Newbie Here...So I told my stylist I want to grow my hair long..??


New Member
Okay ladies, I need some advice! I am a newbie here and I told my stylist that I want to grow my hair long and she was not feeling it. Her response was, " Well its not going to get that long because you have old color on it. ":sad:

Ladies I have been wearing hair color a very very long time and NEVER had any problems w/ growing my hair out or retaining ( I dont relax, I DC All the time, and I bun 80%) :yep:.

So what do you think should I dismiss her or proove her wrong. Are there any ladies who grew their hair out although it had color??:ohwell:
Sounds like you should be careful if you ask her to do a trim...that's where you'll lose length so that she can prove her point.
Okay ladies, I need some advice! I am a newbie here and I told my stylist that I want to grow my hair long and she was not feeling it. Her response was, " Well its not going to get that long because you have old color on it. ":sad:

Ladies I have been wearing hair color a very very long time and NEVER had any problems w/ growing my hair out or retaining ( I dont relax, I DC All the time, and I bun 80%) :yep:.

So what do you think should I dismiss her or proove her wrong. Are there any ladies who grew their hair out although it had color??:ohwell:

Girl, you'd better run! RUN!! There are plenty of women on this board and elsewhere who grew their hair long and it was colored. They just used healthy hair practices.

If you're serious about growing your hair out, I suggest you find a different stylist. It seems as though she might sabotage your efforts.
If your stylist doesn't want to get with the program that YOU are paying her for....go somewhere else.
Why would she say that?? I know plenty of people who have grown their hair out and had color in it. My mother constantly colors her hair and cuts it and it grows back time and time again. You should get a new stylist quick!!! Hair does not stop growing at all even if there is color in it
I don't know why she would say that! I guess because she may thought the hair would be weak b/c of the color, but I have been on this site and observed girls with relaxed hair and grow it past their backside. I thought to myself isn't a relaxer a form of a chemical and it doesn't seem to have an effect on their progress
I agree with the other posters. You have to find a stylist who also BELIEVES that you can grow your hair long. Before I found my current stylist, I told a previous stylist my length goals and she said my hair would "NEVER" be long again like it was a child. I promptly left her, and am smiling from ear to ear with BSL hair.

I also agree with everyone else's advice: Do NOT ALLOW HER TO TRIM YOUR HAIR! She just might jack you up to prove a point.

Also, once you find a better stylist, allow him or her to only do what you feel comfortable with. For example, my new stylist is gentle and follows all of our LHCF guidellines; however, she is scissor happy. I discovered this about her before I joined LHCF, so I only allow her to do my relaxer touchups. If I need a trim, I go to a lady at TGF Haircutters that I trust. I guess the moral of the story is to not assume that one person can do everything to your satisfaction, just like one product line may not do everything to your satisfaction.
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Okay ladies, I need some advice! I am a newbie here and I told my stylist that I want to grow my hair long and she was not feeling it. Her response was, " Well its not going to get that long because you have old color on it. ":sad:

Ladies I have been wearing hair color a very very long time and NEVER had any problems w/ growing my hair out or retaining ( I dont relax, I DC All the time, and I bun 80%) :yep:.

So what do you think should I dismiss her or proove her wrong. Are there any ladies who grew their hair out although it had color??:ohwell:

Ahh forget her, you can do it, sounds like your on the right track anyway!!
I would be careful if I were you. she might not be doubting (even though she prob is) but some hairstylists will keep your hair to where THEY are comfortable and know they can style with ease.
Ya'll not gonna beleive this but the stylist has long healthy hair herself, so I was so shocked at her response to my hair dreams!
If your stylist doesn't want to get with the program that YOU are paying her for....go somewhere else.

Exactly! If you wish to discuss it with her first - with no scissors in her hands - that might work if you've been pleased with her services in the past; otherwise, schedule a few consultations and find a stylist who believes as you do about your hair, so you know you're both on the same page.
I don't see why you can't grow your hair long with color, especially since you're taking the best possible care of your hair. I agree with the others who said you might want to consider a new stylists. It doesn't sound like this woman really has your hair best interests in mind. And even though you'd expect stylists to be know their trade, I find that there are few stylists who really do.
Ya'll not gonna beleive this but the stylist has long healthy hair herself, so I was so shocked at her response to my hair dreams!

smh ... my best friends mother had mid back length hair, cut it into a Hallie Berry pixy style and dyed it honey blond, then grew it back out to mid back length. When she grew her hair back out again the very bottom tips of her hair were still honey blond. Your stylist is just one person. You don't have to just take her word for it. Maybe she means well, maybe she doesn't want you to grow your hair out longer. Who knows? All I know is that I wouldn't take my chances. But is it possible? Heck yes.
See I am so glad this website is here. I would've been up the creek listening to her!! But I have to admit when I do see her for a trim she is not scissor happy, but not sure if I want to walk in there in December with my goal of full BSL (praying for that). In Dec it will be time for another trim.
I have a stylist that told me what I was doing would make my hair fall out. I said ok. I kept going to her because she does what i ask her to do and well but as far as what i do at home and our difference of opinion doesnt really matter. She did my hair today and it was "Oh honey, your hair is really getting LONG!" I just smiled.

A difference of opinion doesnt mean she is a bad stylist. I live by "I can show you better than I can tell you." ;-)
I didn't think about it that way, like I said she isn't scissor happy when I do go in for trims (Lord knows that is hard to come by in stylist!) but I prefer to limit my visits so that I can retain! I do a pretty good job in styling my own hair, but poorly at self trims. Over the years I beleive that self trimming is not the best for me due to layers and (I'm extra left handed) ;)
In the past, any time I told a stylist I was trying to grow my hair long I never got a positive response back. I might as well have handed them scissors right then and there LOL That's why I'm a DIYer now.

BTW, do you think that maybe she meant your color treated hair had damage and split ends? If not, then that makes no sense.

Oh and welcome!
It's hard to speculate why she said that, but trust me, she's wrong. I've been putting color in for years.
Okay ladies, I need some advice! I am a newbie here and I told my stylist that I want to grow my hair long and she was not feeling it. Her response was, " Well its not going to get that long because you have old color on it. ":sad:

Ladies I have been wearing hair color a very very long time and NEVER had any problems w/ growing my hair out or retaining ( I dont relax, I DC All the time, and I bun 80%) :yep:.

So what do you think should I dismiss her or proove her wrong. Are there any ladies who grew their hair out although it had color??:ohwell:

Hey girly! Welcome to the forum! Okay..i don't think your stylist knows what she is talking about. I think you should dismiss her..bc when your hair grows she may start beefin.I personally don't like negative people in my scalp!
She should be dismissed out of hand :up:....keep it for a stylist that will trim your hair the way you want...try doing the rest yourself.

Dismiss and prove wrong. Find a different stylist :Run:
Shop around and interview the potentials, no sense jumping out of the pot and into the fire.
Then, when you reach your hair goal walk past her salon. :grin:
I don't think what your stylist said was that far fetched. I mean, it is a fact that since color is a chemical that one may have challenges and retaining length can be compromised. There are tons of threads on here (and on other forums/fotki) with people who suffered damage due to permanent color (including naturals). I very briefly considered permanent color but decided against it since I encountered so many naturals how had challenges w/color that hindered their growth goals. Yes, there are exceptions but I don't see them nearly as much as the ones that have setbacks.

However, you should continue to remain extremely diligent and stay on top of your moisturizing treatments to help combat damage.

I don't necessarily believe you should switch but I do feel that you should be with a stylist that is encouraging and plans to work with you to achieve your goal. I think you should consider changing stylists but try talking to your stylist again (if you're comfortable) about what she plans to do help you.

Good luck!
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