Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

Anyone having side effects from taking two a day? I'm also taking a multivitamin and don't want to overdo it...Just curious...
I can't give an accurate update because I'm still in braids. I have to admit that my braids are starting to feel "heavy", so I hope that means that I'm getting some good growth.
previous post

2 week update

4/25- 5/09 lil' bit of growth, barely since i stopped nioxin to do the master cleanse in the last 2 weeks:drunk: i'll take it
I'm only taking one a day right now. I started taking them February 25th I think, so I'm almost pushing the three month mark. Isn't that when the growth should "take off" ?? Lol. I surely hope so. I do thin i'm getting good growth now, because areas where there was NO hair has hair now (not just fuzz). More than anything my hair is thickening up and my skin is still glowing (nails hard as ever too).
i've been on mine now for almost 6 weeks. my nails have started breaking and i've developed huge pimples on my chin neck and arms! i do think it thickened my hair a bit and helped with growth somewhat but after this bottle i doubt i'll buy them again.
I've been taking Nioxin faithfully since December but I have no idea if it's helping or not. I just take them out of habit, and I'm afraid to quit just in case they ARE helping. lol
start: 4/11 (normal 3-4 weeks worth of growth)

5/11 (after a month on nioxin)

i didnt measure exactly, but i think i got around an inch, maybe a lil less...whatever it is im happy with it considering my diet was crap last month and i didnt drink alot of water, so next month i plan on having atleast this or more...also the front is probably the slowest growing part of my head...i took 1 a day...i maybe took 2 a day for 2 or 3 days, and maybe missed 2 days
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I am taking 1 a day and they have helped me with my lack of sleep and allergies. I feel more awake and clear headed. I don't care if it doesn't help my hair. These vitamins are great! I take my multi- vitamins at 9 AM and the Nioxin at 9 PM.
Quick update: My nails are ridiculously strong and healthy:grin: i've been taking Nioxin for over a month right hair growth is meh but my nails are taking off like crazy! They're not breaking anymore and are so strong and growing quite nicely.

I'm surprised because i'm usually not a nail person ( i keep mine very short) but i'll keep growing them out to see their full potential. I'm really excited :)
Quick update: My nails are ridiculously strong and healthy:grin: i've been taking Nioxin for over a month right hair growth is meh but my nails are taking off like crazy! They're not breaking anymore and are so strong and growing quite nicely.

I'm surprised because i'm usually not a nail person ( i keep mine very short) but i'll keep growing them out to see their full potential. I'm really excited :)

Etherealsmile, I bought these vits primarily for my nails :lachen:. I bought it thinking, hey, if I get extra hair growth that's cool too! I just want strong healthy nails.
I have been taking 2 Nioxin in addition to my multi for the past month and a half, and have had no ill side effects - no break outs or anything. I have to take my multi b/c it has iron...if you don't need the iron I think the two Nioxin would be fine though.
I just subscribed to my Nioxin order on get free shipping even if you don't spend the $25 and you automatically get 15% off. :drunk:
OK.....I just got back from getting my nails nail tech was triming my nails and was having a hard time cutting them !!!!!! lol.....he said ' u have hard nail !" I just laughed and said it must be the nioxin vitamins i'm taking " he says: they;re real good keep taking . SWEET !
Only on day 9! Got a weave with braids in the front put in 3 days.

One review I have is that the pills are helping with my appetite. I haven't been all that hungry and it looks like I lost 1 pound lmao. I will start working out at the gym either this week or next so we stall see.
My nails seem to be growing in stronger. I'm not sure about my hair, I'm still in braids but I'll be taking them down soon. I'm starting to get a few hairs on my chin, this is not the business.:nono: I'm hoping to get good growth and I'll probably order another bottle this week.
Hi all,

After reading this thread I decided to switch from Costsell to Payless Beauty because I didn't want the cracks....well......:( lot # 47414 010554 ex 11/2012 is full of them. Just a heads up.
So I just got a conditioner that contains sea kelp, which is supposed to help promote hair growth, and while I was researching I discovered that the alternate name for sea kelp is bladderwrack - which is in Nioxin. Just sharing the info!

Brown algaes contain the highest amount of iodine in the seaweed family. Bladderwrack, a kind of kelp, is especially rich in iodine. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, an iodine deficiency may result in hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid. One symptom of hypothyroidism is dull, scaly or slow-growing hair. UMMC notes that lack of the proper amount of iodine is rare in the developed countries, so check with your doctor to make sure you don't overdo it on iodine. If she agrees that it may help in your case, however, prepare kelp with meals about once a week, or take 600 mg supplements one to three times a day, UMMC advises. Kelp is also rich in vitamin B12. A B12 deficiency which can also lead to sluggish hair growth and other health problems. Herbal author Phyllis Balch notes that bladderwrack is a good source of B12 for vegans, because most other food sources of the vitamin come from animals. She notes that kelps in general have some of the highest available concentrations of trace minerals. It is also high in macronutrients, like protein and fatty acids, which add shine to hair.

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aww! I guess different things do react differently for each of us. I stopped taking Hairfinity because my nails looked like crap, and switched to 2 Nioxin per day. I do think my hair is growing, but even without that I would keep taking it because after two weeks of inconsistent use my nails are awesome! strong and growing . I was in kinky twist and my hair grows like crazy in them, so I do not know if the growth I saw was a result of them or the nioxin, but since I have no adverse side effects I will continue to take.
Damn :perplexed. I'm on week 3 and see no change in my nails yet either.
:peek2: After reading through the thread, I bought 4 bottles. :drunk: I have been taking them a week, and my nails feel stronger for sure. I will keep you updated with my hair growth.