Stylist Told Me My Hair Will Never Grow to Shoulder Length

Don't pay her no mind. People who don't know any better will always have something negative to say when others are striving for what they want. Just grow it out so she can start asking you how you did it. You will be there in no time:grin:
A stylist told me the same thing about my hair reaching armpit and now I only have 1 and a half inch to go. Be consistant and you will reap the rewards.;)
FloridaSunshine said:
Yes.... You read that right.
I went in this morning for my usual wash and deep condition and another stylist looked at my hair and asked what was my goal of keeping my hair natural, was I trying to grow it or something. I replied yes, I would like for it grow at least shoulder length. She looked at me and laugh and proceeded to tell me she doubted if my hair would ever grow that long. I guess I looked stunned because she then asked if I ever had shoulder lenghth hair before and I said no. She said see, all that weekly deeply conditioning and protective styling ain't gonna do nothing if you ain't never had long hair before. Keep in mind this lady just works at the salon and notices that I come so frequently...

Now ask me if I'm motivated to prove her wrong...

She is so wrong, I too never reach length longer than shoulder length, the first time I've reached armpit in my life was this year (see my siggy) then I trimmed my hair the 10 april and now I' m again between Armpit and BS, only by God's grace + little care:D !
So, don't listen to that woman, and have a good haircare LHCF journey!
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Sounds like you need a new stylist. If she is speaking against your hair regimen and how you care for your hair, she doesn't respect YOU. She might even try to sabatage your hair in her efforts to prove that your hair can't grow to shoulder length. She should be saying encouraging things to you and seeing how she could help you with your goal. It sounds like you're paying a hater to do your hair. Grow on girl and drop the hater.:lol:
My ex-stylist told me the same thing. Except I believ her words were something like "If you stop coming to me, then your hair will break off and will never grow past neck length. Everyone that leaves my care always has growth problems shortly thereafter and comes running back to me." Oh really? :lol: I should set up an appointment with her and see what she says about my hair now :lachen:
FloridaSunshine said:
Yes.... You read that right.
I went in this morning for my usual wash and deep condition and another stylist looked at my hair and asked what was my goal of keeping my hair natural, was I trying to grow it or something. I replied yes, I would like for it grow at least shoulder length. She looked at me and laugh and proceeded to tell me she doubted if my hair would ever grow that long. I guess I looked stunned because she then asked if I ever had shoulder lenghth hair before and I said no. She said see, all that weekly deeply conditioning and protective styling ain't gonna do nothing if you ain't never had long hair before. Keep in mind this lady just works at the salon and notices that I come so frequently...

Now ask me if I'm motivated to prove her wrong...

From one natural to another:GIRL GROWN ON! Not that you have to prove her wrong, BIMHO, just for the simple fact that we aren't putting a chemical in our hair that is designed to break it down, to break off is a start! You keep treating your hair good! It will speak for itself! You won't have to say a word. You just keep pampering it, and nurturing your hair and body(good diet,water, vitaman) it will show itself off for you. One day when you come in, instead of trying to insult you b/c she is jealous, she may just ask what you are doing to make your hair grow and thrive. Then you can take the time to explaine in a nice way, your natural journey.
"no weapons formed against me shall prosper"
This is something I say to myself when people try to blow their nonsense in my face. Some people love to step on other peoples hopes and dreams. Just try to to keep your head up and your goals in sight and haters will drop like flies.
I am not surprised at all. Most stylists are trained in putting relaxers and weaves, but they are not trained in the proper care of black hair to make it healthy and grow long. They don't even know how to wash and comb your hair properly to avoid breakage.

Whatever you do, don't let that incompetent stylist touch your hair. She'll ruin any progress you might have.
My old stylist told me the same thing..I'd never get past "grazing shoulder length"....wish she could see me now.

Happy Hair Growing!!
:arguing: She got some nerve!:arguing: Dont listen to her she is trying to break your spirit. Keep doing what you are doing and prove her wrong. I hate when stylist say stuff like this .:mad:
When I first started going to the hair boards I told stylist, who is also my friend, that I had decided to grow out my hair. She said, "You and everybody else." I don't think it was hating on her part - just ignorance. My hair was mid neck length and breaking. Now she tells me how long and healthy my hair is. And I only go to her for touch ups and trims.
I'd be a little standoffish on going to her. You don't want someone thwarting your progress because of hateristic tendencies...

Go head and grow your grass girl. Prove her wrong. ;)
Keep your eye on the prize and it will be. Misery loves company and it seems to me that the stylist that told you that is in a miserable space.

Keep you head up, you will achieve your goal and beyond!
Don't even think twice. It was not your stylist who hated, just a on looker with some hateration. You know and we know that you can do it
People laughed at me too, from day 1.

Men told me my [protective] hairstyles were not attractive. They would actually come up to me and tell me, "those braids got to go!" When I would wear my hair with conditioner in it one girl I knew came up to me and said, "My stylist told me that putting conditioner in your hair [like you are doing] just dries it out."

Keep moving forward and identify what works for you. The ladies on the board are here to give the support you need.

Can't wait to see your photos of your hair at shoulder length!
melodee said:
I know there are some stupid stylists out there. They say things that are just rediculous. You can grow your hair to shoulder length, and who is she to tell you that you can't?

I had a lady tell me my hair was so long and beautiful and then get smart when I told her I didn't want her to cut it. When she first started combing it out, she was saying that it was so long and so healthy, and that she doesn't have many girls come in with hair like this, yadda, yadd a. She then said, "would you like a little trim"? I told her no, I didn't want a trim. She said "are you sure"? Later on,she started talking about how damaged it was and it looked like I needed a full cut due to damage.
My hair IS NOT damaged and I know it.
what a HATER...good thing you trusted yourself and not the stylist...i dont like anyone negative working on my hair...i stay away from stylists unless i want a flat iron done. What do the ladies that flat iron do to protect the hair during the process??
My mother told me that as well. That her hair only grew to a certain length. But I know that my hair can grow as long as it wants to, as long as I take good care of it.
Actually, I had a stylist like this and she told me in a subtle way, that many of "us" just can't grow our hair long despite on what we do. Our hair just just won't grow to such lengths.

But I want to prove her wrong that we can do it and naturally too.
Chicoro said:
When I would wear my hair with conditioner in it one girl I knew came up to me and said, "My stylist told me that putting conditioner in your hair [like you are doing] just dries it out."

:look: :lol: :lol: :lol: :look:

A "stylist" said that?!?!