Naturals - Has anyone REFUSED to do your hair?

When I had my hair weaved last October, My stylist was like why did you decide to go natural. She use to do my hair when I was relaxed.

It's really sad when people of color don't want to deal with natural hair out of ignorance and laziness.
I had a friend who went to shop to get her hair washed and blowdried. She explained to them that she was natural, her hair was pressed out. THe lady asked her "what does your hair do when it's wet, does it curl up". My friend explained her hair texture she is like a 4a I would guess w/very thick mbl hair. The beautician said" Oh no I don't feel like being bothered w/all that", :nono:and this was an African owned shop she figured they would be able and willing to do her hair. She was so upset and saddened by this. But honestly I told her it's better to have them tell you up front than for them to mess up your hair because they don't want to do it or don't know how to.

I agree completely, I went to the Vidal Sassoon Advanced Academy for a haircut in London last month. This Indian guy came in, looked at my hair and statred talking to his friend in another language and laughing. Now, I don't speak any of that, but the look on his face when he saw my hair was universal. But the white lady who decided to actually cut my afro was MUCH nicer and did a good job! Glad he didn't touch me, he might just want to shave me...:rolleyes:
But honestly I told her it's better to have them tell you up front than for them to mess up your hair because they don't want to do it or don't know how to.

that's some truth right there. no one has refused to do my hair (i raaaarely go anyway) but i usually wished they would have. the last time i went it was because my right arm was broken and in a cast and I couldn't do it myself. I went to have it cornrowed and essentially got told off about how i can't wear my hair like this and it's too much and i need a relaxer, all while they were torturing me.
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I've had the same experience. And at the time I felt like crying. I went from salon to salon trying to get my hair done and everyone refused me (most were Dominican salons). They kept saying we only do relaxed hair, you need a perm. Since then I haven't even thought about going to a salon. I've learned to style it myself.