!!!!

It's going into 3 years into my journey and i have yet to hit BSL :nono:....
this post went from normal to me spazzing....:lachen:
My hair was already thick, but once I flat ironed it this week it was on some super thick stuff and my ponytail is longer I want my ponytail to reach from the middle of my hair to touch my shirt, I'm almost there... Don't mind my almost not there edges I'm working on those :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:


I have gotten so many benefits from this vitamin. I take one a day and a multivitamin,except week ends. I take it 2X a day on week ends because my multivitamins are at work.:grin: I get better sleep, more energy, and I'm less hungry. My hair has most likely grown, but even if not, these vitamins have benefited me more than another vitamin. I can't say it, enough. I don't have any break outs, other than the normal period break outs. I did not have any PMS symptoms and period bloat. Normally when I have my period, I am an angry black woman. Now, I have no hormonal madness and I am losing inches. I am still fat and have to work out, but I am amazed at the effects this is having on my body.
Nioxin has 300mcg, not mg, which is actually not a lot of biotin. If people are breaking out from Nioxin, I would not recommend taking a biotin supplement alone, as many of those are 1000mcg-5000mcg.

Yes, mcg (micrograms) not mg (milligrams). Thanks ElleP!:yep:
I've been taking the vitamins for a week. Two per day. I have been breaking out very lightly . I also noticed something strange. I have a steady migraine...not painful one but a steady one. I cannot consume soy because it triggers migraines. However, I noticed this vitamin does contain soy. So I might have to take it only once a day and see what is up with the migraine. If it still there...I will have to get off this vitamin. I hope not...i hope its something else.