Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

growinghealthyhair wow! :trophy: You have such wonderful results!

Let me ask you do you have hormonal hair loss or just say hair traction issues from to tight braids? I ask because mines is hormonal/dht/pattern baldness and its a TOUGH fight and only certain things will respond to it which is usually nothing. Its hard to find something that combats it.

This is my three month update with my nioxin. I didn't realize how much my hair has grown until I compared my last protective style pics that I took and I also noticed that my leave-out is ALOT longer than it was before. I began taking the Nioxin at the beginning of March.

When my hair was uninstalled I really couldn't see a lot of length mostly Thickness and areas that were bald I did notice that they were filling in. But I guess I didn't notice the length because I don't straighten/stretch my hair aside from my leave-out.

But my edges have made a HUGE improvement. NOTHING would grow my edges in. I'm so glad I've been taking these vitamins. I don't see myself ever getting off of them. I have benefited so much by taking them. Sorry can't say how many inches my hair has grown within these 3 months because I really didn't think I had anything to measure (especially the edges).

So I really think it's true that you begin to really reap the benefits after a full 3 months!!

(Oh and my hairline was damaged from a botched color and relaxer [not at the same time lol] )

Still taking my pills and I'm in week 2 of my weave. Hope to have more growth, because after this weave I want to try wet buns ohhh yeah :)
I think I'm going to recommend this to my mom. So far she's done just about everything I've recommended with slight results. After seeing chica's results I think this could be the answer to her thinning edges! Off to look it up.
I think I'm going to recommend this to my mom. So far she's done just about everything I've recommended with slight results. After seeing @chica's results I think this could be the answer to her thinning edges! Off to look it up.
@blcbuty@ oh no is wasn't me. Wish it was. I had only a sliver of hair to regrow on my temples. 80% of it is still bald. That was another poster calling me out to check her posts since my bald spots are not growing in. I wish.:lol:
I have not been consistent with taking mine every day I may skip a day or two. I have been getting one or two pimples. I seem to only get them on my forehead and they are very sore, I always had clear skin with the occasional bump jut before my cycle.
In 3 weeks I've noticed:

1. a full beard and mustache (goatee)
2. thicker eyebrows
3. pimples on cheeks and chin
4. a gorilla under my arms
5. A bush in my privates...
Not sure about the hair on my head yet...but it's working every place else.
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In 3 weeks I've noticed:

1. a full beard and mustache (goatee)
2. thicker eyebrows
3. pimples on cheeks and chin
4. a gorilla under my arms
5. A bush in my privates...
Not sure about the hair on my head yet...but it's working every place else.

Im sorry but this post had me :lachen:

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I am not sure if it's hormonal the major damaged happened after a relaxer I had. It's just taken me a long time to start growing them back in a few years :-( . So thats why i'm thankful that Nioxin was able to do what 3 years of other products weren't able too!!

I am not sure if it's hormonal the major damaged happened after a relaxer I had. It's just taken me a long time to start growing them back in a few years :-( . So thats why i'm thankful that Nioxin was able to do what 3 years of other products weren't able too!!

growinghealthyhair Then it's not hormonal or internally caused. I'm glad you were able to get some relief and new growth. Its a great feeling.:yep:
I've been using Nioxin for about two months. My hair was already thick but I think its even thicker now. I gained length and my lashes are growing out of control. The first two weeks I took one a day the next two weeks I took two a day and after that it varied between 1 and 2. I will continue to use this vitamin. results in siggy V
I hereby declare that this (& the growth potion oil from YT) are officially my final bandwagons. :look:

I just ordered my 1st bottle from Amazon. I will be taking one every 12 hours.
I hereby declare that this (& the growth potion oil from YT) are officially my final bandwagons. :look:

I just ordered my 1st bottle from Amazon. I will be taking one every 12 hours.

Hey, do you still go on bhm ..haven't seen you in a while..hows the curly perm going?

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I've stopped taking these, I think they were interfering with my prescription medication. They made me feel awful..only took around 5. I brought a bottle of 90 aswell! sold them for 1/4 of the price I paid :( ...

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Hey, do you still go on bhm ..haven't seen you in a while..hows the curly perm going?

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As a matter of fact, I posted on there for the 1st time today probably in over a year. I thought I wanted to go back natural & transitioned for 14 months only to cut the old curl off & get the new growth retouched. So now I'm trying desperately to get my length back.
Im almost at two months, and I could be wrong, but I think I see a SLIGHT difference. it's been three weeks since my touch up and I have about the same amount of growth as a month.
I've been using Nioxin for about two months. My hair was already thick but I think its even thicker now. I gained length and my lashes are growing out of control. The first two weeks I took one a day the next two weeks I took two a day and after that it varied between 1 and 2. I will continue to use this vitamin. results in siggy V

Drtondalia, I'm seriously considering increasing to 2 a day. What made you decide to increase?
Checking in, I am currently 10 days from month 3. I just bought the super B complex, because my forehead and by my nose, are breaking out something fierce. I hope it helps, because nioxin is actually helping me with thicker hair.

Sent from my MyTouch 4G
Just checking in with you ladies!

I recommended this vitamin to someone recently and realized that I love, love, LOVE it! I did so well with my hair the first 2 or 3 months of the year, then I ran out for a couple of weeks and fell off every wagon. After the 2 week period I was back on the vits at least 4 times a week.

Considering the way I treated (or didn't treat) my hair in March, April, and May... I should have lost a few inches but instead it looks like I grew about an inch or so overall. Also had a setback from an install.
uploadfromtaptalk1310041168482.jpg. There lies the front of my hairline.

The breakage was all over, my ends were chewed up and my hair looked thinner. I mean, there were broken hairs everywhere after that weave takedown, most of the strands were long and just coming out in my hand as I unbraided.

I hate to cut my losses with the growth I got from Nioxin, but I've retained almost 4 inches since Dec even after my trim. I would have felt more impacted by the damage had it not been for this product.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
Ok guys...I'm going to get my greys rinsed and my hair straightened, and I'll be back to report how much I have retained...Happy thoughts for me--I'm so nervvy!!!
I just ordered my second bottle after being off it for a couple of weeks. I can't tell how exactly much my hair has grown, but it has grown. I'll be able to tell when I get a touchup in a couple of weeks; by then, I'll be at least 3 weeks into this new bottle at 2 pills a day. If I straighten it before then, I'll post pics.

Where I really notice a difference is in my eyelashes. Oh man. Even my bottom eyelashes got longer! I feel like they look like I'm wearing mascara, but I'm not. Wow.

Nails definitely got longer and stronger as well. I noticed my nails weren't as strong as they were before I ran out of pills. I'm also taking GNC's be-Wholesome and that has a beauty pill, but I guess it hasn't kicked in yet.

Haven't had any irregular break outs. My face cleared up a lot when I was taking them, now it's back to normal. I've gotta get better at documenting this stuff but I swear the pills were working!! Starting the new bottle today, will keep better track of progress!
Just out of curiosity, has anyone taken three pills a day? I know someone mentioned it awhile back and it had some people clutching the pearls (that phrase still makes me laugh), but I'm wondering if some brave soul has actually taken that leap. Or is three just too excessive?
This is my three month update with my nioxin. I didn't realize how much my hair has grown until I compared my last protective style pics that I took and I also noticed that my leave-out is ALOT longer than it was before. I began taking the Nioxin at the beginning of March.

When my hair was uninstalled I really couldn't see a lot of length mostly Thickness and areas that were bald I did notice that they were filling in. But I guess I didn't notice the length because I don't straighten/stretch my hair aside from my leave-out.

But my edges have made a HUGE improvement. NOTHING would grow my edges in. I'm so glad I've been taking these vitamins. I don't see myself ever getting off of them. I have benefited so much by taking them. Sorry can't say how many inches my hair has grown within these 3 months because I really didn't think I had anything to measure (especially the edges).

So I really think it's true that you begin to really reap the benefits after a full 3 months!!

(Oh and my hairline was damaged from a botched color and relaxer [not at the same time lol] )


I am so floored by your results. That is amazing for just three months. My edges were thinning as well and they started filling in when I took my first bottle, but nothing like this. Congratulations, and can't wait to see your progress in three more months!