need ideas...


New Member
Hey ladies,

So heres my situation. classes started last week and i realized that one of my high school friends older brother is in one of my class. i dont really know him but remembered him from photos she had of him. at first i contemplated if i should say hi and introduce myself but then i was like hmm tat might be weird for us both. so i texted one of my friends and asked her wat i should and she was like say hi. when classes ended i found the courage to say hey. i asked him if he was so and so brother and he smiled and said yes. so through the convo i said if he wanted to study together for the class we could and afterwards he asked me for my number to study. the next day i ran into him and waved and smiled and he smiled back. i guess i kinda have a crush on him. he seems very nice and smart and i might add hes pretty hawt with nice teeth yumm. i usually get so excited and i put it in my head and then nuthng happens and i hate that ugghh!!!

so i want to ask you guys what you would to say to them the next time you see him ?

how do you see if someone is into you?(i do have i ody image issue so i do get nervous and shy and feel like no will like me i need to stop tat idk how)

how would you find out if they are single without asking you know?

would you pursue him or wait for him to initiate the next convo?? i got out of a ad relationship and this is actually getting my mind off it all.

well if you guys have any advice or tips share or if you can relate i would love to here them!!!

btw im doule posting to get more replies...
Are you still cordial with his sister? You could mention to her that you ran into him and try to get clues or relationship status from her. I do think that if the two of you end up studying if he's interested he'll show you. Otherwise you could just ask if he has a girl.
yes we still talk just not as much. im thnkg about just asking him but im shy and its hard to go from shy to being bold.

btw your puppy is sooo cute!!thnx
I'm an shy too, but sometimes I have to just put it out there bc there is no reason you shouldn't be able to have what you want (to a certain extent). It won't hurt anything. You could even ask in a nonchalant way, like you are just making conversation. Give it some time, though.

ETA: Thanks for the compliment on my puppy.