Newbies let get together and get results.. All r welcome

Shorthairdiva, Karlap...Welcome ladies! We're glad you can join us. Please make yourselves at home and feel free to share any questions, tips, or info. on any awesome products :lick:!! If you can, please share your regimens and starting pics :grin:.
Checking in still doing my routine. About to wash and DC and use my Bee Mine Serum which I've been using daily. Hope all the ladies are having a wonderful day. Peace and blessings to all !!
WELCOME to all the NEWBIE FOLK!!!!

Ooh I see some sistas in here with some gorgeous heads of hair and I'm hat-iiiin...

Girl--these ppl (work) been makin my nerves EXTRA bad! Luckily I will resign next month to attend school full-time.

Are you doing henna as well?
Do you like it?

And transitioning....? Giiirrlll....there was a period when I was fighting with it. But these days it IS easier than I thought it'd be. Though I had a huge frightening cloud of frizz and curl to contend with this past weekend...
(Humidity and curls do not mix).
My guy friend was like, " all that your hair..."

This whole hair journey has been enlightening. Can't count the number of times where I've just looked in the mirror, saw my hair reacting badly to moisture in the air and said to myself, "THAT's why my mama relaxed me..."

But I should probably hush about it being 'oh so easy', so I don't jinx it.
I cannot keep my fingers out of my head. I wish I was entirely natural right now but I will be transitioning for a minute because I want BSL NATURAL hair.

I should hit APL by the end of the year--if I don't do anything to it.
I'll prolly get into some braids...

What products does everyone use to combat frizziness...?

I am with you...I plan on rocking these braidout's till they won't rock no Mo'! LOL! I want long natural hair, my hair doesn't really coil or shrink that much when natural, it just kind of frizzes (it's very odd), so I want it at least SL that's why I am transitioning for at least 18 months...I am into month 15 now!!! I am so excited to try and rock some natural hair styles with the tehniques I have learned on here...I can't wait...

Oh, for the frizziness...Sabino Moisture Block...:yep: but be careful...a little goes a LONG way!!!!

i would love to join this! i wll have some pics later :D

Girl, WELCOME! I saw your pics!! Most impressed with your doobie!!! I can't wrap my hair for nothin'...WELCOME again!!

HOLLLAA! Fo' Sho''s the biz-ness...

Hi All!!!

I am a former lurker who is now a member. I have been lurking for about 2 months now and DH finally told me to not be afraid and jump in so here goes.

I am orginally from New Orleans but my hubby in in the Air Force so we have lived everywhere (and I do mean every where). We are currently in Guam which is a very humid and tropical place. I am finding it hard to locate natural oils locally so I have had to order them and I hate waiting. I am about to sign up for the Mega-Tek challenge and I have already ordered it but the mail can take a week longer than usual here. I can't wait I have viewed some of the progress pics and my mouth hit the floor.

I HAD shoulder lenght hair in Dec. 07 but I got sick and was on some meds that broke my hair off in patches so I got it cut into a bob. I am heathy again and my hair seems to be doing well but now I want my hair back! I am starting out at earlob length :sad: But I guess we all got to start somewhere.

This is my journey and I am happy to be tagging along with you ladies on yours.

Hey girl!!! WELCOME!!! SL is such a great starting point!:yep: YOu'll be claiming APL soon! WELCOME to the NEWBIE thread! :grin:

Checking in still doing my routine. About to wash and DC and use my Bee Mine Serum which I've been using daily. Hope all the ladies are having a wonderful day. Peace and blessings to all !!

Right back at cha!:grin:
Hi, I would love join this challenge. I was natural for 3 years until I decided to perm again in January of this year. I grew tired of pulling and tugging on my 4a naps just to be able to get some sort of style and tired of a sore scalp. I did love my natural hair but it was very difficult to style. I currently have neck length on the sides and in the back. The front or bang is top lip length. There are some areas of my hair that are suffering from thinning and breakage with one bald patch in the back. I think I can attribute some of these issues to the fact that I have eczema, asthma and allergies and other chronic health issues. I'm sure that hormones also play a role.

My regimen consists of :
MN mixture, Boundless Tresses daily
Cowash 2x a week with Organix Coconut Milk
Deep Condition 2x a week with Organix Coconut Milk Split End Mender & the Self Heating Coconut Oil or Apoghee Product
Shampoo 1x a week
Air dry w/occasional Blowdryer & flat iron with Conair Steamstraightener

I will post pics soon (hopefully by the end of the week).
Hi All!!!

I am a former lurker who is now a member. I have been lurking for about 2 months now and DH finally told me to not be afraid and jump in so here goes.

I am orginally from New Orleans but my hubby in in the Air Force so we have lived everywhere (and I do mean every where). We are currently in Guam which is a very humid and tropical place. I am finding it hard to locate natural oils locally so I have had to order them and I hate waiting. I am about to sign up for the Mega-Tek challenge and I have already ordered it but the mail can take a week longer than usual here. I can't wait I have viewed some of the progress pics and my mouth hit the floor.

I HAD shoulder lenght hair in Dec. 07 but I got sick and was on some meds that broke my hair off in patches so I got it cut into a bob. I am heathy again and my hair seems to be doing well but now I want my hair back! I am starting out at earlob length :sad: But I guess we all got to start somewhere.

This is my journey and I am happy to be tagging along with you ladies on yours.

Hi, I would love join this challenge. I was natural for 3 years until I decided to perm again in January of this year. I grew tired of pulling and tugging on my 4a naps just to be able to get some sort of style and tired of a sore scalp. I did love my natural hair but it was very difficult to style. I currently have neck length on the sides and in the back. The front or bang is top lip length. There are some areas of my hair that are suffering from thinning and breakage with one bald patch in the back. I think I can attribute some of these issues to the fact that I have eczema, asthma and allergies and other chronic health issues. I'm sure that hormones also play a role.

My regimen consists of :
MN mixture, Boundless Tresses daily
Cowash 2x a week with Organix Coconut Milk
Deep Condition 2x a week with Organix Coconut Milk Split End Mender & the Self Heating Coconut Oil or Apoghee Product
Shampoo 1x a week
Air dry w/occasional Blowdryer & flat iron with Conair Steamstraightener

I will post pics soon (hopefully by the end of the week).

Welcome to the Newbie Challenge, Mistee! :grin: Your regimen sounds great. Are you also using any moisturizers/moisturizing conditioners?
Oh, nice...I love a good braidout :grin:

Here's my braidout pics, don't know about good....... :rolleyes: but here they are



Sorry about the size and the mirror....:perplexed
Hi, I would love join this challenge. I was natural for 3 years until I decided to perm again in January of this year. I grew tired of pulling and tugging on my 4a naps just to be able to get some sort of style and tired of a sore scalp. I did love my natural hair but it was very difficult to style. I currently have neck length on the sides and in the back. The front or bang is top lip length. There are some areas of my hair that are suffering from thinning and breakage with one bald patch in the back. I think I can attribute some of these issues to the fact that I have eczema, asthma and allergies and other chronic health issues. I'm sure that hormones also play a role.

My regimen consists of :
MN mixture, Boundless Tresses daily
Cowash 2x a week with Organix Coconut Milk
Deep Condition 2x a week with Organix Coconut Milk Split End Mender & the Self Heating Coconut Oil or Apoghee Product
Shampoo 1x a week
Air dry w/occasional Blowdryer & flat iron with Conair Steamstraightener

I will post pics soon (hopefully by the end of the week).

Welcome!!!!:grin: I'm gonna have to look into that Organix Coconut milk....

Hi newbie sisters! I just took another big newbie step and created a fotki! Yay :grin:

Girl, your hair is so pretty!!!! I'ma 'bout to creep that side swept bun look....:look: fo' sho' :lachen: Good job on the FOTKI!

Here's my braidout pics, don't know about good....... :rolleyes: but here they are



Sorry about the size and the mirror....:perplexed

OOOHHHHH, pretty pretty!!!! I just love braid-out's....:spinning:
Ok so Iam back and here are my starting pics. Hopefully by the end of the year I should see a dramatic change or will we update before then?????
Ok so Iam back and here are my starting pics. Hopefully by the end of the year I should see a dramatic change or will we update before then?????

We try to post pics and update status at the 1st of every month!:grin:

sorry guys I will try again later when DH comes home cause my pic is too big to upload. Sorry

Hey, lady! Try opening it up in MS paint, then Select Image>Stretch/Skew from the tool bar and change the horizontal and vertical dimensions, say like 50% for both. It will resize the pic making it smaller. Then save using another name (don't keep the same name 'cause it will write over the original!). Then check the properties of the pic to see if it is still too big. If so, resize again...This is what I do when my pics are too big...If you don't have MS Paint, some other image editing software should work...
Welcome to the Newbie Challenge, Mistee! :grin: Your regimen sounds great. Are you also using any moisturizers/moisturizing conditioners?

Thank you, Galadriel. The only moisturizer is use everyday is Cathy Howse' UBH Dew Moisturizing Spray and the UBH Creme Moisturizer Lotion. I'm looking for some other ones that I can use daily along with these two. I just went to see my hairdresser today and she told me that my hair was in very good shape because she didn't see any breakage while she was doing it and I told her that I was keeping on top of the conditioning at home. Those prepoos and dcs really are doing the job!
Awww, I wanna join too! Is it too late? :sad:

Nope! Welcome!!!:grin: All you have to do is post your starting regi, set some individual goals for yourself and post a pic. We update status with a new picture at the beginning of every month...that's it!

Thank you, Galadriel. The only moisturizer is use everyday is Cathy Howse' UBH Dew Moisturizing Spray and the UBH Creme Moisturizer Lotion. I'm looking for some other ones that I can use daily along with these two. I just went to see my hairdresser today and she told me that my hair was in very good shape because she didn't see any breakage while she was doing it and I told her that I was keeping on top of the conditioning at home. Those prepoos and dcs really are doing the job!

Mistee, how do you like the Cathy Howse products? Are they expensive? Where do you order?
Thank you so much for the help Finding Me!!!! Ok ladies here we go my first set of pictures. I will post monthly even though you probably wont see a change. I need a perm already and Iam not getting one until Sept.4. I am doing the relaxer stretch which is 4 weeks beyond what you normally would perm. Me geing the over achiever that I am I decided to stretch to 15 weeks instead of 9 weeks so that is 6 weeks longer than the norm for me.:wallbash:


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Nope! Welcome!!!:grin: All you have to do is post your starting regi, set some individual goals for yourself and post a pic. We update status with a new picture at the beginning of every month...that's it!


Awwww, YAY!!! :yay:

Co-wash once a week w/ Aussie Moist
DC 2xs/wk (moisture/protein depending on how my hair feels - Aphogee 2 min., LeKair Cholesterol, Pantene R&N Mask, Lustrasilk Shea Butter, ORS OORP, Redken Butter Treat, umm etc etc I am a starter PJ :lachen:)
Wash weekly w/ Nexxus Therappe, Humectress and a PC rinse
Moisturize w/ HE LTR or CFCG and seal with EVOO
I have my mega-tek but I haven't used yet b/c I wanna finish my Surge plus 14 (THROWBACK!). . .but will prob be done sooner than later
Comb no more than 2x/wk - Low manipulation is my BFF
I also take GNC hair, skin, & nails / One-A-Day multi
(I'll also include garlic supplements when I start MT)

GOALS (for now):
APL by Dec. 08. . .Actually I want a little bit past by then

Can I just give my fotki? (PW in profile)
I know I am ridiculously late, but I just joined LHCF, so hello everyone and thanks for the tips that I've read so far!

I'm pretty simple: I have shoulder length-relaxed hair (4a) and my goal is for my hair to grow 3 inches past my shoulders and very healthy/ full-like Sanaa's pic on my avatar...I don't know all of the terminology.

I just tried a Dominican roller wrap today and I loved it. I used to get a similar treatment years ago and my hair grew long. I used to use heat everyday, so I kept it trimmed in order to keep it healthy.

Now...I plan to get a roller wrap set every two weeks and wrap to maintain. NO HEAT in between! I don't want to relax until Dec '08. My stylist said this shouldn't be a problem because I have pretty soft/ easy to manage hair, but the chemicals are causing thinning in the middle and on the sides.

I use Doo Grow shampoo & oil and Motions conditioner- I plan to start using the Dominican products at the salon. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! :drunk:
Mistee, how do you like the Cathy Howse products? Are they expensive? Where do you order?

I love Cathy Howse products I've been using off and on for the last 5 years. I love them! I've only used the Dew Moisturizer Spray and Lotion Creme Moisturizer. The spray can be used as often as you need it to help with dryness. I would still make sure that you have a protein conditioner along with these products because they don't contain protein. They are great moisturizers.

They can be found at They are not too expensive. I think the Dew Moisturizer is 8oz. for $10.00 and the Lotion is 8oz. for $8.00.