Naturals: How do you wear your hair mostly?

Naturals: How do you wear your hair regularly???

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This has been my experience when I tried using the denman to get a curly look. It didn't work for me :nono:.


To answer your question. I did my second big chop in May 2007. During my first year natural I wore my hair in wash and go styles and kinky twists. However, I've been wearing cornrows under wigs since July/August 2007.

I've been wanting to try a wash and go with the denman. the inch around my roots always tends to be bushy so I don't know if it will work.

my main stay is twist outs but I'm not one for spending hours on it. I do 20-40 twists every 3-4 days. DC and 20 mins is all the time I want to take on it.
I picked twists/braids on natural hair as my main style.

I also wear wigs when I get really tired of twists and doing my hair-it's braided underneath the wig though.

I'll have cornrows done occassionally.

I wear afro puffs pulled back with a colorful scarf or head bands when I want something simple, fast and real easy.

I will have it flat ironed sometimes. This involves much work:look::grin:, so I'll do it only in the winter.
I wear mine mostly in twists, twist-outs, and braid-outs.

I am a gemini so I have to change up the flavor when the mood hits me. So I have also worn extensions(with cornrows), wigs (with cornrows), braided extensions are also a favorite of mine during the summer months.
I mostly wear my hair in twists. My routine is to wash my hair with a set of twists in, and then while my hair is still wet I take them down one by one and retwist them. I save time and I don't have to mess with loose hair. I can retwist my hair in 2-2.5 hours and I do this process weekly.
I wear my hair in kinky twist 8 weeks at a time and give it
a break in between for 2 weeks. During the breaks I do wash 'n go's.
I plan to do this until I reach my goal.
I have decided to keep my hair twisted in various styles until my birthday in March. I wore WNG's a few times and can you say "FAIRY KNOTS!!!!" Man they are every where. So no more loose styles for a while. I am just going to DC and henna my hair every two weeks until then and only doing a loose styles if it is a special occasion.

I like your routine. I've been wearing twists and I wash my hair in them, but then I take them out and get my roots pressed lightly. But, I think I'm just going to try your routine and see if this works for me!

Are you retaining a lot of length this way?

I mostly wear my hair in twists. My routine is to wash my hair with a set of twists in, and then while my hair is still wet I take them down one by one and retwist them. I save time and I don't have to mess with loose hair. I can retwist my hair in 2-2.5 hours and I do this process weekly.
i have been trying to keep my hair in twists and braids all winter but i love wah and gos and puffs so this is so hard lol. i have individual twists in now and i love them but already im starting to want to take them out. during the summer thats all i wear is w&g.
I wear my hair in two-strand twists with my real hair.
I leave these babies in for a month at a time and the older they get the better they look, LOL.
depends. ive been doing twists for awhile but they don't flatter my face so i don't want to do them anymore. im did bantu knots for the first time tonight. i hope they look ok
When I wear my real hair it's in a puff. I was in braids (extensions) for about 5 months this year.
I have been doing twist and bantu knots when I want to wear it loose
no more WnG's for me My hair becomes a notty mess

I do co-wash my hair while they are in twist or braids
I have noticed my hair has been getting really dry lately I guess it's the change of season. So now I baggie every nite with s-curl gel activator

I like your routine. I've been wearing twists and I wash my hair in them, but then I take them out and get my roots pressed lightly. But, I think I'm just going to try your routine and see if this works for me!

Are you retaining a lot of length this way?
Yes, I've been retaining a lot of length. I retained 5-5.5" in a year and I also trimmed off about half and inch during that time. This is the ultimate low manipulation style for me because I mess with my hair once a week and I only wore my hair out for a few days during that time.
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I am surprised at the time it takes to twist the hair. lol.

It takes me aaalll 30 minutes to twist mine, maybe 35-40 depending on how small they are. It takes me UP TO 20 to take them down. (I manipulate the hair a backwards rotation from the direction of twists, I then stickj my finger in the twist from the scalp, then "unzip" downward.) Twists are not time consumers for me..:drunk:
So far I'm a straight natural, I can't do much with my curl pattern and the knots were hard to deal with when it's curly
I mostly wear my hair in pony tails. My hair doesn't exactly have a definate curl pattern to wear it out. It is far to inconsistant and it really doesn't hold twist outs or braidouts well either.

SO I mostly bun, and wear ponytails. Anything that keeps my ends from brushing aginst my clothes.
I mostly wear my hair in braids (not micros) with extensions so my length and ends are protected. When my hair is out I tend to wear it straight. Once it gets longer I'm going to either wear it in braids or braid outs, while saving the straight look for special occasions.
I am surprised at the time it takes to twist the hair. lol.

It takes me aaalll 30 minutes to twist mine, maybe 35-40 depending on how small they are. It takes me UP TO 20 to take them down. (I manipulate the hair a backwards rotation from the direction of twists, I then stickj my finger in the twist from the scalp, then "unzip" downward.) Twists are not time consumers for me..:drunk:
The 2-2.5 hours I spend twisting mine includes time spent detangling. I also have thick hair so nothing is a fast process for me.