Newbie Group Support Challenge 2010

I too was looking forward to this challenge. Let me tell you -this newbie had a horrible encounter with some gel. Whatever you do if you use gel, be sure you hot oil treat your hair first. Also, before you change styles after wearing gel, wash it out with shampoo if your going to use some KCCC for your next style because KCCC doesn't play well with others.
I have a huge set-back after making this mistake, so learn from my error and save your hair! I lost about 2 FIST FULLS of hair from breaking and cutting there was matting and tangling galore! It was a nightmare. I still have a small section that is tangled right now and I may have to cut it out. :-( if this detangling ghee doesn't help me. I've been DC'ing and trying hot oil treatments, this is the only other think I can think of. I really don't want to cut it because its in a bad area...Wish me luck.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience. :sad: I just used Knot Today and KCCC this morning on unwashed hair, and it turned out great, as usual. It actually looked BETTER than usual with the extra products on my didn't dry crispy or stiff. (I had baggied overnight with conditioner and oils in my hair.)

Some tips I could offer:

--Always use Knot Today underneath KCCC.
--Always use on soaking wet hair, as per the directions.
--Keeping my hair moisturized at all times means that my hair is always soft and tangle-free.
--I DC underneath my steamer twice a week...I believe this has greatly improved my hair's slip, porosity, and moisture levels. Those of us who steam regularly rarely experience tangles.
--Products with algae are great for removing tangles. All of my Komaza products contain algae, and they immediately loosen any knots.
--If all else fails, a watery leave-in with silicone is a great idea. The Ellin LaVar DetangleMist is sold at CVS (it's inexpensive) and it is the most amazing instant detangler I've ever used. It's definitely worth a shot before you cut out those matted sections.


Thanks so much. I REALLY appreciate the help more than I can say. I will try all the products you mentioned.

I was hoping for a steamer for Christmas, but DH couldn't find one at the Ambiance store he went to ;-) So, I will order one this weekend. BTW, the Qhemet products worked well too. I only had to snip off little bit and I like the moisture level provided by Qhemet (I may have found a staple).

However, I still have one or two small sections I'm concerned about and I'm hoping my next DC will take care of it- Then, I will somehow need to heal the damaged areas. Hopefully I've snipped enough.
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I was wondering what was going on because I tried to PM her to see what was going on because I saw the other groups had threads, but the natural thick didn't. So when someone finds out what's up let me know.

Oh and that's why I leave gel alone. I have a deep rooted fear of it from my mother always telling me about how it can cause breakage in natural hair. She has done it all as a natural and told me what works and what doesn't so I pretty much steered away from using it. Update us on how things turn out while you recoup and good luck. You'll bounce back in no time.

That's odd. Goldenbreeze is missing too. She hasn't logged into the forum since the first week of October.

I too was looking forward to this challenge. Let me tell you -this newbie had a horrible encounter with some gel. Whatever you do if you use gel, be sure you hot oil treat your hair first. Also, before you change styles after wearing gel, wash it out with shampoo if your going to use some KCCC for your next style because KCCC doesn't play well with others.
I have a huge set-back after making this mistake, so learn from my error and save your hair! I lost about 2 FIST FULLS of hair from breaking and cutting there was matting and tangling galore! It was a nightmare. I still have a small section that is tangled right now and I may have to cut it out. :-( if this detangling ghee doesn't help me. I've been DC'ing and trying hot oil treatments, this is the only other thing I can think of. I really don't want to cut it because its in a bad area...Wish me luck.
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@A Shoe 6307

You are right about the gel on natural hair. Years ago, before I went natural, I would gel my permed hair all the time. That was way back when I was trying to wear a Sade type of hair style. I stopped using it because of its tendency to dry my hair. I'd never tried it on my natural hair because I was concerned about how my natural hair may respond to it, but I'd heard so many wonderful things about 2 famous product lines here on the forum, I decided to give it a try. No more gel for me! That experience was a nightmare -seriously.

After much praying, cutting, conditioning and oil treatments, my hair is making an impressive come back. It's about 3" shorter, but I'm very happy because if one good thing came out of it, I would have to say that the whole ordeal forced me to use all the conditioners I had and really rate how my hair responded to them and other products I had. As a result, I'm closer now to a regimen that really works for my hair, I have found products that my hair truly responds to, it's soft and the moisture balance of my hair is very good.

I have been putting my twist-outs in pinned up buns. With the new product line I'm using, my curls have never been better defined and that's with dry hair. This is a big deal as it is winter and who wants a wash n go in the winter? Right now, I'm just waiting until the steamers are back in stock so I can really show my hair some much needed love.
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Hey Nia430 & NappyGoddesse ...
Well maybe we should just be each others CAPTAIN and support each other and whoever else is in the Natural Fine Hair ladies section A group. This might be to our advantage ladies...we'll not only motivate each other but also keep ourselves on ur toes. I guess being a dance team captain for a number of years has not left my system lol.
Anyways, maybe we can take some pointers from the other team captains and start our own thread and just help each other out..CAN u tell I have no sisters and I'm yearning for some sisterly love? Let me know what you think and please I'm not trying to take Fyb87 spot or anything but closed mouths don't get fed so let's stay motivated and determined. PM or reply on here.

Happy Hair Growing and May Your Hair Journey be a blessing to all of you Lovely Queens and Kings.

Hey Stephluv,

I'm in! I was so excited about this challenge and so ready to be a part of a I went and begged into the Bootcamp Challenge, but I will be honored to make our own little cheerleading squad. How are we gonna do this? Have you started a seperate thread already?

No i'm aa slacker and I didnt start a seperate thread yet...PM me and we'll get everything together for the rest of our Natural beauties!!! YAY I'm soooooo excited!!!
About to head to bed but definitely contact me!!! That goes for anyone else that wants to join and support newbies.

Hi Ladies,

My apologies, for your stress and anxiety over my missing status. To all of you who were signed up for the Natural Thick Hair group. I'll be sending out an PM to you to let you know what happened soon. I'm just waiting on a couple of PM replies so that I'll know the status of the group currently.

Apologies and hugs to you all,
I'm not a part of anyone's group (latecomer I guess) but I'm following along.


What is the purpose of a steamer? I see a lot of posts about steamers on the boards. Does it serve the same function as a DC with a shower cap and a towel wrapped around your head (which is what I do) or does it do something different for you hair?
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This is my understanding of how the steamer is able to make my hair feel glorious. It raises the outside cuticle of the hair shaft and allows moisture to enter. When you rinse your hair with room temperature water it closes the cuticle and allows the moisture to stay in your hair. Also, since the hair shaft can only absorb so much water, it doesn't get frizzy. Since it is already moisturized it doesn't grab moisture from the air.

Again, that is my understanding of it. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.