need ALL the information i can get on full sewn-in weaves!!!!!!


New Member
hey ladies,

i'm looking to get a full sewn-in weave for my graduation and i'm in need of much information, as i've NEVER done anything like this before, besides micros. i'm wondering:

1. how long the full weave normally lasts?
2. can i wash my hair and it still look nice?
3. is it better to leave my hair out or have it braided all over?

if you ladies can help in any way, i'd greatly appreciate it! cuz...i graduate in less than 2 weeks and i'm looking to get this done soon.....:eek:

p.s. if you have any pictures, please, let me know! thanks:):)
NtheNameofJesus! said:
hey ladies,

i'm looking to get a full sewn-in weave for my graduation and i'm in need of much information, as i've NEVER done anything like this before, besides micros. i'm wondering:

1. how long the full weave normally lasts?
2. can i wash my hair and it still look nice?
3. is it better to leave my hair out or have it braided all over?

if you ladies can help in any way, i'd greatly appreciate it! cuz...i graduate in less than 2 weeks and i'm looking to get this done soon.....:eek:

p.s. if you have any pictures, please, let me know! thanks:):)

1. Ideally you should keep it in no longer than 2 months. I kept one in for 3.5 and boy was I sorry I did. Your own hair will start to matt and have all types of scalp issues. Also, your hair will start growing out and the whole look will be ratty.

2. If you get good quality hair, you should be able to wash it as much as you want.

3. This is up to you. My hair is natural, so I did not leave any hair out because it was too different to keep the different textures matched up. Leaving some hair out looks much more natural and gives you more styling options.