New challenge: Transitioning without BC'ing...

or braids/weave. Seeing related threads has made me want to try again after failing miserably in December. So if anyone else, besides me, needs support for maintaining 2 different textures for the rest of the year (1 year at a time :cool:) come on and join!

So here's my plan. My last relaxer was on January 6th, I plan on doing the satin scarf method (after cw'ing) and braidouts. And if I do get my hair flat ironed I'm going to get someone else to do it.

So does anyone else want to join me? :grin:
I'll join. I wear my hair in braidouts a lot. I straighten my hair with a Maxiglide once every 1-2 months. That's pretty much it.
I'm in as well. I'm at about 20 weeks since I last texturized. I'm not big on braids. So what's gotten me this far are braidouts and flat ironing. I may start to incorporate instant weaves here and there too, because my braidouts are really getting out of control. haha
I have been comtemplating for a while about what to do. I mean I seriously want to go natural but the limited hair styles during transition are not for me. I love ponytails and buns and not being able to wear them is not going to work for me. I hate being limited on what I can do with my hair. :confused:

Confusion is where I am at right now. I will be 15 weeks post relaxer on this Saturday and I have been doing various styles to my hair. I try to minimize heat and use protective styles. I have 1/2 wigs, donut for buns, perm rods for twist outs.....I guess I can do it ladies...So count me in.... I can do this!:D
Blackoutzangel05 said:
I have been comtemplating for a while about what to do. I mean I seriously want to go natural but the limited hair styles during transition are not for me. I love ponytails and buns and not being able to wear them is not going to work for me. I hate being limited on what I can do with my hair. :confused:

Confusion is where I am at right now. I will be 15 weeks post relaxer on this Saturday and I have been doing various styles to my hair. I try to minimize heat and use protective styles. I have 1/2 wigs, donut for buns, perm rods for twist outs.....I guess I can do it ladies...So count me in.... I can do this!:D

Yes you can!!! As for the ponytail thing, I don't know how much longer you can do this for cause I've never gone beyond 3 or 4 months while stretching, but if you smooth on some elasta qp glaze after washing and tie a scarf on and let dry overnight, the next morning you should have flat, laid down edges to rock a pontail or bun with, but I figure at some point the NG will be too much... I'm not sure.

But I feel you on the lack of hairstyles, that's why I kept holding off cause I'm always trying to do straight styles and the more NG I have the harder it will be to do them. That's why I'm going to start doing curlier styles from now, I hope I make it!!!
naicendivine said:
Yes you can!!! As for the ponytail thing, I don't know how much longer you can do this for cause I've never gone beyond 3 or 4 months while stretching, but if you smooth on some elasta qp glaze after washing and tie a scarf on and let dry overnight, the next morning you should have flat, laid down edges to rock a pontail or bun with, but I figure at some point the NG will be too much... I'm not sure.

But I feel you on the lack of hairstyles, that's why I kept holding off cause I'm always trying to do straight styles and the more NG I have the harder it will be to do them. That's why I'm going to start doing curlier styles from now, I hope I make it!!!

I always wore ponytails before when I didn't get perms. During 2002 when I went natural it was not my intention, I was just too broke to get a perm. My hair dresser saw how good my hair was doing and fought me tooth and nail for the next 2 1/2 years about getting one. I never stopped wearing ponytails until I came upon nappurality and heard it was bad for your hair and it could break it off. I love that site but sometimes I have to remember that just because it did that for someone else's hair doesn't mean mine will react the same way. I love the ability to go straight and curly. I don't believe that I am going to straighten my hair until the end of the summer when its not hot because otherwise its going to puff up. But I know that I am probably going to straighten it at least once every few months to check length and because I do like wearing my hair straight sometimes. My new growth actually doesn't get bad, I just put some conditioner and water then seal it and its flat, just really wavy and thick...those one ponytails that I can sport now I can't do at all!!!
I really want to do this, but I don't know if I can wait a year to transition.:lol: Can I still join you guys, PLEASE???:D My texlaxed hair got mad when I tried to relax it strait, so I'm trying to start over. I'll be bunning my hair till I get where I need to be.:)
I'm in, 6 months posts and never had braids or weaves. I plan to transition until I trim the last bit off. I wear braidouts,buns,bantu knot outs, twistouts, and flatiron every two months or more. I will subscribe to this thread. The only thing is I cannot promise no braids or weaves ever throughtout my transition.
Count me in!! I have been transitioning for 16 months now. I just cut about 5 inches off my hair. I went one year without any trimming or cutting just to see how long my hair would be. I still have alot of relaxed hair left. So are we allowed to trim a little off every few months? Also the no braids means not braids with extentions or no braids period be it with your own hair or with added hair?
Can I join?

I'm 14 months post relaxer, but I still have a LOT of relaxed ends :look:
I don't plan on doing the BC at all !!!

My transitionning styles are mainly ponytails and buns.
Undirect heat (diffuser) for drying.
Limited direct heat (only on special occasions).
Amylee said:
I'm 14 months post relaxer, but I still have a LOT of relaxed ends :look:
I don't plan on doing the BC at all !!!

Wow! This might be a real challenge for me because the last two times I transitioned I did a Big and a Mini chop. I hope I'm able to hold out as long as you have!
Good Morning Ladies!!!!! Today I am sporting a phony pony that is wrapped up in a bun with 2 sticks. Its gorgeous! I read on a fotki that changing the position of the ponytail is also crucial so that it won't break off hair so that is what I am doing. I am also using the baggy method on my hair because since my color is on the ends I need to ensure that they are getting extra moisture!

PJ~ How is your hair doing with the bunning and ponytails and breakage??! I have went for 2 1/2 to 3 years before without perms and don't remember not using ponytails but with all this information that I am reading it says that that isnt good to put my hair in ponytails...what has been your experience?!?!

Well, today I'm wearing a bun (bunned while it was wet) which I'm really not fond of. I prefer braidouts, flat ironed, or buns when my hair has been flatironed. Anyway, here's a pic. I have a scrunchy on which is fattening up my donut a bit.


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very pretty SJ!!! I just co-washed and am bunning also but it'll be hidden under a scarf til tomorrow night. Hopefully I'll have some nice waves by then...
Sweetcoco82 said:
Count me in!! I have been transitioning for 16 months now. I just cut about 5 inches off my hair. I went one year without any trimming or cutting just to see how long my hair would be. I still have alot of relaxed hair left. So are we allowed to trim a little off every few months? Also the no braids means not braids with extentions or no braids period be it with your own hair or with added hair?

Trim at your pleasure ;). And with the braids, you're still dealing with your relaxed ends, they're not hidden away for months on end where you don't have to think about them. So your own hair braided should be ok.
Amylee said:
Can I join?

I'm 14 months post relaxer, but I still have a LOT of relaxed ends :look:
I don't plan on doing the BC at all !!!

My transitionning styles are mainly ponytails and buns.
Undirect heat (diffuser) for drying.
Limited direct heat (only on special occasions).

Girl get in here! You and some of the other ladies on here can be our mentors :p
Hey transitionners :)

I'd be happy to help anyone who's having a hard time during their journey.
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blue_flower said:
Wow! This might be a real challenge for me because the last two times I transitioned I did a Big and a Mini chop. I hope I'm able to hold out as long as you have!

You can do it !!!
If you know you don't want short hair, don't let anything/anyone disturb you.

I don't remember where I read that (I think it was on a long hair forum also) but if you ever feel an itch to cut your hair, just bun it and wait for 1 WEEK, no less. Then you'll see if you still want to cut.
naicendivine said:
Trim at your pleasure ;). And with the braids, you're still dealing with your relaxed ends, they're not hidden away for months on end where you don't have to think about them. So your own hair braided should be ok.

Ok cool. Sometimes i'll rock two braids in the back for a few days. Other then that its mostly in a bun. I would like to try a braid out, but my baby likes to pull my hair and when i finally get his hands out, he's managed to yank some of my hair out. :perplexed
I'm going to try to hold out. My impatience is a fault of mine. This is going to be my 7th transition. :ohwell: I'm not BCing, but I'm just worried that I'm going to mess up again.:(
I think I might join y'all.

I am only 1 month post, but I miss my afro and my twists and my texture. So, I think I'll advance into transitioning.

I will be doing buns for the most part an occasionally flat iron.

Wish me luck, I think I can do it.