Avocado Butter

GoingNatural said:
I've wanted to use this for awhile, but I had a bad experience with Shea butter and haven't wanted to waste my money on butters since.

When I think of butter i think of the texture of, well, butter. When I received my shea butter it was hard as a brick and the only way to use it was to melt it. I don't have time to melt a product in a microwave, I just want to be able to slap something directly on my head. I think that's why i've stuck to Coconut oil even though I'm not a fan anymore--it just melts directly in your hand.

Does avocado butter melt in your hand, or at least can it be used directly from the jar? I keep seeing posts about people whipping and mixing and melting in microwaves. I don't want to do all that but i still want the best results.

So my question is can avocado butter be used directly from the jar or will i have the same problems that i had with shea butter.

I just rub the avocado butter in my hands and it melts.

My hair doesn't like shea butter for some reason. Even if I melt it, I don't like how it makes my hair feel.

I had to try a few butters before I found the ones that work. You can go light on the avocado butter, though.
I bought this a few weeks ago from oilsbynature.com, but never got around to using it. So, this morning, I decided to mix the avocado butter, with avocado oil, add to that a little bit of castor oil, honey, and vatika oil. Feels nice so far...I haven't washed it out yet...I'm glad I found this thread, or I would never think to spray my hair with water before applying the oil mixture. It makes a big difference! Thanks Candy-C!:)
One more question. Why do you think oilsbynature.com and fnwl.com have drastically different prices?

oils by nature is 7 and some change for a pound

fnwl is 16 and some change for a pound (16oz)
GoingNatural said:
One more question. Why do you think oilsbynature.com and fnwl.com have drastically different prices?

oils by nature is 7 and some change for a pound

fnwl is 16 and some change for a pound (16oz)

I have no idea. But I'd go with the cheaper one. I usually buy from FNWL, but they will also hit you with that small order fee, don't forget. If I have a chance later, I'll go look at the two sites to try and see what the difference could be.
[SIZE=+1] Candy C.......you have such a generous spirit. Thanks for sharing everything that works for you....it's so appreciated.

Now....I guess I have to add this to my regimen. I like that I can use it on my skin as well. Thanks Candy!!!!:grin:
Candy_C said:

give it a day to soak in

and you wont even have to moisturise again!!

i put my avocado on yes2day, and 2day no need for more, i juss added water to bring back a curl (water on its own usually gives me frizzy dry looking hair but not 2day :)) and bunned under.try just using it once every 5-7days and give it a lil time to soak in

thanks CandyC ...will try it again....Thanks
Candy_C said:

give it a day to soak in

and you wont even have to moisturise again!!

i put my avocado on yes2day, and 2day no need for more, i juss added water to bring back a curl (water on its own usually gives me frizzy dry looking hair but not 2day :)) and bunned under.try just using it once every 5-7days and give it a lil time to soak in

thanks CandyC ...will try it again....Thanks
Puddles said:
[SIZE=+1] Candy C.......you have such a generous spirit. Thanks for sharing everything that works for you....it's so appreciated.

Now....I guess I have to add this to my regimen. I like that I can use it on my skin as well. Thanks Candy!!!!:grin:

Your so sweet, I can be a little TOO generous at times...but thats another story!

its a wonderful butter, used on its own its perfect, with other
oils..better still.
If anybody had problems with Avocado butter being too heavy, you should try using less and not using anything afterwards

Then maybe the next time you moisturize, use water again, and then just a light oil (coconut oil etc)

on and off

so not to create heaviness
Your hair is pretty chica. I want to try this on my texturized hair to see if it will seal my wet curls and moisturize.
Candy do you think I can whip this concoction into a souffle so that it won't weight my hair down?
Nothing wrong with being generous. It will come back to you tenfold! Thanks for the great tips!

Lovely hair!

Candy_C said:
Your so sweet, I can be a little TOO generous at times...but thats another story!

its a wonderful butter, used on its own its perfect, with other
oils..better still.
firecracker said:
Your hair is pretty chica. I want to try this on my texturized hair to see if it will seal my wet curls and moisturize.
Candy do you think I can whip this concoction into a souffle so that it won't weight my hair down?

Yeah! mix it with some light oil, say almond or coconut. that would be great to apply daily

it will definately seal your curls! I hope the rumours about Pure avocado butter being able to encourage hair growth is true, cos that would be a nice bonus!
I purchased this butter a couple of weeks ago, and I love it. Actually, Candy you are the reason why I went back to using avocado products:)
imstush said:
I purchased this butter a couple of weeks ago, and I love it. Actually, Candy you are the reason why I went back to using avocado products:)


how are you guys liking this?

Candy xx
I think your talking about irresistable. She turned me onto it too. Its good stuff. I use it on my daughters hair as well.

Candy your hair looks bootiful!

Cichelle said:
I first learned about avocado butter from someone who used to post on this forum, but hasn't in a while. That was almost two years ago. She has such beautiful hair and I loved how it looked when she used avocado butter, so I bought some. And the rest is history. That stuff is great. I also love hemp seed butter.

Candy, your ponytail looks very pretty.
Honi said:
I think your talking about irresistable. She turned me onto it too. Its good stuff. I use it on my daughters hair as well.

Candy your hair looks bootiful!

It was Irresistable. I remember she was always mixing up butters and oils.
Candy_C said:

how are you guys liking this?

Candy xx

I ordered a big tub of avocado butter sometime ago and stopped using it. I'm trying something different with my hair this year. I'm wearing protective styles longer which means I'm manipulating my hair less. I usually let it airdry and add my oils. I've been wearing a drawstring pony, with my own hair pinned up in a bun, but I'm going to start wearing my own hair in protective styles and add hair accessories. Anyhow, I took my hair down last night, and it was sooooo dry. Even though I had been adding oil to it and I had a baggy on the bun, it still seemed dry. I added some of my oils and this is how my hair responded.... "and this is suppose to do what". My hair was still very dry. Then I remembered your post about the avocado butter, so I took some and massaged it through my hair and this is what my hair said.... "now you're talking". It was so moisturized, not dry at all anymore. I will definitely be using this product. Thank you for the recommendation. I think i will be trying your homemade avocado treatment this weekend to pamper my hair a bit.
Honi said:
I think your talking about irresistable. She turned me onto it too. Its good stuff. I use it on my daughters hair as well.

Candy your hair looks bootiful!

:eek: oooh honi, thats such a massive compliment, look how long your hair is, its to die for
I'm glad I read this post because I've been alternating between ORS Olive Oil moisturizer and Elasta QP Mango Butter on a regular basis now for a while and when I first apply them they're great but a few hours later my hair is back dry (even though it's been in a bun) and I'm moisturizing again. So I decided to pull my avocado butter out that I had tucked away and hadn't used in forever and I also had about 1/4 of jar of organic coconut oil so I mixed it in my almost full 1lb container of the AV butter washed my hair and applied it to my wet hair and it worked wonders. I applied a dab more after it airdried and my hair has been moisturized all day. I'm lovin how soft my hair is and this will be my moisturizer from this point on. Thanks Candy C for posting this!
See you all are gonna make me breakdown and order this stuff just to check it out for my daughter and myself.