New Growth Matting


New Member
After taking my braids down, I realized I have a lot of new growth. After going through my washing/deep conditioning routine. I tied my hair up in a bun and left it alone. When I took the bun out the next day, my new growth was all MATTED! I'm looking for the best way to comb through this without causing a lot of damage! I don't plan on getting my next relaxer until May, so I need some advice!!!:eek:
LDebagoria said:
After taking my braids down, I realized I have a lot of new growth. After going through my washing/deep conditioning routine. I tied my hair up in a bun and left it alone. When I took the bun out the next day, my new growth was all MATTED! I'm looking for the best way to comb through this without causing a lot of damage! I don't plan on getting my next relaxer until May, so I need some advice!!!:eek:

I try to moisturize heavily & then finger comb out the knots, when that's done I take my widetooth comb and slowly comb through...
But I've learned that they key is to moisturize the roots!
LDebagoria said:
After taking my braids down, I realized I have a lot of new growth. After going through my washing/deep conditioning routine. I tied my hair up in a bun and left it alone. When I took the bun out the next day, my new growth was all MATTED! I'm looking for the best way to comb through this without causing a lot of damage! I don't plan on getting my next relaxer until May, so I need some advice!!!:eek:

Please, please dont try to comb your hair dry. Wet it and use a good detangling conditioner. Comb it out with the detangling conditioner in it. And the comb it one last time and put oils in it. If you r new growth is super matted consider doing a rollerset airdry. Also, use bone combs and reconsider stretching relaxers. All of this and MSM has helped me a lot with matting.
I've heard this alot when coming out of braids. I think the hair lady said something about detangling your hair with conditioner??? You can check out and see if she has anything on there about what to do after you come out of braids.

She's updated her site too. It's a live video on there with her combing and brushing her hair. She has awesome hair!
LDebagoria said:
After taking my braids down, I realized I have a lot of new growth. After going through my washing/deep conditioning routine. I tied my hair up in a bun and left it alone. When I took the bun out the next day, my new growth was all MATTED! I'm looking for the best way to comb through this without causing a lot of damage! I don't plan on getting my next relaxer until May, so I need some advice!!!:eek:

I had this same problem a few weeks ago when i was stretching. I took the advice of the ladies on this board and used a lot of conditioner and oil, and only detangled when wet. All i can add to whats been said above is expect to lose a bit of hair, not too much though! Also, u have to be VERY patient when will take a lot of time.
This thread is making me nervous! I'm taking my braids out tonight and I've been using Surge so I have TONS of new growth. Not to mention the fact that I haven't had a relaxer since October 3rd. Someone here mentioned that Better Braids Unbraid spray was really good for removing braids and detangling afterwards. Maybe this would help. That is what I'm planning to use along with oils and conditioner like everyone recommended.
Phoenix said:
This thread is making me nervous! I'm taking my braids out tonight and I've been using Surge so I have TONS of new growth. Not to mention the fact that I haven't had a relaxer since October 3rd. Someone here mentioned that Better Braids Unbraid spray was really good for removing braids and detangling afterwards. Maybe this would help. That is what I'm planning to use along with oils and conditioner like everyone recommended.

No need to worry...
Just oil up the braids while unbraiding them. That will help them to slide right out (knot & dirt)! :)
Try putting some Scurl on the new growth... It works wonders on softening and making my new growth combable (is that a word :D). I normally put of this leave in cond (pic below)... Plait it up and let it air dry... Then apply scurl and comb...

Phoenix said:
This thread is making me nervous! I'm taking my braids out tonight and I've been using Surge so I have TONS of new growth. Not to mention the fact that I haven't had a relaxer since October 3rd. Someone here mentioned that Better Braids Unbraid spray was really good for removing braids and detangling afterwards. Maybe this would help. That is what I'm planning to use along with oils and conditioner like everyone recommended.

I can not stress to you how important it is to detangle, detangle, detangle before you let a single drop of water hit your hair after coming out of braids!

The entire right side of my hair was a tangle, matted mess! I seriously thought I was going to have to cut my hair. Fortunately there is a beauty shop downstairs in my apartment. One of the guys combed out the matted section, but I would never have the nerve to comb my hair the way he did; he more so racked it than combed it.

Amazingly, I didn't have any major damage (I have some super resiliant hair, takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin') but now the right side of my hair isn't as full as the left.

The best thing I learned was to comb my hair thoroughly after taking our each braid, make sure all the dead hair and build up is gone. Then I drench my hair in detangleing conditioner (usely CON) and sleep in it over night. When I wash my hair the following day, no tangles, no matting.

So please properly detangle your hair post braids.
The same thing happened to me with my last braid. After I took them down, I comb out my hair and plait in sections with no snagging or anything. Every was fine until I actully shampoo my hair, in plaits as usual, and it was as it my hair went into shock :lachen: and then went crazy :eek: . It was horrid, I too thought I'd have to cut my hair off...