Naturals When Did You Start Straightening Your Hair?

I straightened for the first time back in April. I was about 1.5 yrs post BC. I've straightened again twice in the last month and will be a "straightened natural" all winter.
Marking my space to see replies :D

Highlighted - that is what i was respondng to!

No...I marked my space so when I use the app it is saved in my posts I participated in so that I can come back to them.

Anywho...I've been toying with the thought of flat ironing my hair just to see. Still trying to wait til BSL so that I can see some real progress.

If you're talking bout Apps on phones then i have no clue bout that stuff!! :ohwell:

I know! I was like why is @Bublin saying that? That means you're marking your spot so you can come back to the thread later. I thought everyone knew that.

I know about marking your spot but didn't know you did it to see what others said - thought was what subscribing was for. :perplexed

OP, sorry about interrupting your thread, carry on...:yep:
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Highlighted - that is what i was respondng to!

If you're talking bout Apps on phones then i have no clue bout that stuff!! :ohwell:

I know about marking your spot but didn't know you did it to see what others said - thought was what subscribing was for. :perplexed

OP, sorry about interrupting your thread, carry on...:yep:

I don't wanna hijack this thread either Bublin :lol: but if you don't want to subscribe to a thread you can just reply in it and come back later to see the replies while you were say.. running errands. There's an arrow on threads that you have posted in. It shows on the left hand side of the screen on what loos like an envelope. That way you can know you replied or posted in that thread. :yep:
I initially intended to be a straight haired natural. I never BC'd and did a long term transition. I wore my hair straight 100% of the time my entire first year of my transition.

I decided my hair wasn't as healthy as it could be straightening that often so now I straighten about five times a year.

I like to wear my hair straight so no, I didnt wait until a certain length of time to straighten my hair. Even once I decided I wasn't going to be a straight natural, I still do it on occassion. Plus it gives me a chance to really see and assess my ends and get a good trim.

There are other things I kind of have "timetable" for I suppose. I may wear it straight more often or "out" styles more often once I reach certain length goals (for me that will be BSL)
It has been so long I don't remember. I think in the last 6 years I have straighten my hair 2-3 times possibly.

Truth be told I have lost my skills in that area and with the length and thickness I don't have the guts to deal with it doing that never ends well! :( It looks good for about a hot minute then its starts morphing into the Diana Ross wanna be style. :lachen:
I am almost at my 2 year mark and I havent had the desire to straighten yet. I was going to do it for my 30 B'day this year (Dec 09) but that's still up in the air.

Highlighted - that is what i was respondng to!

If you're talking bout Apps on phones then i have no clue bout that stuff!! :ohwell:

I know about marking your spot but didn't know you did it to see what others said - thought was what subscribing was for. :perplexed

OP, sorry about interrupting your thread, carry on...:yep:

Ohhh...okay i see now. Girl i was thrown off for a minute!:lol:

I don't wanna hijack this thread either Bublin :lol: but if you don't want to subscribe to a thread you can just reply in it and come back later to see the replies while you were say.. running errands. There's an arrow on threads that you have posted in. It shows on the left hand side of the screen on what loos like an envelope. That way you can know you replied or posted in that thread. :yep:

Yeah...otherwise i'd be getting a ton of emails in my inbox on this thread :lol:

But going along w/these replies...i'm THINKING about straightening in January for my 1 yr Afroversary :)...time has flown by ridiculously fast!
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I've been thinking about it, but I've yet to do it. I'm rather nervous about it, my hair doesn't like heat. We'll see.
@ SmilingElephant and bublin that's ok. I just learned something new! Gotta go back and read though so I can understand it clearly. I didn't know all that about the features!

SmilingElephant waist length girl! The pic in your siggy, is that what you started from? Amazing!
I notice some of you 4B ladies don't straighten much (if at all) and yet still manage all of that hair! It looks so good!
I havent even made it to 1 year and haven't contemplated straightening. I would like to straighten at the 1.5 yr mark, though to get a more accurate assessment of length, thickness, and condition. I currently use no heat at all. Airdrying and wearing it in natural texture is what I do...seems easiest for me.:yep:

It is thick and beastly as it is, but due to reversion and the time it takes, I just don't bother to press or flat-iron! I only get the straight look with a weave or wig. And, since transitioning and going natural, I prefer a big, curly/wavy/kinky look on me. I have stopped buying straight wigs, because I feel it is too much of a contradiction between my natural look and what I choose as a PS (the wig/weave).
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I have not straightened yet and it's been almost 2.5 years for me. I thought I would at the 2 year mark but I didn't. I think that once I hit BSB (or whenever my stretched fro flops), I may adopt a Domin/LHDC2011 regi of straightening once per month and then maintaining with braided styles.

I prefer the look of poofy/blown out hair over sleek/thin hair. I'm looking to get a fro that's wider than my shoulders and stops me from entering doorways! :grin:
I haven't straightened, but I've been really thinking about it. I have been natural for only 2 yrs. I did a blow out the other day and out of curiosity I whipped out my old CHI and flattened a small section in the back. Just to see. But then I freaked out and put water on it almost immediately to be sure it would revert. LOL! I want to straighten, but I will wait until I have a flat iron with a heat setting I can control.

Oh, there are many reasons I have yet to straighten. Fear of damage, not wanting to hear people say "Oh you should wear it like that all the time!", and LAZINESS!
I've been natural for a year now and I haven't straightened my hair yet. I'm tempted to straighten it for my birthday in January, but I'm undecided. I'm guessing my hair is about shoulder length stretched. The reason why I don't want to strengthen now is because when I was relaxed I was shoulder length. When I strengthen I want my hair to be a new length, a length I've never had before. I also want to stand out from everybody else, by having hair down to my calves lol. Plus heat damage scares the hell out of me.
@ SmilingElephant and bublin that's ok. I just learned something new! Gotta go back and read though so I can understand it clearly. I didn't know all that about the features!

SmilingElephant waist length girl! The pic in your siggy, is that what you started from? Amazing!

Lol!:grin: No. Stormy That pic is from last month. That's my curly puff. I actually just made it to APL but i am pushing to get back to waistlength stretched.

I was waistlength relaxed. I Big Chopped this January after an 8 month transition. :)