Newbies let get together and get results.. All r welcome

Hello everyone,

I'm a relative newbie, and I'm addicted to reading all the hair advice given on the forum, and log in at least once a day.

I have ear/neck length, fine 4a natural hair, and used to have it in twist extensions for about 3 years, on and off. I ovioulsly wasn't caring for it, or the extensions simply did not agree with me, bacause after all that time my hair hardly grew.

I don't have the extensions now, and there are limitations on what styles I could wear. For the last 3 months I have been pulling my hair back with a phony pony. As you've probably guessed my hair is breaking at the edges. And as a addict to the forum, I am a pj, and always trying out different regimes and products. Yesterday I flat ironed my hair, and it came out frizzy at the ends and generally horrible!! I was tempted to cut it off to about 2inches and go back to braiding, but i have no edges.

I also felt like giving up :sad:. But I've gone out today a bought 2 wigs, so that i can truly rest my hair from styling and concentrate on looking after it. my K.I.S.S. regime will be to co-wash every day, OCT/MT at least 4 times a week, and DC 3 times a week.

I won't give up on the sucker yet!!! Keep it up ladies!!!
so I want to cry....i got my first relaxer after being natural and the woman burned my scalp underprocessed parts of my hair and didn't deep condition afterwards! I dont know what to do..... any advice

Here is a pic of my hair and the haircut she gave me:perplexed:nono: :(IMG00040.jpg
PR3TTY!!! I'm so sorry to hear about your setback!

My advice would be to let a trusted stylist/weaveologist take care of taking the sew-in out. I won't say to stop getting sew-ins because these are what helped me when I was at neck length and couldn't do anything with my hair. Another option (since you're SL) is to bun and/or phony pony for a couple of months. Drink lots of water, take vitamins, and maybe even throw some BT into there. Your hair will bounce back!

Thanks I have my hair in a full sew in again. I usually let my mom take it out and wash it for me but i did it myself this time and then this happens. Im thinking I should stop with the sew in after this so I can maybe wear a wig and be able to do protein treatments. I just dont know what to do but I do wanna relax just to see how much damage I really did do.
I definitely wouldn't just do a major cut, maybe a gradual one. Just keep babying your hair and taking care of it and you will be fine. As far as relaxing, i don't see why you shouldn't. a lot of women have expressed having extra breakage when stretching. Some things just aren't for everyone unfortunately. :sad: I am so sorry about this Pretty. It will be okay. Nothing worth having is easy to obtain, some obstacles are bound to occur.

Thanks. Im thinking thats exactly what I need to do I might do a few protein treatments b4 I relax just to get a little strength bc Im pretty sure my ends are very weak right now.
Hey I'm a newie and long time lurker.

My hair is ranges from 3A to 3C (non manipulated). It's natural, my last relaxer was Sept 10, 2004 and my BC was Feb 2005. It's APL. HHG!!!
so I want to cry....i got my first relaxer after being natural and the woman burned my scalp underprocessed parts of my hair and didn't deep condition afterwards! I dont know what to do..... any advice

Here is a pic of my hair and the haircut she gave me:perplexed:nono: :(View attachment 18449

:sad: I am so sorry about what happened, but it will get better. What i would do is rewash my hair, give it a good protein treatment, follow it by a deep condition and you should be okay. I would also look into doing a corrective in the next week or so, and by another woman!!!!! This woman obviously doesn't know what she is doing. I hope that helps.

Hello everyone,

I'm a relative newbie, and I'm addicted to reading all the hair advice given on the forum, and log in at least once a day.

I have ear/neck length, fine 4a natural hair, and used to have it in twist extensions for about 3 years, on and off. I ovioulsly wasn't caring for it, or the extensions simply did not agree with me, bacause after all that time my hair hardly grew.

I don't have the extensions now, and there are limitations on what styles I could wear. For the last 3 months I have been pulling my hair back with a phony pony. As you've probably guessed my hair is breaking at the edges. And as a addict to the forum, I am a pj, and always trying out different regimes and products. Yesterday I flat ironed my hair, and it came out frizzy at the ends and generally horrible!! I was tempted to cut it off to about 2inches and go back to braiding, but i have no edges.

I also felt like giving up :sad:. But I've gone out today a bought 2 wigs, so that i can truly rest my hair from styling and concentrate on looking after it. my K.I.S.S. regime will be to co-wash every day, OCT/MT at least 4 times a week, and DC 3 times a week.

I won't give up on the sucker yet!!! Keep it up ladies!!!

Hi Sonja!!!!! The things you bought seem to be really good and will give you good results. Trust me, a lot of women, including myself were blind to healthy hair habits before here, but now that you are, soak up all that knowledge!!!!!!
I am new as of last week, but I am so excited about this site. I finally found a support system. I get emotional just thinking about the damage that my once beautiful hair has suffered. I am ready to redeem my self esteem and my hair. I am happy that I have some help to start over. I actually began a regimen last week, but maybe by Feb, I will feel comfortable taking pictures of my hair in before and after pictures. Count me in Ladies.
I am new as of last week, but I am so excited about this site. I finally found a support system. I get emotional just thinking about the damage that my once beautiful hair has suffered. I am ready to redeem my self esteem and my hair. I am happy that I have some help to start over. I actually began a regimen last week, but maybe by Feb, I will feel comfortable taking pictures of my hair in before and after pictures. Count me in Ladies.

:welcome4: Glad to have you aboard.
I'm ready, I will post photos of my progess.

Hair Type: 3c
Goal, shoulder length by Dec 2009

Current Products: Nexxus, Wen
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Well I havent posted in a MINUTE....but I missed you guys!!! I have started back working full time..and school started back. but here is a pic of my progress.....its finally GROWINg!!!! and my spot is growing too, its almost covered!


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Hey everyone, I finally signed up for LHCF. I'd love to join in this journey towards better hair care & length. I do have some questions, believe me they will flow pretty soon, have a great evening!
Im in.. I'm not so much a newby, but I also end up putting weaves in my hair because i don't know what to do with it :pullhair:... Hoping to find alot of advice and what not from this site, as well as on

Well I havent posted in a MINUTE....but I missed you guys!!! I have started back working full time..and school started back. but here is a pic of my progress.....its finally GROWINg!!!! and my spot is growing too, its almost covered!

Your hair has grown BB!!!!! It looks really nice and it compliments your face.

Hey everyone, I finally signed up for LHCF. I'd love to join in this journey towards better hair care & length. I do have some questions, believe me they will flow pretty soon, have a great evening!

Add me to the list!!! I think I'll start this weekend, as I'm 7 wks post and am getting my first stretched relaxer Friday morning.

My goal is bsl by June 09
Weekly Regimen:
Aphogee shampoo/ 2-min reconstructor/ balance moisturizer
Organics olive oil dc
QP H-two leave in conditioner
Ceramic Silk heat protectant serum
rollerset or flatiron (weekly alternating)
coconut oil on ends

Growth aids:
Bee Mine
frequent scalp massages
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Add me to the list!!! I think I'll start this weekend, as I'm 7 wks post and am getting my first stretched relaxer Friday morning.

My goal is bsl by June 09
Weekly Regimen:
Aphogee shampoo/ 2-min reconstructor/ balance moisturizer
Organics olive oil dc
QP H-two leave in conditioner
Ceramic Silk heat protectant serum
rollerset or flatiron (weekly alternating)
coconut oil on ends

Growth aids:
Bee Mine
frequent scalp massages
:welcome3: you have a nice regi put together. I love MN!!!! Thats the best stuff ever :yep:
:welcome3: you have a nice regi put together. I love MN!!!! Thats the best stuff ever :yep:

Thank you. I use Bee Mine on hubby's face and he feels the tingle, but refuses to let me put MN on him :ohwell:. I am looking forward to this challenge and the results it gives.
Dear Pr3tty,

You started this newbie revolution. You are the reason why I am here. I was damaged and confused beyond repair. Clip those ends, use those protein packs, take those vitamins. Do whatever you got to do to get back on track. In Feb 06, I got a bad relaxer. My once beautiful hair was dried out and tangled. The stylist couldn't comb it without taking it out in patches. So much of my hair fell out right there on the spot and for months afterwards. I refused to cut it. I clipped the ends and the severly broken areas. I wore wigs instead of weaves. I used a helluva lot of deep conditioner. 18 months later, we are healthy, but what I would call Peezie or short in some areas. Regain you hair, regain your self esteem. Everyone on this page can relate to your experience in some form or facet. This is a true example of "it pains to be beautiful". We are rooting for you girlfriend.

Hi ladies. I am a fairly new member. May I join? I am currently 9 months post relaxer (transitioning to natural). Also, what is MN? Could someone tell me how to post pics?
Hi Ladies,
I would like to join as well. I plan on doing monthly hair updates as well! I have my first picture already. I am going to make a pikistrip to track my progress later on tonight and I will post it :)

Thanks, here's to longer and healthier hair! :grin:
Welcome to all the new members! I am officially 6 months post! YAY! I have about 3 inches of NG and managing my transition through braidouts and rollersets...

Here is a pic of my NG...HAHAHA:lachen: All in all, I am happy so far with my transition and may continue to transition my hair back out to full APL instead of contemplating a BC at 18 months...

ETA: my hair is wierd. It's not curly, it's more wavy and coarse. It gets real thick, but bc it's not terribly curly (won't do ringlets), it is easy to straighten and doesn't have a whole lotta shrinkage. Pic is airdried hair (pulled back into a pony) with no product on NG


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im in this current length is 3 inches.i am using the parnevue hair products.nothing too special.and rocking the corn rows for eight weeks at a time.but do i post my fotki on here.
Thanks, BB! You need to post some pics of your progress now!! Can you make a puff? I wanna see....:spinning:
A puff? I way..but is is know i started with about 1/2 inch so now i have about 2 to 2 1/2 and its only been 3 mths. Im just ready to wear it out...but my spot hasn't grown in fully yet...i have a little bit left to cover..i have 2 pics on the previous page
im in this current length is 3 inches.i am using the parnevue hair products.nothing too special.and rocking the corn rows for eight weeks at a time.but do i post my fotki on here.

:welcome3: I would think you just copy and paste the link of your fotki. i don't have one though so i'm not sure

Hi Ladies,
I would like to join as well. I plan on doing monthly hair updates as well! I have my first picture already. I am going to make a pikistrip to track my progress later on tonight and I will post it :)

Thanks, here's to longer and healthier hair! :grin:


Hi ladies. I am a fairly new member. May I join? I am currently 9 months post relaxer (transitioning to natural). Also, what is MN? Could someone tell me how to post pics?

MN is Miconazole Nitrate. It is the active ingredient in monistat and neosporin AF. It is used as a growth aid for many women. I use it and i really enjoy it.

i usually go to and upload my pictures and copy and paste the link to here.

and :welcome3:
Dear Pr3tty,

You started this newbie revolution. You are the reason why I am here. I was damaged and confused beyond repair. Clip those ends, use those protein packs, take those vitamins. Do whatever you got to do to get back on track. In Feb 06, I got a bad relaxer. My once beautiful hair was dried out and tangled. The stylist couldn't comb it without taking it out in patches. So much of my hair fell out right there on the spot and for months afterwards. I refused to cut it. I clipped the ends and the severly broken areas. I wore wigs instead of weaves. I used a helluva lot of deep conditioner. 18 months later, we are healthy, but what I would call Peezie or short in some areas. Regain you hair, regain your self esteem. Everyone on this page can relate to your experience in some form or facet. This is a true example of "it pains to be beautiful". We are rooting for you girlfriend.


Thank you so much this means a lot. I was pretty down when I posted that message. I am feeling a lot better especially after reading what you ladies have to say. I realize its not the end of the world even though I was doing so well but I will get there again and this time I will know what to look out for. I am going to trim the broken parts and I am going to wear wigs instead of weaves so I can treat my hair more and I will not give up, it is not an option :nono: and with all the support thats in our newbie circle how can I? Thanks so much....