New to the board 9th week into stretch.HELP...


Well-Known Member
**Update I'm now into my 14th week of my first stretch and this board has saved my life. I thought I'd post some new growth pics from week 12 and tonight (mid week 14)....I wouldn't have made it this far with out this board. So far I'd call this stretch successful. I had a few issues here and there but now I've found products that have made this stretch almost effortless.
The first pic is 2/21 9 weeks post the date of the original post, the 2nd pic is like 2 weeks later. The 3rd pic is 12 weeks post and the last two are tonight 14 weeks post.
Thanks ladies of LHCF!!!!

Hi all-

I'm new to the board. I've visited often taking a peek at threads here and there. I've seen alot of threads regarding stretching hair. I'm looking for anything to keep my hair healthy and growing but at the same time, I am going back in forth in my mind about stopping relaxers all together.

I'm not really sure on what my hair type is, but, my last relaxer was 12/21. I'm going into my 9th week post relaxer which is quite a feat for me. Don't kill me for using the this term, but I don't have what is considered "good hair". At least not in my opinion. I usually want my relaxer before my stylist is ready to put it in, and when I am visiting the shop regularly she wins. She'd like to see me go longer than 12 weeks. If I'm taking care of my hair myself I'd prefer to go no more than 8. I let someone I trust put in a relaxer in for me, Affirm (love this relaxer btw). Took my daughter to the shop to get her hair done the following week. My stylist offered to trim me for free. She complimented the relaxer afterwards I told her I'd like to keep my hair healthy, but I'd also like to cut down my relaxer use or stop all together.

She said from the look and health of my hair I'd been doing a good job and to continue what I'm doing at home, but incorporate intense deep conditioners. She ended by asking me not to get another relaxer until Mid to late Spring. I'm TERRIFIED!!!! I've never gone that long with out a relaxer, not since pregnancy when I rocked corn rows. My hair sheds alot, no matter if the perm is fresh or old, ends clipped today or a year prior to today. I'm a shedder (yeah i'm making up words now), so to know I'm going longer with out my relaxer and shedding anyway, I'm even more paranoid about it...

I swear by KeriCare products. But I am wondering if I am limiting myself.

The point of this post is:

1. What are the true benefits of stretching?

2. What types of products are recommended to keep the hair healthy?


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Hey, welcome to the board! stretching has been one of the best things I've done for my hair. I stretch primarily to prevent overlapping relaxers, but the benefits I've seen have been thicker healthier hair...
Hi Mrs Robinson!!!


From the sound of things you sound like you have an ideal stylist!!! The benefit of stretching is to prevent the overlapping of relaxers as this is inevitable when trying to relaxer every 4,6, and 8 weeks. However, stretching is not for everyone as it can sometimes cause breakage and increased shedding due to the weight of the line of demarcation. I have fine hair and is it hard for me stretch to 9-10 weeks. Keracare is an excellent line and from the looks of your hair, it looks very healthy. The longer you stretch, the more you want to incorporate protein conditioners to strengthen up your so that it can maintain the two textures...

If it ain't broke - don't fix could do a search on "deep conditioners" on the board and there will be a plethora of information out there...

I'm really obsessed with my hair, some might say over obsessed. This is because for a period of my life my hair would just break off at a certain point. I found that as soon as I stopped comb blow drying and started using the brush or just rollers my hair is great and healthier.

I'm so excited about find this site!!!!
Welcome to the board on my long stretches i use S-curl alot & Proline softner and i deep condition twice a week that helps me.
Welcome =)

I am week 23 of a 26 week stretch =)

WOW 9 weeks hummmm.
This is what helped me
Protien Treatments
Weekly Washes and Deep Conditioning
Not apply heat unless done by my stylist which is not often at all.
Leaving my new growth alone unless my stylist is working on my hair.
I wanted to just say Thank you Ladies of LHCF, those that responded and those who had old threads I was able to use to help me make it this far into my stretch!!! 4 more weeks til my goal and if I'm still maintaining as I am now I plan to go longer! :grin: