Naturals *** Please BEWARE Loprox Shampoo*** May lose naps/kinks/curls


New Member
I've been shampooing with Loprox which is a prescription shampoo for my scalp. When i was in the shower, i combed it through my hair for the first time --- I usually just massage it into my scalp and rinse. But i was in the shower and combed it thru and left it there for three minutes while i rinsed off. I now have kinks and naps that are loosened/images/graemlins/mad.gif. I'm really pissed off about this to the 10th power because i was never given a warning by the doctor and never saw one online that this would possibly happen. I never wanted any type of chemicals or dyes or heat in my hair again so this is SUCH a lesson for me. Please, please, please pay attention to any and everything that you let touch your scalp and hair. I want my hair completely natural/unprocessed so in 3 months i will be doing a second B.C. when i have enough new growth. I'm sporting a twa so it wont be anything for me to B.C. again. But for those that have gained more length than this -- and there are many of you -- PLEASE use caution with prescription shampoos.

Please be careful of what you use, even if it's given to you by the doctor. I dont know if others hair will be this sensitive to this type of medication but i want to get this out there for those that may potentially have this reaction to Loprox. I'm finished using any kind of medical shampoo and will be going to see about an herbal/natural remedy ASAP. Thanks so much for reading this and i hope that this info is helpful to someone out there. -- jainygirl
Re: Naturals *** Please BEWARE Loprox Shampoo*** May lose naps/kinks/c

Ugh, make sure you tell that doctor this fact. /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif Thank you for the heads-up!
Re: Naturals *** Please BEWARE Loprox Shampoo*** May lose naps/kinks/c

i am sorry to hear this! but thanx for the notice.
Re: Naturals *** Please BEWARE Loprox Shampoo*** May lose naps/kinks/c

I'm sorry you had to go throught this! Doctors and companies too should let people know what their products are about! Thanks for informing me about this product!
Re: Naturals *** Please BEWARE Loprox Shampoo*** May lose naps/kinks/c

That sucks, jainy. I know the feeling (except my loosened kinks came courtesy of my old stylist "silking" my hair /images/graemlins/smirk.gif ). /images/graemlins/mad.gif

Anyway, I know you're pissed, but is dropping the shampoo really the best thing? Maybe you can just go back to applying it only to the scalp (which I'm assuming didn't affect your texture?). If you're gonna have to BC again anyway, then you might as well finish the shampoo and make sure your scalp is healthy /images/graemlins/smile.gif [And ream out the doctor for not warning you first /images/graemlins/grin.gif ]
Re: Naturals *** Please BEWARE Loprox Shampoo*** May lose naps/kinks/c

Thanks for the words of advice everyone /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Miss Brown, Thanks for the advice. I would continue to use the shampoo but i'm scared that if it's loosened my hair a little already that further use would loosen it even more and i dont want that to happen. That and i'm starting to wonder what exactly is in this Loprox (Ciclopirox) and what is it really capable of other than helping my scalp. I'm taking pills to get rid of my infection so the shampoo was for getting rid of flakes only. I will go back to my Elasta QP Dandruff shampoo instead /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I also posted this on another forum and was advised to see what my hair looks like after 4-5 shampoo's that it may be a temporary thing. That way i wouldnt have to do a second chop. I'm gonna try that and see what happens. I hope that it does. If this is only temporary i will never let this happen again /images/graemlins/nono.gif. Thanks again everyone. -- jainygirl
Re: Naturals *** Please BEWARE Loprox Shampoo*** May lose naps/kinks/c

Cool... as long as the infection is still clearing up, it's all good. /images/graemlins/up.gif I really hope you won't have to BC /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with the Loprox. That's the downside with using medicated shampoos - prescription or non-prescription. While they may work wonders on clearing up a nagging scalp problem, they can also wreak serious havoc on your own hair. That's why you have to pay close attention to how your hair products affect your hair and scalp.