Naturals: Avocado Butter Helps Reduce Shrinkage...


New Member
It's true! I've been experimenting with avocado butter that I purchased from "From Nature with Love" website ( I first tried it on freshly washed, semi-wet hair, tied my hair back with a silk scarf (the key) and went to bed. The next morning, my hair seemed texturized!!!! I couldn't believe it! The curls were hanging downward, not sideways and my flyaways were virtually gone!!!! I wore my hair out that day with little to no shrinkage.

The second experiment:

I tried twisting my hair with the butter on completely DRY hair; then, tied up at night. The next day, my twists were hanging down instead of east-west. In addition, the shrinkage was minimal!!! My hair looked fantastic and I got compliments all around (from whites AND blacks!!!).

The final experiment:

While wet, I twisted my hair in about 10-12 twists last night. I wanted to see if having wet hair made any difference. Well, this morning, I unraveled my twists and my hair is beautiful! It looks like I got a straw set. There's a little more shrinkage but still minimum. My curls are wavy and well-defined. Also, avocado butter has been healthy properties, especially for keeping the hair moisturized, not greasy!

I would highly recommend the avocado butter!

NOTE: If Iris visits this board from, much props, girl! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to a marvelous product!.
Thanks for that. I'll try it as soon as I take out my braids.
Ya'll need anything from the store? I have to run out...but I will be right back.
You said avocado BUTTER right?
I also wanted to say go head LON doing your own twists. I can't wait to see your hair again...I swear I really start getting the natural bug when I saw you at the LHCF Meeting.
Re: Naturals: Avocado Butter Helps Reduce Shrinkage... *DELETED*

Post deleted by Armyqt
hmm...I'm ok with my shrinkage, but I DO need a new hair butter...

Is it expensive? I don;t want to tempt myself by going to the website if I can't afford the stuff.
ms_kenesha said:
I also wanted to say go head LON doing your own twists. I can't wait to see your hair again...I swear I really start getting the natural bug when I saw you at the LHCF Meeting.

[/ QUOTE ] are too sweet to me!! Do I deserve it?....well,...yes!!!! I love you, too, sweetie! The twists certainly requires practice and patience. I really like to practice on my own hair, but I'd also like to have them professionally done when I get some money! Girl, I absolutely LOVE your hair, too. That TWA is so flattering and attractive! It's growing and coming along quite nicely. Being nappy is so much fun, isn't it? Aren't you loving it?!!

As for the hair type, someone asked: I think my hair type includes many different textures, and I'm learning more and more about my hair as it grows and changes. In the front my hair is straighter, I would almost say a 3B. At the top and sides, it's more like 3C-4A and the back is a mixture of 3C-4A-4B. But, I tell ya...this avocado butter is helping to alter the texture of my hair (I think along with MSM). My hair looks like it's had a straw set or something. Very nice.

I would suggest that you experiment with the butter. Use it to set the hair on pipe rollers. Or, twist in about 10 to 12 twists while the hair is DRY. Then try it with the hair wet.

I am finding that if my hair is nicely conditioned, it works the best, whether wet or dry.

Please keep me posted, ladies on how the butter is working for you.

Also for those of you who use mango butter, try comparing it with the avocado and see which works best.

God bless! I'm going home for the day...
Grl, you beat me to it
!! i was going to order some of the Avocado butter from fromnaturewithlove i really love avocado butter i am glad you are so happy with your results.
Okay, is this it?

<ul type="square">[*]So, have you two ladies who absolutely love this stuff ever try Avocado oil on your hair? If so, how does it compare?

[*]Have you ever tried Carol's Daughter Hair Milk? If so, how does it compare?

[*]And, how did you find out about Avocado Butter? Where did you hear about it that made you want to get it? What moisturizing products do you think this will replace for you in your cabinet?[/list]

.... just like to ask as many questions before making yet another "investment"
This sounds cool. I'm gonna have to put it on my "to try" list. I think someone else posted about this a few weeks back.
I'd really love to try the avocado butter from From Nature with Love. How long does it usually take before you get it in the mail?
you talked me into it. I ordered it.
I have used avocado oil before and i liked it a lot so i figure the butter will work pretty well too
Hey everyone. Last night was my BEAUTY NIGHT so I decided to put on a Queen Helene mask and do some mini twists guessed it AVOCADO BUTTER. Okay, so I couldn't twist the back of my hair, I think because 1. it's shorter and 2. it's the back of my head
But I twisted the tops and the sides and just added Avocado Butter to the back of my hair and combed it through with my K-cutter I dampened my hair first w/ my water/glycerin/aloe/elucence MB spray. I haven't taken the twists down yet because I'm not going anywhere right now, but the back of my hair feels really soft.

Someone asked about the texture of avocado is waxier IMO than shea butter and a little thicker (harder to melt), but it makes you feel like your hair is definitely getting moisturized. Oh yes, it's hard until you warm it up in your hands.

IMO, it cannot be compared to Hair Milk just because they're such different products. I know that when I was relaxed I used my avocado butter to "slick" my edges because it's heavy enough to hold any flyaways in place.

I don't remember how I heard about avocado butter because unfortunately I've had mine for at least two years (i wonder if I'd get better results with fresher avocado butter?)
Re: Naturals: Avocado Butter Helps Reduce Shrinkag

loverofnaps71 said:
It's true! I've been experimenting with avocado butter that I purchased from "From Nature with Love" website ( I first tried it on freshly washed, semi-wet hair, tied my hair back with a silk scarf (the key) and went to bed. The next morning, my hair seemed texturized!!!! I couldn't believe it! The curls were hanging downward, not sideways and my flyaways were virtually gone!!!! I wore my hair out that day with little to no shrinkage.

The second experiment:

I tried twisting my hair with the butter on completely DRY hair; then, tied up at night. The next day, my twists were hanging down instead of east-west. In addition, the shrinkage was minimal!!! My hair looked fantastic and I got compliments all around (from whites AND blacks!!!).

The final experiment:

While wet, I twisted my hair in about 10-12 twists last night. I wanted to see if having wet hair made any difference. Well, this morning, I unraveled my twists and my hair is beautiful! It looks like I got a straw set. There's a little more shrinkage but still minimum. My curls are wavy and well-defined. Also, avocado butter has been healthy properties, especially for keeping the hair moisturized, not greasy!

I would highly recommend the avocado butter!

NOTE: If Iris visits this board from, much props, girl! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to a marvelous product!.

[/ QUOTE ]

hmm so it worked for you too? wow i thought i was truly trippin or something, i also thought it might be just the fact that i used it on dry hair. im glad it worked for you girl
, i was wondering if anyone would try it and post about the results
Re: Naturals: Avocado Butter Helps Reduce Shrinkag

i really think all the butters are good, the mango butter is kind of hard though and crumbly , not easily spreadable, its best to melt it and while its melted mix in some oil (plenty) then let it cool to solidify some again and its softer after that with the oil added...the avocado butter is soft and easily, and readily spreadable
Re: Naturals: Avocado Butter Helps Reduce Shrinkag

inkysphinx said:
Does the avocado butter have the same consistency as shea butter (that is, hard until melted) or is it soft?

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its very similar (depending on what your shea butter is like) its soft and turns into an oil in your hair
Re: Naturals: Avocado Butter Helps Reduce Shrinkag

Sweetyb said:
Okay, is this it?;site=soap

<ul type="square">[*]So, have you two ladies who absolutely love this stuff ever try Avocado oil on your hair? If so, how does it compare?

[*]Have you ever tried Carol's Daughter Hair Milk? If so, how does it compare?

[*]And, how did you find out about Avocado Butter? Where did you hear about it that made you want to get it? What moisturizing products do you think this will replace for you in your cabinet?[/list]

.... just like to ask as many questions before making yet another "investment"

[/ QUOTE ]

for me, i havent tried CD's products and i havent tried the avacodo oil in my hair yet , but im sure its similar to the butter. ive just been on an ordering spree of natural oils and butters, and happened to try the avacodo butter one night and was shocked at the results and made a post about it here. it was purely chance that i got it, that and i wanted to try it.
Re: Naturals: Avocado Butter Helps Reduce Shrinkag

ms_kenesha said:
Hey everyone. Last night was my BEAUTY NIGHT so I decided to put on a Queen Helene mask and do some mini twists guessed it AVOCADO BUTTER. Okay, so I couldn't twist the back of my hair, I think because 1. it's shorter and 2. it's the back of my head
But I twisted the tops and the sides and just added Avocado Butter to the back of my hair and combed it through with my K-cutter I dampened my hair first w/ my water/glycerin/aloe/elucence MB spray. I haven't taken the twists down yet because I'm not going anywhere right now, but the back of my hair feels really soft.

Someone asked about the texture of avocado is waxier IMO than shea butter and a little thicker (harder to melt), but it makes you feel like your hair is definitely getting moisturized. Oh yes, it's hard until you warm it up in your hands.

IMO, it cannot be compared to Hair Milk just because they're such different products. I know that when I was relaxed I used my avocado butter to "slick" my edges because it's heavy enough to hold any flyaways in place.

I don't remember how I heard about avocado butter because unfortunately I've had mine for at least two years (i wonder if I'd get better results with fresher avocado butter?)

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah girl cause it shouldnt be hard at all, its one of the softest butters there are
Shea butter is also good but tends to be a lot greasier (is this a word?) than the avocado butter. I've never tried the Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter, but I'm always hearing great things.

I guess what really sets this product apart from the others in my view is that it seems to work with laying the hair down instead of east-west puffy look. The puffy look is fine but when you want the hair to retain it's length and moisture without the greasy feel, this product's a keeper.

Two other things I've noticed:

1. My hair is WAYYYYYY soft!
2. My hair doesn't flatten out as much when I sleep; it kept its shape throughout the night.
1. It took about 3 days to get to me in the mail!

2. The consistency of the butter is different from the shea butter. The avocado is much less dense; it's smoother but not creamy. It has a nice consistently. Smells slightly better than the shea, but you can always add some lavender if the smell is an issue (however, I think it's almost aroma-less).

3. You can purchase the butter from "" Search for avocado butter. I think I purchased a tub for abou $11. This will last quite a long time!