Never Thought I'd Consider The "N" Word

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Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

swayback23 said:

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You have lovely hair, first off.

Second, relaxed hair is damaged hair by definition. The bonds of the hair are BROKEN to make it straight. Simple truth. Then, protein, and conditioners are slathered on to repair what is broken, and to keep it from breaking completely off. Some can hold on, some can't. You can never repair the damage, only temporarily fix it (over and over).

Third, if most African American women could acheive the "holy grail" of long straight hair with a simple blowout, instead of chemicals, I think a hell of alot would, unfortunately. Those with 3a/b textured, wavy, wavy hair can do that. So, abstaining from the relaxer doesn't seem like a huge transition to me when you don't need one in the first place if straight hair is the goal. 3a/b hair has never been villified, mocked, and hated. As a matter of fact, many straight haired women perm their hair to get those precious waves and curls. I don't see many Black women running out trying to kink their hair up to 4B (not counting those sad attempts by some Caucasians and Asians to "loc" their hair...shudder).

If most Black women "go natural" (trendiness implied on purpose), they aren't going to find your texture of hair on their heads. That's just it. So I say keep it real. Stop relaxing because its damaging, stop relaxing because lye (in all lye and "no lye" forms) is a dangerous chemical, stop relaxing cause it makes no sense to need gloves to protect your hands from something you put on your head (duh?), stop relaxing because it burns your scalp and skin, stop relaxing because straight, blowing, breezy, swinging, fried, and died hair isn't the "end all be all" of beauty.

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thank you Swayback, from what i can tell we are both basically saying the same things....thats all ive been saying , is its for healthy hair not for the expectation of a certain hair type that one should go natural should they decide to. and like i said it doesnt matter the type its healthy hair is beautiful period , all types. i wish my hair got straight by a simple blow out too, but nah its takes a mean hard press. but its ok, it works for me. ive come across those that are against pressing too. but ive been at this for years and if i wanna press it, im'a press it and dont need noone's permission to do it. but yes, the main goal is healthy hair and being realistic as to what to expect when going natural....and there is such a variety of pics on the net of natural hair , that i would think one wouldnt be able to assume that they hair will come out their head like mine and the possibilities of what it will really be like is endless. but one thing is clear across the board, that most natural hair when taken care of properly is just plain healthier. most of us cant go around the net taking accountability for anyone's delusions. and you are right the reasons you spoke of going natural is the only reasons one should go natural if they decide to...the fact that i did it for that very same reason, is what made me have the resolve to stick it out and accept whatever it was that ended up growing out of my head and whatever it did.
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

jetcitygirl said:
Beautiful hair Irresistible! Thanks for sharing your regimen & pics.

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thank you jetcitygirl
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

DelightfulFlame said:

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Your hair is gorgeous, and this sounds so much like my life (except I have help from hair boards). Very inspiring!

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thank you DelightfulFlame
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

sweetpea5000 said:
Irresistable...your hair is gorgeous!!

I looked at your album a while back, and when I first saw the pics with you in the cap, I did a double looked like me!! I had to go to the closeups to make sure you weren't my twin. With the cap and the side ponytail(mine with extensions though!)....It kind of freaked me out. Crazy!

Anyways, your pics are so inspiring, and so is your give me hope, girl!!!

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thank you girl , wow so we look alike? girl you know i was lookin for a link or somethin to see your pics lol. go on ahead with the pony tail , i did that for a long time to get through the awkward , not long enough to look right in a pony tail yet stage.
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

qtpi said:
WooooW!!! Such beautiful hair!! I'm envious because I'd love to have hair like that, but glad for you that you found what works best for you. You go girl!! To all others considering going naturl, love it, grow it, sport it proudly. Oh, don't forget to share what works best on different types of hair ( smile)

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thank you....and amen to love it grow it and sport it proudly!!!
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Softress said:
I have been working the idea around in my head for a while now. My hair has always been really soft and my new growth is always very managable (especially since lurking around this site!). I think I am just afraid to get off the "creamy crack!"

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for most going natural there is some fear involved....not to mention total lack of knowledge at how to maintain it....but its such a wonderfull discovery to go through the process of learning, embracing and loving it. even through any of the possible frustrations..
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Irresistible said:
so i dont think anyone is really saying " My hair will look like hers" i think they are seeing healthy hair and thinking about the possibilites of that for themselves...and no matter what sprouts out of your head , you can work with it and make it look beautiful. because really, healthy hair is beautiful period. no matter the type

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Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

swayback23 said:
Most who think about transitioning only want to if they will have long "wavy" 3a/**** hair. They can't mentally deal with the idea that it might be kinky, nappy, shrinking, classically afro textured hair. Which is what the majority of Black people women are gonna find under all the chemically straightened relaxer.

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Exactly why the call it 'TRANSITION' meaning we ALL relaxed for that very same reason.. Because of what you just said of not wanting to deal with the "nappy kinky shirnking classic" right.

So of course we need to be mentally prepared for it.
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Wow, what a testament. How long was it between the "1 inch ponytail" to where you are now???
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

sweetpea5000 said:
Irresistable...your hair is gorgeous!!
Anyways, your pics are so inspiring, and so is your give me hope, girl!!!

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That's what it's all about....
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

imsovain said:
I can't believe I'm saying this... I'm gonna stop relaxing my hair and go natural. I just KNOW that my natural hair is beautiful, because that's the hair God gave me.

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Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Softress said:
OOOHHH MMMYYY GGGOOODDDNNNEEESSS!!! Irrestistable, your hair is beautiful!!! Must go natural... must go natural... must go natural!!!

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You can do it!!!
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Well, I have two extremes I can shoot for here

Your Goregous Natural Waist Lenght

Or Adrienne's Goregous Relaxed Waist Lenght

The best of both worlds are here....

Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Mindymouse said:
Wow, what a testament. How long was it between the "1 inch ponytail" to where you are now???

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Girl it was january of 1993 that i took the last weave out, by that sept relaxed again , and had to start all over again. so the real start date of being natural was the beginning of 1994 , so ten years now
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Mindymouse said:
Well, I have two extremes I can shoot for here

Your Goregous Natural Waist Lenght

Or Adrienne's Goregous Relaxed Waist Lenght

The best of both worlds are here....


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yeah Adrienne's hair baffles me, she certainly has beat alot of odds that i could never beat with the relaxer. shooo not even come close to even. her hair is truly beautiful...but then all my life my sister could relax and have healthy hair and i couldnt , and that baffled me too , (and im talkin her hair was thick and full and sickening lol) not to mention frustrated me, her hair looked like mine does natural , all those years we were relaxing and mine just looked hopeless, lifeless, broken, damaged and dead , had me in tears all the time. i have no clue why it works out for some and not for others and it wasnt anything i did or didnt do, cause trust me i tried it all and my sister and hair dresser took me on as a case that they were determined to find a way to make the relaxer just wasnt all i can say is if you can have hair like Adrienne (or my sister) while relaxed then go for it...but if not, then go natural!!
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

pebbles said:
Wow!! Your hair is really nice, Irresistible!!

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thank you Pebbles
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Irresistible said:

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so all i can say is if you can have hair like Adrienne (or my sister) while relaxed then go for it...but if not, then go natural!!

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before anyone takes that one wrong.....
i meant that soley HEALTH wise of the hair, not legnth , not style, not texture, not looks wise , not anything , just health of the hair wise.
lol just thought i would clear that one up.......
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Madison said:
You chose the right screen name. your hair is Irresistible

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thank you Madison
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Irresistible said:
Mindymouse said:
Well, I have two extremes I can shoot for here

Your Goregous Natural Waist Lenght

Or Adrienne's Goregous Relaxed Waist Lenght

The best of both worlds are here....


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yeah Adrienne's hair baffles me, she certainly has beat alot of odds that i could never beat with the relaxer. shooo not even come close to even. her hair is truly beautiful...but then all my life my sister could relax and have healthy hair and i couldnt , and that baffled me too , (and im talkin her hair was thick and full and sickening lol) not to mention frustrated me, her hair looked like mine does natural , all those years we were relaxing and mine just looked hopeless, lifeless, broken, damaged and dead , had me in tears all the time. i have no clue why it works out for some and not for others and it wasnt anything i did or didnt do, cause trust me i tried it all and my sister and hair dresser took me on as a case that they were determined to find a way to make the relaxer just wasnt all i can say is if you can have hair like Adrienne (or my sister) while relaxed then go for it...but if not, then go natural!!

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Yeah, hair is funny like that, totally unpredictiable with a mind of it's own it seems. Like used to be able to anything to my hair and it would hold up and my sister if she missed one conditioner or looked teh wrong she had breakage LOL - She would say "you make sick" "mistreat your hair and it grows" LOL

I really want to to it, but now that I'm older I don't know if I want to struggle with it cause I know it takes time and patience. But girl you got me thinking that's for sure.
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Iris, your hair is truly beautiful and IMO, you are an inspiration to natural hair of any type. Great insights!

Thank you for sharing your regimen with us. I agree that the proof is in the hair. That's why as a natural, I always love to hear from long time naturals, especially those who have strong healthy hair and those who have managed to grow their hair long. Again thanks for your generosity in sharing your insights and knowledge.
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Jessy55 said:
Iris, your hair is truly beautiful and IMO, you are an inspiration to natural hair of any type. Great insights!

Thank you for sharing your regimen with us. I agree that the proof is in the hair. That's why as a natural, I always love to hear from long time naturals, especially those who have strong healthy hair and those who have managed to grow their hair long. Again thanks
for your generosity in sharing your insights and knowledge.

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Thank you Jessy, those words mean ALOT to me!!!
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Irresistible said:
swayback23 said:

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You have lovely hair, first off.

Second, relaxed hair is damaged hair by definition. The bonds of the hair are BROKEN to make it straight. Simple truth. Then, protein, and conditioners are slathered on to repair what is broken, and to keep it from breaking completely off. Some can hold on, some can't. You can never repair the damage, only temporarily fix it (over and over).

Third, if most African American women could acheive the "holy grail" of long straight hair with a simple blowout, instead of chemicals, I think a hell of alot would, unfortunately. Those with 3a/b textured, wavy, wavy hair can do that. So, abstaining from the relaxer doesn't seem like a huge transition to me when you don't need one in the first place if straight hair is the goal. 3a/b hair has never been villified, mocked, and hated. As a matter of fact, many straight haired women perm their hair to get those precious waves and curls. I don't see many Black women running out trying to kink their hair up to 4B (not counting those sad attempts by some Caucasians and Asians to "loc" their hair...shudder).

If most Black women "go natural" (trendiness implied on purpose), they aren't going to find your texture of hair on their heads. That's just it. So I say keep it real. Stop relaxing because its damaging, stop relaxing because lye (in all lye and "no lye" forms) is a dangerous chemical, stop relaxing cause it makes no sense to need gloves to protect your hands from something you put on your head (duh?), stop relaxing because it burns your scalp and skin, stop relaxing because straight, blowing, breezy, swinging, fried, and died hair isn't the "end all be all" of beauty.

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thank you Swayback, from what i can tell we are both basically saying the same things....thats all ive been saying , is its for healthy hair not for the expectation of a certain hair type that one should go natural should they decide to. and like i said it doesnt matter the type its healthy hair is beautiful period , all types. i wish my hair got straight by a simple blow out too, but nah its takes a mean hard press. but its ok, it works for me. ive come across those that are against pressing too. but ive been at this for years and if i wanna press it, im'a press it and dont need noone's permission to do it. but yes, the main goal is healthy hair and being realistic as to what to expect when going natural....and there is such a variety of pics on the net of natural hair , that i would think one wouldnt be able to assume that they hair will come out their head like mine and the possibilities of what it will really be like is endless. but one thing is clear across the board, that most natural hair when taken care of properly is just plain healthier. most of us cant go around the net taking accountability for anyone's delusions. and you are right the reasons you spoke of going natural is the only reasons one should go natural if they decide to...the fact that i did it for that very same reason, is what made me have the resolve to stick it out and accept whatever it was that ended up growing out of my head and whatever it did.

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<font color="purple"> Preach it Ms. Irresistible
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Mindymouse said:

Yeah, hair is funny like that, totally unpredictiable with a mind of it's own it seems. Like used to be able to anything to my hair and it would hold up and my sister if she missed one conditioner or looked teh wrong she had breakage LOL - She would say "you make sick" "mistreat your hair and it grows" LOL

I really want to to it, but now that I'm older I don't know if I want to struggle with it cause I know it takes time and patience. But girl you got me thinking that's for sure.

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you got nothing but time to decide and you might find out its no hassle at all or even less hassle, and it really can be....once you've learned how to manage it. pray about about and give yourself an honest assesment of your inner thoughts and desires. do some soul searching and take it from there, and make the right decision for you!!! sometimes these things happen by process and steps. but it all starts with a thought.
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

That Sounds Like Great Advice...
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

This is such an inspirational thread! I am transitioning and cannot wait until I have a head full of natural hair. Thanks for all of the tips Irresistible. What products do you use?

Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Chichi said:
This is such an inspirational thread! I am transitioning and cannot wait until I have a head full of natural hair. Thanks for all of the tips Irresistible. What products do you use?


[/ QUOTE ]you will get there, its just a matter of time, i transitioned for a long time. it really only gets better and far as products , i put my whole regimen on the first page of this thread. and its ever changing...i have some products right now waiting to let my hair drink them up.
shea butter, mango butter, and avacodo butter, jojoba oil and virgin coconut oil....if i wasnt tryin to stretch out this press, i would be smothering my hair in all that stuff right now...whew i cant wait to try them. but the rest of the stuff i mainy use is on the front page.
Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Ooops... I guess I missed it

I forgot to add that I have an idea of what my natural hair will look like but if I had to think back to it being 100% natural; I can't even remember...have to go back to my childhood

Re: Never Thought I\'d Consider The \"N\" Word

Chichi said:
Ooops... I guess I missed it

I forgot to add that I have an idea of what my natural hair will look like but if I had to think back to it being 100% natural; I can't even remember...have to go back to my childhood


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Thats the funny thing , and im sure its true for most of us, our childhood is when we had the healthiest longest hair, then we get grown and kill our hair lol