Naturals: How do you wear your hair mostly?

Naturals: How do you wear your hair regularly???

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I've had a routine going since maybe January. I wear twists for two weeks, then take them out for a twistout. I wear the twistout for about a week. This process is VERY time consuming when I have to wash every 3 weeks. So time consuming that I'm ready to do something different to my hair. It takes about an hour to wash my hair, because I wash in sections. Then it takes about 3 hours to twist. That's not including deep conditioning or protein treatments.

This weekend I wanted to staighten my hair, to do something different. But that would literally take the entire weekend. I would use AO overnight on Friday for protein, then wash and DC on Saturday. I would then band to airdry. In which I couldn't go anywhere with my hair banded. Then, flatiron on Sunday. :nono: That's just waaay too much. I didn't have to do all this while relaxed. This is crazy.

I CAN NOT do wng's. They worked fine when I had a TWA, but now with my hair longer, it's insane. I did maybe one or two over the summer. But 1. when I detangle (even with the denman) my hair looks a mess in a wng. The denman makes my curls really POP on the ends, but for some reason my roots don't curl. So, as a result, my hair looks a mess. And 2. if I do wng without detangling....OOOH BOY!!! My next wash is going to be HELL. It was easier to manage with less hair. So when I had a TWA, it was less hell for me to deal with. That's actually one of the reason I started the routine that I did in January, because my hair would, for the most part, be detangled when I wash my twistout.

So, now I'm just like WHAT DO I DO??? I don't really know what to do with my hair anymore. And I get SOOO JEALOUS of ladies whose hair shows length (rather length is shown from their hair being straight or from them having looser curls that allow less shrinkage in it's natural state).

So, I thought I'd cry out to my natural ladies to find out how you wear your hair. Maybe I can get some ideas from you.
i wear my hair in a ponytail EVERYDAY b/c i am in the military
Well, I couldn't choose coz I'm in an indecisive mode at the moment. It was always extension braids, but I've been doing twists, twist-outs, puffs...and still thinking...

But ask me in a few weeks and I'm sure it'll be braid extensions. :lol:
I stay in twist-outs. The style lasts about 3-4 days then I'm washing, conditioning and twisting again.

I have to admit that it is time consuming. The style takes about 3-4 hours every 3-4 days.
I stay in twist-outs. The style lasts about 3-4 days then I'm washing, conditioning and twisting again.

I have to admit that it is time consuming. The style takes about 3-4 hours every 3-4 days.

Oh, chile!!! See, I can't do that.

Roller sets

I would love to be able to do that. I don't think my hair is long enough yet. I haven't tried it, so I don't know. It just seems like all the ladies that rollerset have AT LEAST APL hair.
Oh, so you wear your hair in a ponytail in it's natural state?? See, I can't do that either. If my hair is not stretched, it will not make it into one ponytail.

UGH!!!!! :wallbash:

Ms Twana, you could wear a pulled back puff. ;)
Yeah, I thought about that as I was putting it into the poll. The only thing is keeping it from getting extremely tangled. How could I keep the puff from getting tangled??
Oh, so you wear your hair in a ponytail in it's natural state?? See, I can't do that either. If my hair is not stretched, it will not make it into one ponytail.

UGH!!!!! :wallbash:

I have one answer for everything, the bun or the ponytail

u just gotta go through it to get to it, I know its aggravating but once your there, its much more smooth sailing
Yeah, I thought about that as I was putting it into the poll. The only thing is keeping it from getting extremely tangled. How could I keep the puff from getting tangled??

u cant, most often loose natural hair spells tangles galore, but you could do it once in a while for a break and change

stick with your twists regimen just a little while longer for the pay off later

eta: like Nonie mentioned you could do braid/extensions for a change of pace too and give yourself a break
I put wash and go's cuz usually i am too lazy to do anything else with it.

but then there are times when i get in a hair "kick" and i am trying almost everything under the sun on my hair... i am actually starting to like the complete shrinkage i get when i do wash and go's like in my AV.
I have one answer for everything, the bun or the ponytail

u just gotta go through it to get to it, I know its aggravating but once your there, its much more smooth sailing

Girl, those statements are easy for you to say with all that hair on your head!!!! :lachen:

Thanks for the motivation, though.

u cant, most often loose natural hair spells tangles galore, but you could do it once in a while for a break and change

stick with your twists regimen just a little while longer for the pay off later

eta: like Nonie mentioned you could do braid/extensions for a change of pace too and give yourself a break

Very true. I can do those to switch it up a bit.

So is my twist regimen healthier for my hair?? I guess it's a very low manipulation regimen.
Well, I couldn't choose coz I'm in an indecisive mode at the moment. It was always extension braids, but I've been doing twists, twist-outs, puffs...and still thinking...

But ask me in a few weeks and I'm sure it'll be braid extensions. :lol:

I don't know, either. The hair boards have shaken things up for me but before the hair boards I wore a puff 80% of the time for about a decade. The rest was a twist or twist out. Most of this past summer I spent in twist outs, though, and I think I'm likely to do that a lot into the future.
I wear my hair in a wet bun because I co-wash daily....but I have a desire to pull away from 'having to do my hair daily' so this weekend I put my hair in finger coils in an attempt to only have to 'do' my hair once a week. We will see how that goes. :look:
Girl, those statements are easy for you to say with all that hair on your head!!!! :lachen:

Thanks for the motivation, though.

Very true. I can do those to switch it up a bit.

So is my twist regimen healthier for my hair?? I guess it's a very low manipulation regimen.
:lachen: I know its sounds crazy coming from me but girl I didnt mean it that will get there in time

and yes your twist regimen is low manipulation even if its time consuming its going to pay off , keep your patience mama :sneakyhug:

even when you get the length, there are other challenges , the pony tail doesnt fix actually having to deal with natural hair, just hang in there and stick it out for the long haul, give yourself changes and breaks so you dont get exasperated :yep:
Yeah, I thought about that as I was putting it into the poll. The only thing is keeping it from getting extremely tangled. How could I keep the puff from getting tangled??

Moisturize your hair in the evening. Apply your favorite moisturizer. Put your hair in big plaits combing through each section when it is well drenched in your moisturizer or spritz and therefore slippery (S Curl spray is what I use). Then baggy for the night. In the AM, take out baggy, undo plaits and comb. Because of the plaits, your hair should comb easily. Style and do not touch it again till the evening, when you will spritz it again if necessarily and plait it again for the night.

Alternatively, you could do a twist-out and use a scarf to pull them back puff style. Just don't make the mistake of wetting the hair after undoing the twists (like I did :hammer: ) or messing. :drunk: I ended up with a mix of the loc-like waves I was hoping for, poofy sections I really wasn't going for (that looked like real locs), and some sections that just looked like a WNG. :lachen: (Pic) At least now I know how to make my hair look like locs (I think).
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I've been wearing wash and gos and puffs for the summer, but now that we are coming up on fall (and my hair is getting longer), I've been practicing my twists and braidouts. Hopefully I'll get a set that's suitable for public sight :spinning:.
Moisturize your hair in the evening. Apply your favorite moisturizer. Put your hair in big plaits combing through each section when it is well drenched in your moisturizer or spritz and therefore slippery (S Curl spray is what I use). Then baggy for the night. In the AM, take out baggy, undo plaits and comb. Because of the plaits, your hair should comb easily. Style and do not touch it again till the evening, when you will spritz it again if necessarily and plait it again for the night.

Alternatively, you could do a twist-out and use a scarf to pull them back puff style. Just don't make the mistake of wetting the hair after undoing the twists (like I did :hammer: ) or messing w/ them. I ended up with a mix of the loc-like waves I was hoping for, poofy sections I really wasn't going for, and some sections that just looked like a WNG. :lachen: (Pic) At least now I know how to make my hair look like locs (I think).

ur so crazy Nonie! that was funny
Moisturize your hair in the evening. Apply your favorite moisturizer. Put your hair in big plaits combing through each section when it is well drenched in your moisturizer or spritz and therefore slippery (S Curl spray is what I use). Then baggy for the night. In the AM, take out baggy, undo plaits and comb. Because of the plaits, your hair should comb easily. Style and do not touch it again till the evening, when you will spritz it again if necessarily and plait it again for the night.

Alternatively, you could do a twist-out and use a scarf to pull them back puff style. Just don't make the mistake of wetting the hair after undoing the twists (like I did :hammer: ) or messing. :drunk: I ended up with a mix of the loc-like waves I was hoping for, poofy sections I really wasn't going for (that looked like real locs), and some sections that just looked like a WNG. :lachen: (Pic) At least now I know how to make my hair look like locs (I think).
this is what i am going to try to do now, i just did to sloppy plaits in my head lol
I wear my hair in a wet bun because I co-wash daily....but I have a desire to pull away from 'having to do my hair daily' so this weekend I put my hair in finger coils in an attempt to only have to 'do' my hair once a week. We will see how that goes. :look:

I forgot about comb/finger coils. :yep:

Moisturize your hair in the evening. Apply your favorite moisturizer. Put your hair in big plaits combing through each section when it is well drenched in your moisturizer or spritz and therefore slippery (S Curl spray is what I use). Then baggy for the night. In the AM, take out baggy, undo plaits and comb. Because of the plaits, your hair should comb easily. Style and do not touch it again till the evening, when you will spritz it again if necessarily and plait it again for the night.

Alternatively, you could do a twist-out and use a scarf to pull them back puff style. Just don't make the mistake of wetting the hair after undoing the twists (like I did :hammer: ) or messing. :drunk: I ended up with a mix of the loc-like waves I was hoping for, poofy sections I really wasn't going for (that looked like real locs), and some sections that just looked like a WNG. :lachen: (Pic) At least now I know how to make my hair look like locs (I think).

That was funny. That sounds like a good technique. I'll try that. Thanks.
My hair stays in a different style. I get a little bored (at least I have been this summer). Everything from wash and go's, twists, puffs, buns, weaves, straightened, etc.

If I had to pick a favorite, I guess it would be twists, but super thick hair + twists = a WHOLE lotta time I don't have to do it myself or money to get it done. So Wash and go's are my go to by default. Gotta find something to switch over to for the winter though.
Two strand twists. They get redone every weekend after I DC. I usually wear them in some sort of updo during the week to keep them less fuzzy. To me, it's as close as I can get to no manipulation without hellish detangling sessions or locs... .