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    Votes: 11 9.8%

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Who can't wait to reach their next goal length???
I cannot wait to reach BSL, it's taking much longer than I thought it would. :wallbash: I figure APL would be the toughest hurdle but when I look back it really wasn't that bad. I have past the time it me to get to APL trying to get to BSL. I only measure during touch-up time but geesh BSL hurry up already.
Girl, I feel you! I achieved APL really fast. My longest layer is almost BSL but I mos def feel you b/c I'm right there with ya. BSL betta be here by the end of the year!
I can't wait to be BSL (again) and then get to MBL. I swear, the longer my hair gets, the shorter it seems.
i cant wait for awesome hair growth
i want to be full bob length by September and shoulder length by December or longer:yep:
Who can't wait to reach their next goal length???
I cannot wait to reach BSL, it's taking much longer than I thought it would. :wallbash: I figure APL would be the toughest hurdle but when I look back it really wasn't that bad. I have past the time it me to get to APL trying to get to BSL. I only measure during touch-up time but geesh BSL hurry up already.

I hear ya. It seems that APL was a peice of cake. BSL took awhile. Damn near a year. I'm just at BSL...I'm giving myself until Dec to get to MB. I have slacked off taking my vitamins and as a result my hair is not growing as fast as it was. Therefore, as of Today, I'm back to taking my vitamins faithfully and wearing my hair up in protective styles and hopefully, I'll be MB by December. Good Luck ladies we'll be at our next goal in no time!!!!!
Im currently at APL...i reached it in no time, but i can not wait until BSL!!!! I really wanted it by this summer so i can show it off, because since i joined LHCF, my hair has only been in buns non-stop. I use to wear my hair down all the time, but now i do not anymore.

I told myself that SUMMER 2009 belongs to me, my body and my BSL hair.

The things we have to do!
I can't wait!!! APL just doesn't seem very long to me, so I don't feel comfortable wearing my hair out. I know I have severe hair anorexia, but :ohwell:

Once I get to full BSB, I'll be able to relax and let my hair down (literally :giggle: )
I am definitely ready. I just reached BSL which was my ultimate goal when I first started growing my hair but now I'm ready for MBL. Since my hair is so layered BSL doesn't feel long at all :nono:
Past ready. Cuz once I hit full APL [which on my short self is scrapin BSL] I'mma spend that spring and summer doin less protective and more low-manipulation styles.
Im waiting to reach APL by September. it's taken a while, but my hair wasn't healthy at first so I guess there's some give and take going on. Then Im aiming for BSL by summer 2009.
i can't wait till APL cause i've never had hair that long...even though i know shortly after i get there i will be doing the BC.
I am definitely ready. I just reached BSL which was my ultimate goal when I first started growing my hair but now I'm ready for MBL. Since my hair is so layered BSL doesn't feel long at all :nono:

ITA....Now that I'm doesn't seem so long I want FULL BSL...ALL ENDS touching BSL...not just my longest the time my short layers touch BSL...I'll probably be past mid-back and onto WSL because my sides grow soooo slow...
I just can't wait to be MBL. It's been on my mind for while now. My hair is growing and I'm retaining length so I guess that is good news! I have no idea when I'll get there now though but I'm enjoying the ride.
I'm so close to MBL (which w/b the bottom of my bra) I can taste it, but I've stopped watching my hair so closely. Whenever I decide to texlax, I'll do a length check then. I literally have about 1-1.5" to go-if that!
I can't wait to reach BSL or 13 inches. My hair has never been that long so I really hope it would just hurry up an grow already.

I'm just like you, visualizing my hext goal of MBL. But I may just need to be patient cause all I think about is my hair.
I can't wait to get to my next hair goal which is BSL. To others it's happening quickly but to me, no way near fast enough:nono:. I want BSL hair like 5 minutes ago. I will continue to keep up my good hair practices and work my way there quickly.
I can't wait to reach my current goal of APL. I am almost there....I wish it would happen already. It seems like my hair has been the same length all of my adult life. Now I know that its from my ends rubbing against my clothes b/c I always wore my hair down and frequent(every 6 week) trims. Thanks to all the info on this site I am finally retaining my length.
I'm nearing midback length sooooo close..:yep:
and it's so funny because i've cut my hair so much lol

i'm past brastrap right now..only 2 inches more to go!!!
I can't wait to be able to claim full shoulder - I'm sooooooo close, everytime I comb my hair I have to wonder - oooh, now? Maybe now? Maybe now? :lachen:

I figure by the end of the summer, I'll be able to claim it, esp. if I get my usual summer growth spurt.... :yep:
I'm starting to feel the urge to wanna straighten my hair and check the length (even though I've only been a member for a month).

I've set my goal at APL for my bday in 3 months, but sometimes I wonder if thats a good idea :perplexed If I don't make APL am I setting myself up for a bad 30th bday?
OMG, I thought I was the only one who can't wait til their next goal.. I mean I never been APL before but dang let's move to the next length already.. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way :woohoo2: