Nice Guy But Has Sinus Problems


Well-Known Member
I recently met a man in his 40s. He's divorced with a grown son and doing ok for himself. We've only been on two dates. One date we spent the whole afternoon together and getting acquainted. We had lunch, a movie, the park, then drinks and appetizers. All was his suggestions and he paid with no qualms. He's already talking about a relationship and going out of town together next month. I personally think its too soon for that though.

I have contemplated not pursuing this. We are the same height when wearing flats. He could be about 2 inches taller, but I can deal with us being the same height. The other issue I have with him is he has bad sinus problems. He has watery eyes that tear up some times and he has to wipe, and a stuffy nose that he goes to the bathroom to blow periodically. He sound like he has a cold. The problem is his breath smells unpleasant. Our last date, he asked me for a kiss at the end, and I kissed him on the forehead. LoL Today, he had a doctor's appointment for a follow-up on a back spasm. I texted and told him to ask the dr. for something for his sinuses so that he can be fresh and clear. He didn't reply to that. He just says for me to have a nice day and he'll touch base later.

Can you deal with this and ignore his sinus problem and bad breath? I have smelt worse breath. I've been told that I'm picky. Would this be a deal breaker for you?
When he calls you again ask if he spoke with the doc about the sinus issue. Frame it in a caring tone. I think the breath issue is related to the sinus issue, some antihistamines can cause dry mouth which can cause bad breath. He could also have post-nasal drip which can cause bad breath. Bad breath is only a deal breaker if the person doesn't take steps to remedy it.
Only if he doesn't fix it or gets offended by it. See what he says about the doctor and if he actually asked about the sinuses. Maybe no one has ever told him or he doesn't realize it as it's something new (the bad breath).
You can suggest kalmegh powder for his sinuses, I've had horrible sinuses my entire life and it's the only things that helps me.
When he calls you again ask if he spoke with the doc about the sinus issue. Frame it in a caring tone. I think the breath issue is related to the sinus issue, some antihistamines can cause dry mouth which can cause bad breath. He could also have post-nasal drip which can cause bad breath. Bad breath is only a deal breaker if the person doesn't take steps to remedy it.
I agree and thought about this. Sinus problems just don't pop up in your 40s. This has to be an ongoing issue and you refuse to handle this. :rolleyes: I have sinus problems in the fall and take zertec to remedy. I'm gonna ask if he talked to his dr. about his sinuses.
Only if he doesn't fix it or gets offended by it. See what he says about the doctor and if he actually asked about the sinuses. Maybe no one has ever told him or he doesn't realize it as it's something new (the bad breath).
You can suggest kalmegh powder for his sinuses, I've had horrible sinuses my entire life and it's the only things that helps me.
okay. Never hear about the kalmegh powder. His seem pretty bad.
I agree and thought about this. Sinus problems just don't pop up in your 40s. This has to be an ongoing issue and you refuse to handle this. :rolleyes: I have sinus problems in the fall and take zertec to remedy. I'm gonna ask if he talked to his dr. about his sinuses.

I thought about that too but with access to Google and health insurance no one should have habitual bad breath.
I've heard people with bad breath are like smokers in that they are clueless about how bad the stench is. If he's aware of his situation then he's probably sensitive about it. Bring it up compassionately but be prepared for him to be offended and move on. That's not a bad thing if he isn't going to fix it. Just be ready.
I went on a few dates with a guy with a sinus problem. My sinus issues are seasonal or when I'm exposed to smoke or mold, so I get it. I asked this dude if he had allergies because it was distracting me from the conversation. His voice would change mid-sentence because he refused to cough or blow his nose...

When he spoke, it was like, he needed to cough but refused to cough the phlegm up. IT.WAS.SO.DISTRACTING. I would them nitpick at everything that was wrong with him because that mucus sound was so distracting. His breath didn't smell, but that whole situation pissed me off...makes me mad to think about it lol

Bad breath is a dealbreaker. Maybe he needs to see a dentist and an ENT, but that's a lot to ask someone to do just to make their mouth palatable enough for a kiss
I went on a few dates with a guy with a sinus problem. My sinus issues are seasonal or when I'm exposed to smoke or mold, so I get it. I asked this dude if he had allergies because it was distracting me from the conversation. His voice would change mid-sentence because he refused to cough or blow his nose...

When he spoke, it was like, he needed to cough but refused to cough the phlegm up. IT.WAS.SO.DISTRACTING. I would them nitpick at everything that was wrong with him because that mucus sound was so distracting. His breath didn't smell, but that whole situation pissed me off...makes me mad to think about it lol

Bad breath is a dealbreaker. Maybe he needs to see a dentist and an ENT, but that's a lot to ask someone to do just to make their mouth palatable enough for a kiss

I don't think it's too much to ask as it helps him. It's not like she's asking him to bleach his yellow teeth in order to kiss him.
I went on a few dates with a guy with a sinus problem. My sinus issues are seasonal or when I'm exposed to smoke or mold, so I get it. I asked this dude if he had allergies because it was distracting me from the conversation. His voice would change mid-sentence because he refused to cough or blow his nose...

When he spoke, it was like, he needed to cough but refused to cough the phlegm up. IT.WAS.SO.DISTRACTING. I would them nitpick at everything that was wrong with him because that mucus sound was so distracting. His breath didn't smell, but that whole situation pissed me off...makes me mad to think about it lol

Bad breath is a dealbreaker. Maybe he needs to see a dentist and an ENT, but that's a lot to ask someone to do just to make their mouth palatable enough for a kiss

LoL...He does seem to have some dental issues too, but I wasn't going to hold that against him though. His eyes are runny and he hides them with shades. Now I'm thinking, that if he avoided handling the sinus issue, he probably doesn't go to the dentist either. You know how men avoid going to the doctor. I think he's only going to the doctor this time is because he got hurt on the job. They are requiring a follow-up. He probably need to see an ENT stat.
Yeah if he also has dental issues then I think the bad breath is from poor hygiene. I think that you should make the decision you want and don't feel bad about it. The allergy thing I could work with by forcing him to take Zyrtec on a regular basis but the bad breath is a no go. He may be cleaning up for your dates but once you get comfortable with each other his inadequate hygiene could show in other areas. Don't feel like you have to settle for that!
Sinus issues, bad breath and dental issues? It sounds like he doesn't take care of himself. I'm willing to bet there are probably some other health issues going on too.
I did think about that. He showed me a pic of himself about 4 years ago and he was much plumper. He said with the injury at work hes lost weight. It was about 30 lbs. The pic looked like another person. His face looks younger with the weight off though. He said he was trying to gain some of it back.

Two things thats a turnoff is a yuck mouth and a short man.
Yeah if he also has dental issues then I think the bad breath is from poor hygiene. I think that you should make the decision you want and don't feel bad about it. The allergy thing I could work with by forcing him to take Zyrtec on a regular basis but the bad breath is a no go. He may be cleaning up for your dates but once you get comfortable with each other his inadequate hygiene could show in other areas. Don't feel like you have to settle for that!
That's a freight to think that's what he's doing. LoL

Are you attracted to him? Or does the sinuses, watery eyes, nose blowing, and bad breath ruin it? If you're not attracted to him, then yeah, it's a dealbreaker.
He's average looking. I'm not terribly attracted to him, but I liked that he liked doing stuff and paying for it. Some men cry about spending money on stuff. Yeah, the sinuses, watery eyes, nose blowing and bad breath ruin it.
Hmm, I'm with the minority, but guysv often ignore these things. If you like him, let him know it's important to you.

Sinus infections are contagious. I wouldn't suggest going out with him while he's sick, letting him pay, but opting out on a good night kiss, that would frustrate anyone.

Tell him to make himself a priority, people with life long sinus issues often become desensitized. Don't go out again until he gets himself healthy and kisseable.
The visual alone is making me queasy and I don't even know the guy.

Yass, girl its the truth though. I'm very cautious about whom I kiss just cause you never know what germs and virus are getting swapped in that spit exchange.
Years ago I dated a perfect guy, with bad breath. He leaned in for a kiss and I did a back bending move like Keanua Reeves in the Matrix to escape it. He was a great guy too.... Hell I might me married by now if I would have given his stinky self a chance.
Hmm, I'm with the minority, but guysv often ignore these things. If you like him, let him know it's important to you.

Sinus infections are contagious. I wouldn't suggest going out with him while he's sick, letting him pay, but opting out on a good night kiss, that would frustrate anyone.

Tell him to make himself a priority, people with life long sinus issues often become desensitized. Don't go out again until he gets himself healthy and kisseable.
I feel like this might be a touchy subject at his age, etc. I'll have to figure out a way to let him know gently.
Today he asked if I had plans this weekend, and if not he'd like to get together. I told him I didn't have a whole lot planned, I'd have to see. Then I asked if his doctor treated his sinus infection. He said he has to make an appointment with his primary care physician, not the company doctor they assigned to him for injury, and that he's going to make an appointment next week. It seems like he's putting off being seen by a doctor. I don't know if I can see him til he gets this taken care of.
Use this tactic....
Let him know that you look forward to seeing him when he's all better. Tell him, " You seem to be under the weather and I would enjoy our time together more if you were at 100%." To me this is an underhanded ultimatum.... As in... Get yo leaking, stinky bref behind to the doctor pronto... Or don't call me... No mo!
Use this tactic....
Let him know that you look forward to seeing him when he's all better. Tell him, " You seem to be under the weather and I would enjoy our time together more if you were at 100%." To me this is an underhanded ultimatum.... As in... Get yo leaking, stinky bref behind to the doctor pronto... Or don't call me... No mo!
Thanks... I was wondering how to word this. LoL
Today he asked if I had plans this weekend, and if not he'd like to get together. I told him I didn't have a whole lot planned, I'd have to see. Then I asked if his doctor treated his sinus infection. He said he has to make an appointment with his primary care physician, not the company doctor they assigned to him for injury, and that he's going to make an appointment next week. It seems like he's putting off being seen by a doctor. I don't know if I can see him til he gets this taken care of.
Doesnt seem like you're attracted to him though. Just impressed he's paying for things which a man SHOULD be doing. If you continue seeing him, he'll want to kiss you and.... euwwwww. Don't do it!