Calling all naturals who were once relaxed!

Yikes! Never answered the question.....

1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length?

I never thought about Protien moisture balance before... I only thought about the fact that I needed to only wet set my hair.... It grew when no heat was on it as a Relaxed head.....

For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed?

Deep condtioning with the RIGHT products has helped my natural hair.....

can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

I had to learn how to care for my kinks and coils.... gentleness and lots of research helped me. No one Combs or detangles my hair but me. I few times I have had anyone flat iron my hair - I did EVERYTHING but the flat iron.....

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

Relaxed hair was not for me. Breakage, over processing, tri colored dry hair.....

Natural hair..... Strong - shiney - healthy
Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

I never DCed, used protein, or properly moisturized when my hair was relaxed. I've been fully natural for 4 months now and I've only recently began incorporating protein, and I still don't DC. I'm sure I had much more breakage when relaxed, but now that I pay close attention to my hair I'm more aware of what breakage I currently have... and I have much more breakage than I'd like. My strands twist and knot around each other and the breakage occurs when the they snap as I try to separate them. I don't comb or brush like I used to. (I was vicious before. :nono:) As for retention, my natural hair has only just reached the shoulder-length limbo it was at before I became interested in hair care, so I'm not qualified yet to speak on that. Hopefully I'll be back in December with three inches to show you. :sekret:

What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

My natural hair feels thicker in volume, softer and the individual strands feel more delicate. As it gets bigger, tangling is becoming an issue so I have to take care to prevent that (but I much prefer doing Celie twists at night to having to wrap or rollerset, and I'm looking forward to the lengths that will require me to only do two jumbo flat twists!!) I love how "free" my hair feels now; I used to bun daily (DAILY, DO YOU HEAR ME) and I recently tried a bun again and it felt like an angry ghost was pulling my hair trying to suck my head into the Netherworld until I let it down. It was so uncomfortable. I prefer my natural hair. I'm lazy when it comes to styling though.
1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length?

I think I do the same things I used to do when I was relaxed. I had to do protective styles (mostly buns) when I was relaxed, and now that I'm natural I do twist outs and braid outs to prevent single stranded knots. Personally I think my natural protective styles are much cuter then my relaxed protective styles.

I still trim my hair on a regular basis, but not as often as I did when I was relaxed. I've been natural a year now and I've only trimmed my hair once. I can't imagine doing that if I was relaxed. Also its easier to see that you need a trim when you're relaxed as opposed to when your natural.

2) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

I have fine hair and a relaxer only made it look thinner. Now that I'm natural, my hair looks thicker, and is much healthier. My relaxed hair loved protein. I used to prepoo with Federick fekkai's pm strengthener, and then DC with motions CPR. My natural hair craves moisture ALL THE TIME, which I have to admit is annoying. I feel like with my relaxed hair I could have a happy balance between moisture and protein for a long time, without tipping the scale, but with my natural hair it always seems to need tons of moisture to stay moisturized.

My relaxed hair was always breaking. I would baby it, DC, airdry, you name it, but it would never grow past shoulder length. My natural hair has no problem growing and retaining length. I went from 2-3 inches of hair to (stretched) shoulder length hair in one year. My relaxed hair would have never grown that fast in such a short period of time.

When I was relaxed I had very BAD itchy scalp. I would itch until my scalp was sore. I had to use shampoos with peppermint and tea tree to soothe my scalp. Now that I'm natural I have no more itchy dry scalp, and I don't have to oil my scalp anymore.

Oh yeah, I forgot to add. When I used to be relaxed, I noticed I often did hairstyles like weaves, wigs, braids etc. Now that I'm natural, I abhor these styles. I love my hair, and I love taking care of it. I can't imagine having something covering my natural hair for months. I feel like now that I'm natural there's no other choice, but to be natural.
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Hello ladies! :wave:

My questions are:

1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

1) I won't know much about length til i straighten it. My curl pattern is tight. MOISTURE! I still DC, but I had to learn to keep it moisturized.

I haven't used a comb since I BC'd. I use a denman to detangle once a week on wash day and that is it. Its too curly to comb. I use a pick to pick out my fro/puff. I love not seeing so much hair shedding & breakage like I did when relaxed.

2) Hair is THICK as hell. From root to tip. And I hope to retain more as I couldnt even make it to APL relaxed so what was the point? Hair care is SO much easier. It's so nice to travel and not have to pack 2-3 cosmetic bags filled w/ hair stuff. Its just one less thing to worry about yet it was such a big thing to worry about when always had a running tab in your head of "what am I gonna do w/ my hair today?" Don't miss that!!
Hello ladies! :wave:

My questions are:

1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

yes i still have to dc and moisturize. the frequency though may not be the same as i find that since i have fine hair and the relaxer made the strands much finer and weaker i had to do more protein treatments or use more protein based products. i can definately brush more because my hair is a little stronger but its not something i practice

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

The difference between my natural hair an relaxed hair is the fact that it is thriving a who lot better. It certainly takes more products during wash days because of its mass or curls and being that its not straight where i can use one hand full of conditionr=er and apply to the entire hair and length.....i dnt know if this makes sense to you. My relaxed hair also feels stronger and healthier since the bonds arent broken.

well i hope this will be of encouragement to a relaxed sista!
Natural Versus Relaxed

(I have to add that this may be due to moving around a lot prior as my dad was in the army so I always had to jump from hairstylist to hairstylist...some were adept and some were not).

PROS of natural

1)My natural hair is way stronger. In fact, I have thyroid disease (graves). I know tons of women who cut their hair out of frustration because its breaking anyways because of the brittleness and prone to dry (even with treatment, etc). BUT instead my hair is thriving

2)My natural appears thicker.

3)I take the guess work out. Meaning I don't have to hope I found a good hairstylist (as I didn't apply the relaxer my self)...I just do it on my own because I know I can count on me.

4)It allows you to really learn about your hair.

5)My hair is now the longest it was since I was a kid and on its way to be longer as my last length check was in Jan 2011 below ( it is the longest it has been since a child. My mom always did lhcf practices: wide comb, slow detangling, etc it was going to other stylists that ruined it because of my hair density and also 4a, people would rip through it with a comb, with annoyance. Now I do my own hair, as many don't do naturals...and I had to learn patience, and demand it of others when they do my hair too.)

6)My relaxed hair probably got to apl or bsl and then breakage, overlapping, etc. At one point it was chin length after grave's disease and brittleness. Most times problems were stylist related and how can you predict that? I will add I did notdo mine myself (relaxer) and stylists would sometimes apply from root to tip because my hair was in their opinion "needed it" :ohwell:
I'm sure I may have had better progress had I known the tips here. But still, again I don't like being subject to the whims of others and now I can take control of my hair.

7)I don't have to worry about protein balance (my hair doesn't need it. Though I do leave avocado oil on overnight and that is a mild protein. BUT I don't aphogee or whatever). I never give it a second notice. My hair loves moisturizing conditioners

8)Freedom (to go or not to a stylist. To just whip out what I need [oils, butters, and/or flat iron] and kim.

9) Very minimal to no breakage (because I'm patient detangling. Any breakage is if I detangle and do not do it slow enough in a section. we're talking a minimum amount of hairs. Most hairs in my comb have the bulb so I know they're shed hair)

10) No little hairs on the ground (breakage at the ends).

NEG of natural:
1)Do you see the pics below? hair is really dense (tons of strands but they are still fine, just tons of them...meaning a detangling nightmare. I have to slowly work through them to make sure not to destroy my hair).

2)Styling time. At this length there is absolutely NO way that I know to quick style my hair (wash cond dry detangle style etc takes tons of time) There is no airdry at this point (I have to get under the dryer at least partially. It's just too much hair it would take over a day to do that.) Also if I flat iron it then you're talking 5 hours. Oh twists? They also take forever though braid outs (if I do cornrows) are not so bad). And lately I've protective styled to get to my next goal fast (either weaves or braids) so I forget how annoying it is, until I stop protective styling to do my hair. Because of this I have to find styles that last for a while (hence straight where you can wrap or braids),...and I dry shampoo (if straight) in between (whereas in braids I can shampoo/condition when I want.

I always condition. infact I place oil in my hair overnight (avocado/coconut mix/argan mix or sometimes one or the other if I ran out of on. BUt they all seem to work well). I then rinse it out co washing with a moisturizing conditioner like silk elements treatment. Finally I shampoo just the scalp rinsing, and the final wash is a conditioner wash again. I consider the oil ovenight (oh forgot sometimes I add conditioner for a dry conditioning treatment) to be deep conditioning. If I have extra time I also sit under the dryer after washing to dc, but others I don't because I left it in overnight.

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Hello ladies! :wave:

I feel that I am now ready to transition to natural..I haven't had a relaxer since July & even though that's not a long time I don't have the urge to relax. I have become a natural haired you tube feen lol..which has inspired me and I cant wait to become fully natural. Yaaay!

My questions are:

1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

My hair is very fine, so my relaxed hair made me look like I was balding. I was waaaaay over processed too, because I always let the stylist run the relaxer through to my ends. :look: When I got on hair boards in 2004, I really started taking better care of it and started stretching. My hair was in much better condition, but still lacked the fullness and body I really longed for. Even still, I take better care of my natural hair than I ever did my relaxer; so I do more conditioning, and moisturizing. I actually STYLE my natural hair too.

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

Relaxed hair for me = Yucky, neglected mess. Natural = Can't tell me nothing. Why? Because I made the decision to take better care of my hair. And if I want to, I can mimic relaxed hair.

This thread can be used for encouragement for any other relaxed ladies who want to go natural as well. I still love the many ladies who chose to stay relaxed...I don't judge. :luv2:

My answers are in purple. I hope they help...
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I'm happy you're going natural. We're here to support you!

1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

So I didn't really try all that hard with relaxed hair, because I assumed it didn't take much work because it was straight. But now I am definitely more delicate with my hair--delicate with detangling (you'll need to figure out a detangling technique that works for you) and more delicate with styling. So doing my hair takes much longer but then the style lasts for a week, 2 weeks, or a month instead of just one or two days--which balances out.

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

I have much less breakage/damage/splits than I did when I was relaxed. My relaxed hair was very weak and seemed to break by just sitting there, but breakage was slightly minimized because it was straight and could be easily combed through/detangled. My natural hair is much, much stronger, and has grown longer than my relaxed hair every did, but I had to find a good detangling technique that would make me break as little as I would if I was combing my relaxed hair (or close to that). Once I found that--along with protein and protective styling--my hair has taken off.

My natural hair is also softer and more fun. I can do much more styles with it.
I never tried to grow out my hair when I was relaxed/texlaxed. It was easy to maintain. I washed and conditioned daily and left in the conditioner. I only DC'd after relaxing/texlaxing.

However since going natural, my edges have grown in with hair I didn't know I was supposed to have :s
1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length?I only comb my hair with conditioner when I detangle once a week. My relaxed hair was APL and would break off. Now my hair is BSL (with trims), its growing without alot of breakage

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer) My hair is soft relaxed hair was hard and the ends were brittle.
1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

I had a dry scalp
My hair was brittle and dry except for when went to a stylist but it would be dry again within a few days
I could wrap it and go
It was still thick
I wore my scarf more often to bed. :look:
I loved that everybody could see my length even though when I was relaxed there wasn't much length to show off anyway. Never got past SL once I started to relax

No breakage
Hair is ALOT healther
I dont need products to give my hair shine. Its just naturally shiny now. I think that has a lot to do with the health of my hair
No more spending money on stylist. I'm a total DIYer
I now have SSKs...
I feel like I can have actual long hair now because my hair is retaining so much better.

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

I think the main difference is overall health of my hair and scalp. I also spend less time styling my hair for everyday occasions. When I shower is when I do my hair and I just cowash add oil and put my hair up into a pony tail. When I was relaxed the flat irons would come out at least once a day to touch up some section in my hair.
1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

My natural hair retains length much better. It's still fragile but not as much. I don't have to do protein treatments anymore. I DC on occasion since I've been busy lately. I never really had an issue with dryness as a natural or a relaxed head so I can't really comment on that.

I do find that I have to manipulate my natural hair more often in order to style it. When I manipulate too much it leads to breakage for me. So no braiding/retwisting every night and then untwisting in the morning. My hair can't take that.

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

My natural hair is thicker, stronger and healthier. While my fine hair still appears thin to me there is a big difference in how it looked when it was relaxed. I didn't believe it until I saw old pictures from my last year as a relaxed head. And the thing is, I had been on this board for that last relaxed year. My hair dramatically improved from the things I learned here, on BHM and in books. So it must have been much worse prior to my coming here. I don't have pictures that reflect what it looked like then because I often wore it braided into a weave or under a wig.
1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

Hmm, retaining length hasn't been a problem either way and I can't say that my being natural has an advantage in that arena, I've only been natural since February. I didn't really even know anything about DCing or a protein and moisture balance; when I was relaxed I just let my mom do everything to my hair-as I got older I did my own braiding and styling eventually. If ever I want to get weaved up, she's right there. To be quite honest with you, I didn't have a solid regimen before I went natural, and I used the "bad" ingredients. My hair still grew regardless even when (dare I say it) I bleached and dyed over relaxer. I'm telling you, my hair is crazy to break.

Now that I'm natural, I have a regimen and I look for certain ingredients, I DC regularly. My hair is manipulated less and I experiment more with it. Relaxing limited me in certain arenas-like coloring. My hair is less fragile now, and I don't brush it, barely comb it.

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

Pfft not much considering the fact that after a week of having my hair relaxed it went back to looking kinky and stayed just as thick. :rolleyes:

No, lol, I'd say it's much healthier-healthier than it's ever been, more moisturized and better-treated.
My questions are:

1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

Honestly, there aren't a whole lot of differences between my natural and relaxed hair. I still DC, I still trim very infrequently, and it's about the same amount of work on wash days.

I don't comb my hair as much, but that's mostly because I don't have to.

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

My natural hair is a lot more versatile. The actual amount of work I put into styline is about the same.

This thread can be used for encouragement for any other relaxed ladies who want to go natural as well. I still love the many ladies who chose to stay relaxed...I don't judge. :luv2:

Just know that everyone's hair is different. If I had taken a lot of the natural threads to heart when I was relaxed, I never would have gone natural.

Some people have knots, some don't. Some people have tangles, some don't. Some people can use heat, some people can't. What's most important is that you know your hair and what it likes and doesn't, and create your own regimen based on that. :yep:
My questions are:

1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

Honestly, there aren't a whole lot of differences between my natural and relaxed hair. I still DC, I still trim very infrequently, and it's about the same amount of work on wash days.

I don't comb my hair as much, but that's mostly because I don't have to.

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

My natural hair is a lot more versatile. The actual amount of work I put into styline is about the same.

This thread can be used for encouragement for any other relaxed ladies who want to go natural as well. I still love the many ladies who chose to stay relaxed...I don't judge. :luv2:

Just know that everyone's hair is different. If I had taken a lot of the natural threads to heart when I was relaxed, I never would have gone natural.

Some people have knots, some don't. Some people have tangles, some don't. Some people can use heat, some people can't. What's most important is that you know your hair and what it likes and doesn't, and create your own regimen based on that. :yep:

To your bolded this is sooo true! I will say that I struggle with the time because I'm too busy (and exhausted: grave's disease, anemia,etc) so I know being relaxed is so much faster as hair gets longer (at least for me). But I find that I've fought to stay natural (there are times when I want to snap because of the time). But though it seems like what I'm saying is negative, it's not. The reason I fought to overcome those thoughts (when I'm tired and now I have to do my hair) because I love being natural. Even though I get annoyed some times (and I have thought about and researched relaxing :blush: guilty!)...I never can bring myself to do it. (and this is not to knock relaxed ladies) but I love how my hair looks as a natural (in braids, braidouts, and even when straight), and how its thriving. And also it's easier to grow without breakage (and I don't have very many knots at all but that's because I keep my hair stretched: in braids or flatironed). So overall it's worth it .........(and it makes me feel powerful like a super hero:lachen: I don't know why. It just does:look:)
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1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

While relaxed, I had to trim a LOT (I hardly ever trim while natural) when I wore my hair down primarily, just to keep my ends in check and dryness/breakage at bay. I found myself using a lot more shampoo as a relaxed head vs. natural. I still need to DC, use light to medium protein, and moisturize as needed. When relaxed, I had to make SURE I used some protein followed by moisturizing cond. after each wash. As a natural, I can go weeks w.o. using a protein cond. with no probs.

My hair is the type that likes to be left alone. I must use a wide-tooth comb at least weekly to detangle unless I'm braided or twisted up (as a natural). As a relaxed head, I had no probs with mats or SSKs, for example. I do NOT use a brush as a natural, aside from the very rare use of a Denman to help detangle. Relaxed I used a boar bristle brush often for shine and oil distribution.

In both instances, my relaxed and natural hair prefer as little manipulation as possible. My natural hair seems to get drier faster (as in the feeling that it needs moisture, which is likely due to the curls). It does not have as much shine (due to the curls), but that's ok with me! As a natural, my hair grows MUCH faster than it ever did while relaxed or even texlaxed.

I find myself wanting to protect my hair more while natural due to the inherent dryness that can occur (I think that is due to my hair color, because when i had my hair natural and no color, it was not excessively prone to dryness--and I'm growing out the color because of that).

I was more likely to wear my hair down relaxed due to the ease of maintaining the style, whereas while natural I have to worry about reversion and shrinkage. I prefer updos and PS anyway, so it's fine.

It is so much healthier than my relaxed hair (though I considered my relaxed hair a healthy head of hair), and due to that fact, I KNOW I can grow and maintain it at a much longer length that I ever got to while relaxed.

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

My natural hair is SO MUCH STRONGER!! And, the curls and waves I just love. I don't even prefer the straight look on me since beginning my transition and going natural. I have transitioned and been natural twice. The first time I BC'd to a TWA of about 3" after a 9 month pregnancy transition, and 2nd time I waited 18 mos to chop, so I had SL hair stretched.

My natural hair reacts a lot more to humidity in the air. I seem to have a lot more shedding while natural. I was NEVER tenderheaded while relaxed, but now, even if I scratch in one place a bit too hard, it will cause my scalp to hurt. I can't let others braid my hair because I was literally about in tears the 1 time I got cornrows as a natural this summer.

My scalp is very sensitive as a natural. My hair seems to respond better to products and it has much more elasticity than when I was relaxed. I just LOVE being natural. For me, going natural was a part of a larger lifestyle change to include hair care, healthy living, diet, and well-being.

I knew that if I wanted WL hair and longer (a hurdle I had trouble getting to as a relaxed head), that I had to go natural. I'm very happy with my hair and it's quirkiness, and I could never see putting a relaxer in or texturizer ever again! :yep:

I think having curls/kinks/coils/naps (<I hate the last word, but alas, some ppl use it) makes us unique in a world that favors straight hair and the European/Caucasian aesthetic. One reason I proudly rock my hair in it's natural state and don't straighten it is to learn to be proud of what God gave me and HOW He made me.

**Sorry so long, but I wanted to include detailed info (there are pics of my old relaxed and texlaxed hair in my Fotki).
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When i was feels like it was SO long ago!'s only been almost 17 months since my last relaxer...however i vaguely remember my reggie.

It was a little easier to do my hair....i co-washed alot and DC'd every week....but bc my hair was long i did LOTS of buns...and i liked my flexi-rod sets because i LOVED having i have them and i LOVE them. I also combed my hair more when i was i know i can go 3 days without having to put a comb to my hair:yep:

I have more of a variety of styles to do. I suck so badly at styles like cornrowing and stuff like when i was relaxed it was either a bun, ponytail or down...when i started transitioning i added braidouts to that list:grin:....but now i can do a bun, a puff, a wash n go, twists, twistouts, braidouts. Natural hair is very versatile:yep:

My relaxed hair...although it was very gave the illusion of being thick...toward the was thinning. I'm just glad i don't have to burn my scalp anymore.

I actually :love: being a natural head...and my hair seems to be growing faster or something.:)
1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage?

While relaxed, I had to trim a LOT (I hardly ever trim while natural) when I wore my hair down primarily, just to keep my ends in check and dryness/breakage at bay. I found myself using a lot more shampoo as a relaxed head vs. natural. I still need to DC, use light to medium protein, and moisturize as needed. When relaxed, I had to make SURE I used some protein followed by moisturizing cond. after each wash. As a natural, I can go weeks w.o. using a protein cond. with no probs.

My hair is the type that likes to be left alone. I must use a wide-tooth comb at least weekly to detangle unless I'm braided or twisted up (as a natural). As a relaxed head, I had no probs with mats or SSKs, for example. I do NOT use a brush as a natural, aside from the very rare use of a Denman to help detangle. Relaxed I used a boar bristle brush often for shine and oil distribution.

In both instances, my relaxed and natural hair prefer as little manipulation as possible. My natural hair seems to get drier faster (as in the feeling that it needs moisture, which is likely due to the curls). It does not have as much shine (due to the curls), but that's ok with me! As a natural, my hair grows MUCH faster than it ever did while relaxed or even texlaxed.

I find myself wanting to protect my hair more while natural due to the inherent dryness that can occur (I think that is due to my hair color, because when i had my hair natural and no color, it was not excessively prone to dryness--and I'm growing out the color because of that).

I was more likely to wear my hair down relaxed due to the ease of maintaining the style, whereas while natural I have to worry about reversion and shrinkage. I prefer updos and PS anyway, so it's fine.

It is so much healthier than my relaxed hair (though I considered my relaxed hair a healthy head of hair), and due to that fact, I KNOW I can grow and maintain it at a much longer length that I ever got to while relaxed.

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer)

My natural hair is SO MUCH STRONGER!! And, the curls and waves I just love. I don't even prefer the straight look on me since beginning my transition and going natural. I have transitioned and been natural twice. The first time I BC'd to a TWA of about 3" after a 9 month pregnancy transition, and 2nd time I waited 18 mos to chop, so I had SL hair stretched.

My natural hair reacts a lot more to humidity in the air. I seem to have a lot more shedding while natural. I was NEVER tenderheaded while relaxed, but now, even if I scratch in one place a bit too hard, it will cause my scalp to hurt. I can't let others braid my hair because I was literally about in tears the 1 time I got cornrows as a natural this summer.

My scalp is very sensitive as a natural. My hair seems to respond better to products and it has much more elasticity than when I was relaxed. I just LOVE being natural. For me, going natural was a part of a larger lifestyle change to include hair care, healthy living, diet, and well-being.

I knew that if I wanted WL hair and longer (a hurdle I had trouble getting to as a relaxed head), that I had to go natural. I'm very happy with my hair and it's quirkiness, and I could never see putting a relaxer in or texturizer ever again! :yep:

I think having curls/kinks/coils/naps (<I hate the last word, but alas, some ppl use it) makes us unique in a world that favors straight hair and the European/Caucasian aesthetic. One reason I proudly rock my hair in it's natural state and don't straighten it is to learn to be proud of what God gave me and HOW He made me.

**Sorry so long, but I wanted to include detailed info (there are pics of my old relaxed and texlaxed hair in my Fotki).

I noticed that about me too! scalp is alot more sensitive now that i'm relaxed. Like...i used to be able to wear a tight ponytail(well..not too tight..but snug)...but do a bun...and i use the Goody headbands to bun and puff....i have to carry headache meds with hurts SO bad...but i don't like my hair in my face all the time....and honestly...i don't even do it that tight.

Yes i still feel i need to DC weekly as well bc my hair can get desert dry!:nono:
1.) Comparing your natural to relaxed hair, what differences do you see as far as things you had to do to retain length? For example do you still need to dc, use protein and moisturize the same as when you were relaxed? can you comb and brush more frequently now without damage and?or breakage? I DC and rollerset my hair once a week the same as when I was relaxed. However, I have to add oils, honey to get a good condition, the product alone is not enough for my strands. I've done a few hard protein treaments, never learned of them until I was natural and it could have been a great benefit to my hair when it was relaxed. I still do light protein treatments, I use the same product as when I was relaxed, IC Reconstructor. I only comb my hair with water and condtioner, wish I would have known about "mechanical damage" when I was relaxed, I used to comb and brush on dry hair (ouch). I wash my hair in braids, unbraid, condition, twist and rinse with the twists in to keep my hair from tangling. I never had to worry about tangles when I was relaxed.

2.) What really is the difference between your relaxed hair and your natural hair? (minus the fact that natural=no chemicals/relaxer) I've always had thick, frizzy hair!!! It's now extra thick and frizzy!! LOL!!! I hardly wear my hair out, it's mostly in buns or french braids!!! btw...I can totally do a lot more styling now then when my hair was relaxed!!! Braid outs, twist outs, straight!! Whatever!!! no limits!!!
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This is my very first post (long time lurker :drunk:). Last relaxer May 2010. I never retained length when relaxed. It would break though I rarely seen hair in the sink. And styling was a pain. I self relaxed but used to get it done professionally and never retained length when done professionally either because my hair is very thick, they say, and the professionals would overlap the relaxer. I never had hair shorter than chin length but relaxed it maintained a length of just touching the shoulders.

Now my hair is still a pain as far as the tangles I get. But other than that it is easy to manage. I DC almost daily. I detangle about every 1 to 2 weeks. I wear wash-and-go styles to work and play. I love it. I love my hair. I used to wear straw sets when transitioning. It's probably 4b/4a. I see more hair in the sink now--much more but retaining more length nevertheless. I'm a little past shoulder length. DC and vegetable glycerin, water and the occasional use of shampoo/conditioner combo. I hope to learn more here.
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