New *2009* Transitioners Support Thread!

Okay ladies, I'm officially transitioning. I've been thinking about it for the past couple of months. Third time is the charm. The first time I did make it and I did the BC, was natural for a minute then got a relaxer. The second time I transitioned eight and a half months and then decided to texlax. Which was okay but I really want my natural hair back. I am seven months post now and I don't want to BC this time. Just do some mini chops. My first mini chop maybe 1-2 inches will be when I am a year post. Thanks for listening!

Congratulations on your decision to BC.:congrats:

wow. i should've been in this thread a long time ago. i had my last relaxer in feb. i've been wondering why its so hard for me to detangle; i've been forgetting about shed hairs lol.
I'm straightening tonight. I just can't take co-washed buns or twist outs anymore... I am considering cutting it to a "pob"...posh spice bob...
I recently decided totransition instead of doing a straightout bc,because i wanted to keep my length,and because hubby seemed freaked out by the idea of me cutting my hair again.

Last night i started taking down some braids in the back of my head that needed to be touched up,and before you know it i'm cutting off ends(my hair is slightly below shoulder length):look:.

I am about two months post relaxer,so i don't have that much natural hair,but it is so hard to stop cutting!!!!
I took down four rows of braids...then took the scissors upstairs for hubby to help me:spinning:.He was muttering the whole time,but i sat down with my back to him and he cut it.

So i guess i did a mini bc on the back of my head:perplexed
I may or may not cut the rest when i get these braids re-done.I'm not sure yet.I don't want the man to go into cardiac arrest:rolleyes:.
Ok, I'm in... I had my last relaxer in March but I've been going back and forth with this for 3 years. I met a lady at church who is a beautiful natural and was excited about helping me transition. Plus one of my good friends is a beautiful natural who's been rocking really cute twists AND my mom is transitioning with weaves. I'm just jumping on the bandwagon... :lol:
I have a question, it sounds kind of silly.. lol.

How are you transitioners detangling? I'm so torn between combing my hair at my roots and leaving them be. In Cathy Howse's book, she says quite emphatically not to run a comb through new growth as you'll literally be pulling hair from your scalp o.o

I detangle my relaxed ends with a comb, and then run my fingers through my new growth as I'm still not sure the approach I should be taking with it. Any ideas? It's not fully detangled and I've been fighting off matting as best as I can.

And I haven't exactly joined the "transitioning wagon" just yet. I'm still considering. My last relaxer was March 12th, and my last stretch was 19 weeks. I'm 15 weeks and 5 days post at the moment.

TIA :)

Since I have not relaxed in over 5 months, detangling for me has changed from out of the shower to now in the shower with my hair soaked in moisturizing conditioner and microwave heated oil. After detangling this way, I braid my hair in 4 big braids before washing out the DC, stand under the shower then wash it out. I then slowly unravel one detangled braid at a time and add leave-in conditioner and sealant.

I sometimes use heated epsom salt and conditioner for softening and detangling as a pre-poo but I follow the same routine for detangling as I do with the DC with big braids. These methods are a whole lot easier on my hair.
Hey ladies. I think for the rest of the summer its going to be just braidouts for me....until I get up enough guts to get some braids or something ( although I HATE braids/weaves/wigs) because I cant do this on my own much longer. I keep thinking that I am either going to have severe heat damage due to flat ironing and will break down and get a perm so I have to just hide my hair. I just cant wait to see my natural hair. I haven't seen it since I was 8 yrs old.
Since I have not relaxed in over 5 months, detangling for me has changed from out of the shower to now in the shower with my hair soaked in moisturizing conditioner and microwave heated oil. After detangling this way, I braid my hair in 4 big braids before washing out the DC, stand under the shower then wash it out. I then slowly unravel one detangled braid at a time and add leave-in conditioner and sealant.

I sometimes use heated epsom salt and conditioner for softening and detangling as a pre-poo but I follow the same routine for detangling as I do with the DC with big braids. These methods are a whole lot easier on my hair.

Hey Aggie are you transitioning to natural?
i am estatic. I am finally retaining my length. I went from top of my shoulders to top of my shoulder blades in less than 3 months...that's pretty good for me!
Just checking in...

My teenaged daughter's last relaxer was December 30, 2008...She is wearing braid outs and corn rows with extensions and she is getting very impatient with me :look: especially during the detangling process..

Any other styling ideas??

My last relaxer was March 6, 2009...I am still thinking about transitioning because my hair is so thin and lifeless; so I am a transitioner/stretcher :ohwell:
Possible transitioner. I know one thing... I am not big chopping as early as I did the last. This will be a loooong transition,so for right now watching from the side lines.
I was just wondering if anyone was transitioning with no plan/time that they were going to BC. I just want to grow my hair out for a while (maybe like 2 years or more??) Just wondered what ever ones BC goal was.
My initial BC goal is 1 year. But I really would love to transition for as long as is possible without having to use heat - so far it's been going well... I'll see how I feel in a little over 5 months (1 year post).

I was just wondering if anyone was transitioning with no plan/time that they were going to BC. I just want to grow my hair out for a while (maybe like 2 years or more??) Just wondered what ever ones BC goal was.
I was just wondering if anyone was transitioning with no plan/time that they were going to BC. I just want to grow my hair out for a while (maybe like 2 years or more??) Just wondered what ever ones BC goal was.

I don't have any timeline or plans to BC just going to sit it out hopefully I can hang as long as Allandra!
I was just wondering if anyone was transitioning with no plan/time that they were going to BC. I just want to grow my hair out for a while (maybe like 2 years or more??) Just wondered what ever ones BC goal was.

I don't have a set time to BC, I'm going for a long transition with little trims until I'm at a length I feel comfortable with/all the relaxed ends are gone. I'm about 61 weeks post I'm guessing in about 2yrs time?
Thanks for the responses ladies. I have been wearing twists outs and washing about twice a week to combat the shedding and I think that I could keep this up for months/years. I have very fine hear but I'm gentle and am no having any/very much breakage. I pretty much always bun so IF I ever cut I would need enough hair to bun. I'm at APL streched now.
Also, checking in for another happy week of transitioning! 23weeks and so much new growth!
I love twistouts and have fine hair too, I had a few hiccups earlier in my transition but I am beginning to think I'm getting comfortable with it :-)
29 weeks here :-)

Thanks for the responses ladies. I have been wearing twists outs and washing about twice a week to combat the shedding and I think that I could keep this up for months/years. I have very fine hear but I'm gentle and am no having any/very much breakage. I pretty much always bun so IF I ever cut I would need enough hair to bun. I'm at APL streched now.
Also, checking in for another happy week of transitioning! 23weeks and so much new growth!
thanks mummysgirl for directing me to this discussion group. I am new and would like to start transitioning. I have been visiting these forums and the ones at fotki to try to get an idea on where to start. It is so much to learn! It's a bit overwelming actually. But I am determined to obtain a healthy hair state. Any ideas are welcomed... But I have a few questions to start..

How many times a week do you wash/conditioner?
What do I used daily to moisturize my hair?
How often should I clarify?
Will half-wigs help protect my hair while it is growing?
What vitamins are the best?

Please visit my fotki website also!
thanks mummysgirl for directing me to this discussion group. I am new and would like to start transitioning. I have been visiting these forums and the ones at fotki to try to get an idea on where to start. It is so much to learn! It's a bit overwelming actually. But I am determined to obtain a healthy hair state. Any ideas are welcomed... But I have a few questions to start..

How many times a week do you wash/conditioner?
What do I used daily to moisturize my hair?
How often should I clarify?
Will half-wigs help protect my hair while it is growing?
What vitamins are the best?

Please visit my fotki website also!

:welcome4: Kinky Red. Congratulations on your decision to transition. I can't speak for everyone else but I can say this. I tried to cowash atleast 3-4 times a week, I may try to start doing it every day since it's so hot outside. I use Worlds of Curls moisturizing spray to moisturize (I'm in braids so this works well for me) and I clarify with a baking soda and water solution every 2-3 weeks to avoid product build-up (I'm not sure if it's necessary to do it that often but it's works for me since I use alot of moisturizers).

I hope this helps.
I was just wondering if anyone was transitioning with no plan/time that they were going to BC. I just want to grow my hair out for a while (maybe like 2 years or more??) Just wondered what ever ones BC goal was.

I always knew that I wanted to do a long transition - b/c I'm deathly afraid of 'bad hair days' and I need the security of a bun. Originally, after looking at pics, I decided on 18 months. Most naturals seemed to have a good length by then - enough to experiment with styles, and still wear up if necessary. As I get closer though..I keep moving the date.....

Odds are it will be unexpected. I will get up one day and just start cutting things. If I make it through the summer, I know I'm likely to end up going a full two years (next Jan). But if I make it to THEN I'll probably hold off until my 25th b-day in April. :yawn:
I just did my frist set of kinky twist myself. If I can perfect them they will probably be my transition style at least until after Christmas.
oh boy... i am 52 weeks post today!!! :lol:

i have anywhere between 4-6 inches... the front sides are the shortest. i measured a couple of shed hairs that were at just a little more than 5 inches, and other strands that had 6 inches of new growth, straightened.

My hair is mostly natural at the moment, b/c I am sporting a collarbone length bob. the relaxed hair at the sides is the longest though.

I am considering chopping at 17-18 months.