Naturals: Please share your best tip for making your twist/braid out last longer...


New Member
If you've mastered a routine that allows your twist or braid set to last for more than 3 days or so without getting matted and tangled, please share! Is it the products you use? Is it your nighttime routine?

I feel like in order to keep my hair from curling up on itself and getting the resulting single strand knots...that I need to restyle every other day or so. This is time consuming though (I have 3 kids!) and plus my products go so fast this way.

Thanks for any tips you can share!
Re: Naturals: Please share your best tip for making your twist/braid out last longer.

every other day is about as good as it gets for me. I hit it from the other side and work on being able to do the twists quickly as possible (10-15) mins and I mix my potions (conditioners) so i'm not going through the costly ones so fast.