Need help: Just got his text...should I respond?


Well-Known Member
I'll make this quick:

I met someone in Feb'08 who I fell for...HARD! Needless to say, it ended up being 10 months of agony and unreciprocated feelings. He would pretend that he wouldn't see me whenever I'd see him at the clubs, told me that he was willing to make things work, then ended up making out with someone else just a few days later, etc...

At the end of December I told him that I wasn't bringing the pain into 2009 and that it was due time for me to move on with my life. In the past I've been "the boy who cried wolf", but not this time.

About 45 minutes ago I received a text from him that said: "Hope u had a good new years and 09 is off to a bangin start for u Krista."

I was going to respond with "Thanks,you too" but I don't know. Most ladies on the board believe that no contact is the best form of contact when you're trying to move on. Although I agree, a part of me thinks I should reply with SOMETHING.

What would you do? I think I'll hold off tonight and see how I feel about it in the morning.
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Do yourself a favor and delete his number. Do not bring old drama into 2009. You deserve Better than that!
Why continue to hold on to feelings for a man who would see you in the same place and go out of his way NOT to acknowledge your presence?

Say it with me now..."He is just not that into you".

...but someone else will be, and won't be afraid to show it, regardless of who else is around. :yep:
Hey MissKris!!

Is this the same guy that you started a thread about a while ago? If so...girl ignore him. Delete that text and keep it moving. You don't need his foolishness in 2009. No more emotional rollercoasters.
Hey MissKris!!

Is this the same guy that you started a thread about a while ago? If so...girl ignore him. Delete that text and keep it moving. You don't need his foolishness in 2009. No more emotional rollercoasters.

Hi meecee,

Yep, same guy. (Sigh)

Life is about progression, not regression right?

*Deletes text and contact info*
Why continue to hold on to feelings for a man who would see you in the same place and go out of his way NOT to acknowledge your presence?

Say it with me now..."He is just not that into you".

...but someone else will be, and won't be afraid to show it, regardless of who else is around. :yep:

LOL! You aren't lyin!
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You know, men play a lot of games!!, even the best of them do. They will tell one and do the opposite. I don't think he is even worth your time and effort. DO NOT RESPOND!!!
Move's a new year!!!!...good things will come,. Hold your head up high and orget him and all of his BS.!!!!
Valadate yourself and leave him behind!!!, you are beautiful just remember that, and you will weed out all of the crappy people that will attempt to enter your life!!!
Be strong and stay sweet!!!
It will get better, each day will be better then the day you delt with him and all of his mess!!
this is too easy. With men and women, I generally don't feel the NEED to write anyything in response to a text unless someone asks me a QUESTION. He didnt ask you anything. So no response necessary.
Ignore him, trust that will bug him more than anything you could text him. Not that you want to bug him:look:, but he ignored you and I think he deserves a taste of his own medicine, how dare he ignore you when you saw him in public! And most importantly, it's just safest for your well-being to keep your distance and have no contact with him at all.
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Press the delete key next to his number, after you say thank you, and hope you have a good 2009 too! That way you won't be tempted to call him, or communicate with him if he tries to get in touch with you. Sounds like you're ready to move on.
I'll make this quick:

I met someone in Feb'08 who I fell for...HARD! Needless to say, it ended up being 10 months of agony and unreciprocated feelings. He would pretend that he wouldn't see me whenever I'd see him at the clubs, told me that he was willing to make things work, then ended up making out with someone else just a few days later, etc...

At the end of December I told him that I wasn't bringing the pain into 2009 and that it was due time for me to move on with my life. In the past I've been "the boy who cried wolf", but not this time.

About 45 minutes ago I received a text from him that said: "Hope u had a good new years and 09 is off to a bangin start for u Krista."

I was going to respond with "Thanks,you too" but I don't know. Most ladies on the board believe that no contact is the best form of contact when you're trying to move on. Although I agree, a part of me thinks I should reply with SOMETHING.

What would you do? I think I'll hold off tonight and see how I feel about it in the morning.

He's hoping you'll fall for the okie-doke. Remind yourself why you stopped dealing with him in the first place and you'll remember you dont owe him any acknowledgement. KIM!
Like lefteye said Erase...Replace....Embrace.........New Face....SAY IT WITH ME NOW!!

lemme tell you why? This short message will cause you to slip. It'll just be a sweet straight to the point emssage. He'll message'll be nice and respond. The next thing you know, you'll be casually talking to this dude on the phone. I've done it numerous times. Life's just much easier when you elimanate all contact.
Please read Why men Love *****es and you will find your answer.
Clearly this guy thinks you can be his doormat...any man worth having around will not treat you with such disrespect!
Making out with other chicks? Ignoring you in da club? What part of that sounds like you should respond to that clown's chump text? He is fishing for a heart to stomp on!!! Don't be a victim!

Love yourself hun then you will find a worthy man!
Thank you ladies for your responses! Your advice gave me the courage to be strong and not reply to his text message. I'm usually offering the same advice to others, but somehow I've allowed this man to turn me into a fool. Well, not anymore. So, thank you! Even a simple "thank you" reply would have pulled me back into the vicious cycle that I'm trying so hard to escape.

A New day, a new me.
Thank you ladies for your responses! Your advice gave me the courage to be strong and not reply to his text message. I'm usually offering the same advice to others, but somehow I've allowed this man to turn me into a fool. Well, not anymore. So, thank you! Even a simple "thank you" reply would have pulled me back into the vicious cycle that I'm trying so hard to escape.

A New day, a new me.

Good for you. That's the right attiutde for the '09. Someone better will come along your way :yep:
I wouldn't respond. If you respond this gives him an opening to continue contact with you and will lead to the same ole same ole.
The message was dumb and he really had nothing to say ... he just wanted to get a response out of you. He's holding you emotional hostage... I hope you did not respond, deleted and blocked his number from your phone. That's what I hope. What did you do?
The message was dumb and he really had nothing to say ... he just wanted to get a response out of you. He's holding you emotional hostage... I hope you did not respond, deleted and blocked his number from your phone. That's what I hope. What did you do?

I would agree with you because I had the same thought when I was deciding whether or not to respond.

In the past, whenever I've been able to go "cold turkey" without talking/texting him, I have felt such a sense of accomplishment. Then, he'll text me and I'll respond (or vice versa) thinking that THIS TIME it'll be different. Well, it never was. In the end, it was never worth it.

My heart started racing once I got the text, but I had to walk away from the phone and let the feeling pass. Instead of texting him, I created this thread because I knew you ladies give me the boost I needed to ignore it.

I keep a journal and read through everything that he's ever done to hurt me and I use it a constant reminder to stay away. This allows me to see things how they really were.

I will not respond to his text. If he has something to say, he needs to grow up and use the phone. And if I answer, he'll be very lucky. Unfortunately, my phone doesn't a call block feature. :sad:
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