Needing Encouragement


Well-Known Member
This is partly a vent. I need to get this off my chest and if anyone has words of encouragement, I will gladly take them. I know I'll be alright by tomorrow though. I always get over it. But I'm having some serious baby blues right now.

When I got married a few years ago, I had all these ideas about how marriage would be. I knew my husband had a call of ministry on his life. He was faithful in the church, had been since he was about 10. I just knew when we got married, he'd still be faithful and since he'd have a wife(me), probably start preaching. But now he rarely goes to church at all. I'm doing good to get him to listen to tapes, gospel music, and he does not seem to want to pray with me.

Before I got married, I lived alone, but was satisfied with my friends, family, my relationship with God, and my activity in church, and I loved my job too by the way. But I did get lonely sometimes being at the house by myself and not always having available friends since they had families to tend to. I thought that once I got married, I would have someone to share my life with and I would not be lonely anymore. Well, I got married and moved a few miles away to his house where he already was living. It was only a few miles away, but not exactly down the street around the corner. Suddenly I was isolated from everyone. This person who used to work long hours before we got married, but still would go out of his way to come see me, no longer had time for me. I hardly saw him and I was right there at the house. I'd cook and expect him home. He'd come hours later and wouldn't eat. I never knew when he was or wasn't going to be available. When he wasn't working then he'd be with friends doing his hobby. I was so lonely, I got my cat so I could have some company. I told the DH several times how I still felt single because I was still by myself. Just...I was more lonely than ever because I didn't have my friends or family.

So, now I'm dealing with not having an attentive husband and not being able to have a baby. Sometimes I think if I had a baby, I wouldn't care if my DH weren't around. Yesterday at church I saw all the newly married couples with their babies and some so happy to be pregnant for the first time. It was like a kick in the face. I just wanted to be happy for them, but it was such a reminder of the raw deal I got. I'm married and still at church by myself looking at the married couples with their babies. I rarely ask this question of God, but I'm wondering "What did I do to deserve this?" This is worse than having cancer. For years I have dedicated myself to work, church, God, and believing that one day things would turn out well for me (nice home, children, good husband). When I saw others having OOW babies, I comforted myself in knowing I was doing the right thing by remaining abstinent until I married. Now I can't even have a baby at all naturally. Some of these girls with the OOW babies went on to get married and even have good husbands now. This really makes me question myself and wonder was it worth it. My life is so much worse now that I'm married. I was better off single and it still seems that I depend on my dad too much, which is not fair to him since I'm supposed to have this husband.

My vent is over. I'll be alright. Just tell me it'll get better.
This is partly a vent. I need to get this off my chest and if anyone has words of encouragement, I will gladly take them. I know I'll be alright by tomorrow though. I always get over it. But I'm having some serious baby blues right now.

When I got married a few years ago, I had all these ideas about how marriage would be. I knew my husband had a call of ministry on his life. He was faithful in the church, had been since he was about 10. I just knew when we got married, he'd still be faithful and since he'd have a wife(me), probably start preaching. But now he rarely goes to church at all. I'm doing good to get him to listen to tapes, gospel music, and he does not seem to want to pray with me.

Before I got married, I lived alone, but was satisfied with my friends, family, my relationship with God, and my activity in church, and I loved my job too by the way. But I did get lonely sometimes being at the house by myself and not always having available friends since they had families to tend to. I thought that once I got married, I would have someone to share my life with and I would not be lonely anymore. Well, I got married and moved a few miles away to his house where he already was living. It was only a few miles away, but not exactly down the street around the corner. Suddenly I was isolated from everyone. This person who used to work long hours before we got married, but still would go out of his way to come see me, no longer had time for me. I hardly saw him and I was right there at the house. I'd cook and expect him home. He'd come hours later and wouldn't eat. I never knew when he was or wasn't going to be available. When he wasn't working then he'd be with friends doing his hobby. I was so lonely, I got my cat so I could have some company. I told the DH several times how I still felt single because I was still by myself. Just...I was more lonely than ever because I didn't have my friends or family.

So, now I'm dealing with not having an attentive husband and not being able to have a baby. Sometimes I think if I had a baby, I wouldn't care if my DH weren't around. Yesterday at church I saw all the newly married couples with their babies and some so happy to be pregnant for the first time. It was like a kick in the face. I just wanted to be happy for them, but it was such a reminder of the raw deal I got. I'm married and still at church by myself looking at the married couples with their babies. I rarely ask this question of God, but I'm wondering "What did I do to deserve this?" This is worse than having cancer. For years I have dedicated myself to work, church, God, and believing that one day things would turn out well for me (nice home, children, good husband). When I saw others having OOW babies, I comforted myself in knowing I was doing the right thing by remaining abstinent until I married. Now I can't even have a baby at all naturally. Some of these girls with the OOW babies went on to get married and even have good husbands now. This really makes me question myself and wonder was it worth it. My life is so much worse now that I'm married. I was better off single and it still seems that I depend on my dad too much, which is not fair to him since I'm supposed to have this husband.

My vent is over. I'll be alright. Just tell me it'll get better.
Hey Lady....:kiss:

First of all, let's pray for your husband to be 're-kindled'. Set on fire by the Holy Spirit of God. That without any promptings from you or any other human being, I praise God for re-igniting the fire of love and attentiveness into the heart and soul and mind of your husband in a way that only God can do.

God knows this man's 'frame'. That's God's word, (" For he knoweth our frame "-- Psalm 103:14). He knows what it takes to bring him back into 'life' again and to keep him there.

God will also lead and guide you and to comfort you throughout this and to not only make it better, but to keep it at God's best....and all just for you. He knows your needs and God wants to and will truly fulfill each and every one of them. Because He loves you oh so much.

For you and your husband, trenise, from the heart of God your Father. :kiss:

The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

Isaiah 58:11 :Rose:
Hi, Trenise,

There's a thread in the CF that has a 30-day prayer program for praying for husbands:

If you've not yet seen it, I encourage you to read it. There's the text/link to the prayers. I'm in this prayer program now and it has been a blessing. Though I've always prayed for him anyway, adhering to a prayer program helps keep the focus specifically on our marriage and putting it before the Throne. The prayers address every issue.... :yep:

But be encouraged.. I agree w/ Shimmie that praying for your husband to rekindle/strenghthen his relationship with God is essential because it will have a tremendous impact on on YOU. Through prayer, you will forgive him for his trespasses toward you. Through prayer, you will feel more at ease in your situation and be content to know that God has your back.

I remember listening to a radio talk show in which the expert talked about forgiveness in a marriage. He used the example of an angry wife whose husband stopped going to church. She (reluctantly at first) followed his counsel and just prayed for her husband let God take over in that area of their marriage. When Sunday came around, she'd just nicely told him she's off to church and left. She didn't force him, she didn't tell him anything. She said this began to catch his attention, but more important, she was more at peace because she wasn't feeling angry toward him anymore. Why? She turned the negative into a positive...her thoughts no longer were those of anger, but those of compassion, encouragement. Over time, the husband finally started going to church with her again.
That is not to say that a man will do something negative because of us, but that we have the power through prayer to change things that become negative.

As for your baby... I understand what you're going through. There are modern-day Hannahs and I pray that you are one of them.

God bless you,
I am sorry you are going through this right now but remember you are going through and not permanently planted here. I agree w/ Shimmie and Laela. First things first. Pray for your husband like you have never done before. Keep your prayer life red hot. Ask God to strengthen your inner man. Of course, we will all be praying for you here but do you have some friends or family, elders, church mothers, etc who are willing to pray with you for God's guidance on how to proceed? I hear what you are saying about wanting to start a family too. I have a girlfriend who had those same feelings before she and her DH were able to have their DS( it was almost 10 years). It probably won't happen overnight but always remember anytime we have feelings of jealousy or envy( which can manifest by asking the questions you are pondering) the root cause is usually fear. Fear that whatever it is God has said or made happen for someone else will not happen in our lives. This is just not true. :nono: We know that God is not a respector of persons (Rom 2:11 "For God does not show favoritism). We know that he is not a man and that he cannot lie (Num 23:19 Numbers 23:19

19 God is not a man, that he should lie,
nor a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?).

We know that perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18 18There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love).

It may sound crazy to you but I promise you what you sow you will reap. You need to find ways to sow into the lives of others the very things you desire. Doing so will help you overcome the feelings of 'When God when?' and 'Why God why?' you feel towards what you think (you are looking from the outside) is going on in the lives of those other couples. Ask God to guard your heart daily. Ask him to show you you so you can get to the root of what is going on internally and be totally honest with him. Consider fasting from foods or activities etc to get the breakthrough you need right now. I'm not trying to belittle you or your feelings in any way shape or form. :nono: I'm telling you what I know from first hand experience. I'm standing with you and believing that your marriage will be better than it ever was and that you will be fruitful in God's timing. Yodie has a wonderful passage in her scripture "there is life in what looks dead". I think that's coming from Isaiah and the dry bones he had to speak to. Don't forget Abraham and Sarah. Who's report are you going to believe? Don't apologize for venting here- we may never meet on this side but that is what we are all here for on CF-as we grow healthy hair we also encourage each other in the Lord and grow spiritually.

Here is a prayer for your marriage:
Restoration of Marriage
Heavenly Father I thank You that You will hear my prayer, for I come in the Name of Jesus and on the authority of Your Word. I come boldly to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace for your help in restoring my marriage. I take my place standing in the gap for my husband (wife) against the devil and his demons until the salvation of God is manifested in his (her) life. Father I have forgiven them of their sins and transgressions, just as you have forgiven me. I stand firm knowing that the Holy Spirit will convict and convince him (her) of their sin, unrighteousness and judgment. Help me Lord to remain sane and sober-minded, temperate and disciplined because I love my husband (wife) and my children and I commit myself to them. May I steadfastly remain self-controlled, chaste, good-natured and kindhearted, adapting myself so the Word of God may not be exposed to reproach – blasphemed or discredited. Heavenly Father, I pray that _____________, will be delivered from this present evil age by the Son of the Living God, and whom the Son has set free is free indeed (Galatians 1:4). I ask Lord that we be delivered from the spirit of rejection and accepted in the beloved to be holy and blameless in His sight (Colossians 3:12-15). Lord I come humbly before you and ask that You heal this broken marriage as Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted. You have promised us in Your Word, that if we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that we will be saved, and also our
household (Acts 16:31). Help us Lord to submit one to another as we submit ourselves to You.
Heavenly Father, I ask You to rebuke any plans of the enemy to keep this family from being together. We know Lord that satan comes to steal, kill and destroy but we stand firm and confident knowing that he has no power over You, Lord Jesus (John 10:10). Thank You, Father, for hearing my prayer on behalf of this family as we strive for the love of God to reign supreme in our home, and for the peace of God to act as umpire in all situations. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15) May our family know that You are Lord, spirit, soul and body and that you watch over Your Word to perform it, in Jesus Name we pray (Acts 16:31). Amen.
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(((HUGS)))):bighug:I stand in agreement with the ladies that have responded.

God is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. It is God who arms us with strength and makes our way perfect. May the Lord keep your lamp burning and turn your darkness into light. Don't give up because there is nothing that is too hard for the Lord.

Prayer changes things and I profess Psalm 20 over your life. Be Blessed.

:Rose:Psalm 20
1 May the LORD answer you when you are in distress;
may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.

2 May he send you help from the sanctuary
and grant you support from Zion.
3 May he remember all your sacrifices
and accept your burnt offerings.
4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your requests.
6 Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed;
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. 8 They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.