Naturals: When did you REALLY see your true texture(s)?

I've been natural for 5 years, and I've just recently discovered my hair has a curl pattern. And i've noticed with daily rinses and conditioning 3 times a week, my curls have loosened to type 2 waves, and type 3c curls, from a type 4a. Honestly I'm starting to think that AA hair, is just mega super dry, and with constant moisture internally and external, your true curl pattern will show.

Wow, this is very interesting.
Taina my hair is the same way. Loose on the sides, curly all around, the crown is very dry, and the very front of my hair is loose waves and holds no curl pattern but its also very dry. Weird! That's why I don't pay attention to the hair typing system. My mullet in the back is there mostly because my nape area is loose silky waves & curls and the middle is curly as heck, doesn't blend in very well LOL

That's why i gave up on the typing too. On pictures i posted here, ppl told me i was 2b-3c-4b in different times, so i still confuse about my type :wallbash:
Textures change. But I was pretty much able to see my texture w/about 3 months of growth. I think you have to cut off the relaxer IMO to tell the true texture.
Excellent decision to go natural. I did 3 chops over 14 months. I didn't see my true texture until all the chemically treated ends were gone and I got "sproing". Before that it was all comparison with the straighter hair; the less new growth compared to straightened hair I had the kinkier it seemed. When I had more new growth than chemically straightened hair I began to see a hint of what it would be and I got excited. But I didn't get that curly healthy bounce until I was natural to the very end of my hair.
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Excellent decision to go natural. I did 3 chops over 14 months. I didn't see my true texture until all the chemically treated ends were gone and I got "sproing". Before that it was all comparison with the straighter hair; the less new growth compared to straightened hair I had the kinkier it seemed. When I had more new growth than chemically straightened hair I began to see a hint of what it would be and I got excited. But I didn't get that curly healthy bounce until I was natural to the very end of my hair.

I just have to say..."Suburb" I love your hair it is so fierce! :grin: Ok back to the topic...

I transitioned for 10 months. So I could see my true texture. But when I officially cut of the dangly relaxed ends, that when it came out. My hair grows like wildfire.
I started to see a curl pattern after about 8 months, i noticed how tight it was after about a year...I really don't know if this is my true texture since i'm still transitioning but im defo a 4 something :)
Transitioned for a little over a year.
I never really had "scab" hair, and my hair isnt that dry if I keep up with it.
I will say that I knew what I was getting myself into around 6 months into my transition.
My texture stayed the same.
I truly hope my texture doesn't change.
I always had an idea of what my hair textures were like because I would stretch my relaxers (8 -12 weeks). Therefore, I knew about the variances in texture and thickness but nothing prepared me for what I discovered when I BC'ed! :blush:

I transitioned for 15 months by rollersetting my hair bi-weekly and I gradually got the relaxed ends trimmed off by a stylist every 3 - 6 months. During my transition, I found out that the hairs around my hairline (front and back) were finer and had a looser curl pattern than my crown area. I also discovered that I have more hair on the right side of my head than on the left.

But when I BC'ed (self-chopped, Feb '09) I didn't realize that my relaxed ends were stretching and weighing down my natural hair. So when I was done cutting my hair, I ended up looking like I had a jacked up, DRIED up geometric afro :wallbash: Needless to say, I was not loving the look - neither was my husband :nono: But I committed myself to not rollersetting my hair after the BC just so that I could figure out how to style and maintain my natural hair. It took me two and a half months after my BC to see my hair textures "clearly" defined with and without haircare products.

BTW, I have not straightened my hair in almost a year, y'all! :grin: Good luck to you, Cheezy, and all the other ladies trying to transition. :yep: Try to enjoy the process.
I transitioned for a year, and chopped the relaxed ends off. (The transition was accidental because I was in braids for th entire year.) I had horrible scab hair. I then texturized. I found LHCF and then actively transitioned for three months and BC'd. My hair texture from the first time is dramatically different. So I would say it took me 4 inches of growth (however many months that take you) before I saw my actual texture.
As soon as the relaxed ends were finally gone, I saw the true texture... my last mini chop was 2/2009 and my hair texture has been the same since then. I had long term transition with my last relaxer 12/2007, but didn't have the last of the relaxed ends trimmed off until 2/2009.
I'd been natural for most of my life so there weren't many suprises after I did my BC. I did seem to notice after about 2 years post relaxer that a small section of my crown seemed to change from 4b to 4a (it's still like that).
Well for me, it was immediately after I did the big chop, but I really noticed as it started growing out that I was completely wrong about my hair. When I was transitioning (4 months was all I could handle) I thought my natural hair would be a tangled mess that I would have to be at war with daily, but that's not the case at all. I now realize it was just the two textures (relaxed and new growth) fighting with each other. I used to get knots and all that, but once I went completely natural no problems at all. I don't get tangles, knots, none of that. Also, my hair is much softer than I thought it would be and not dry.
it's barely been 3 mos since my bc and i notice my texture is changing gradually. the curls are becoming looser. i am still experimenting with products and trying to adopt a solid regimen for my new natural tresses so we'll probably know in a couple more months. i can say that it seems the hair at the very top crown areas seems to not be mine. it's like a 6zzzz:lachen:

**vitak72- luvs the way u roc that fro in ur siggy, girl!:yep:
I BCed July of 2009 and just now am I starting to see my true texture! Co washing, and keeping hair moisturized REALLY do matter! My hair is alot softer than it was in the beginning for sure...and for some reason it's become wavy....
I can't really remember how long it took for me to see my natural texture. I transitioned gradually under weaves, cutting off a small bit of the relaxed ends every takedown or so. But when I cut off the last of the relaxed bits, I had a head full of spring-y curls!!!

I transitioned the same way. It took me a couple months of experimenting to find out how to make my curls pop and style my hair without frizz. Also my curls loosened as my hair got longer.