Naturally Flexible Support Thread

Is it a conditioner? Does the conditioner make your hair itchy leaving it in? I tried many years ago and it did so I have not revised leaving conditioner in. But I see so many saying they use conditioner as a leave in with no problems. I have been tempted with Jioco moisturizing cond but each time I rinse it out but I love the way it looks with it in.

I tried Jane Carter invigorating creamy leave in last night on old hair not just washed on a braid out and it is super soft and moisturized. Not sure how it will hold up to heat and humidity because I have not left the house yet. Probably will be a puff ball by the time I get back lol! is regular conditioner.

the results really depends on the conditioner....i have used other regular conditioners as leave ins and had a mess on my hands...itchy hair with build up and flakes when it dried. i think it is just like everything have to try it to see what works for you.
So I finally tried the new Kerastase Therapiste line. I have the samples at home, but I got the treatment done at the salon today. It's a 4 step process: prepoo, shampoo, spray and mask. Afterwards my hair was soft, strong and easy to detangle.
It smells really good too. In a few days I'll know for sure if I'm a fan. I usually get the Anti humidity treatment and my blowouts last >2 weeks. Hopefully this one lasts at least that long

Eta I'm on day 3 and my hair is stil bone straight and shiny. My hair always straightens better after a protein dc.
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My current go to style is a braidout pony tail. The scarf method keeps my edges sleek and smooth. Most of the hair in my ponytail is still texlaxed. I have such a long way to go before I'm fully natural.

Depending on how I prepare my hair before I braid, I can get a fluffy tail or a more weighted down swingy tail.

I always roll the end on perm rods and I think it keeps my ends from tangling so much.
I'm trying more natural treatments in my hair lately. I find that as my hair gets longer, I am starting to realize that I am going to have to nourish my hair on every level to maintain my ends and get to longer fairytale lengths.

This week I tried a nettle tea rinse. Nettle is supposed to be full of iron that helps with hair loss, retention and strength.

My hair feels great and was very fortified afterwards. It felt stronger (not like after a protein treatment) and was easy to detangle even though the treatment itself offered no slip.


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I flat ironed the other day to trim my ends.....still feels like I need to trim more....but I digress.

This is after getting caught in two downpours and dealing with summer humidity that is insane! The reversion isn't too bad. It's not silky and flowy like when I first flat ironed it, but my hair is much better than it used to be before the TMS system.

One caution though, the product is full of protein, so if you are protein sensitive, this product is not for you.


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I think I find a new way to keep my hair moisturized. After I washed I sealed as usual with grapeseed oil and DB transitioning creme. Then I put my hair in a ponytail and braided the ponytail in two braids. I let my hair dry that way. I think drying in braids helped my hair absorb a lot of moisture.

Now before I go to bed I mist my hair seal it with GS oil and DB transitioning creme and braid it again. It's been 5 days and my hair is still very smooth and moisturized. :grin:

The only problem is that it took a really long time for my hair to dry while braided.
Braid n curls on my texlaed hair turn out so well when I use the right products that sometimes I wonder why I'm transitioning to natural. Is a wash n go really that much easier?

ETA I just remembered why- inconsistent texlax results. But if I always do a braid n curl that won't matter so much.
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I successfully straightened my own hair for the first time :rocker:

I used my Kerastase Therapiste samples to prepoo, wash and dc. Then I used Ciment Thermique and chi silk infusion on each section. I tapped the roots a few times and did 2 passes on 350. Learning how to straighten my own hair will save me some serious money. I'm probably just going to spend it on hair products anyway :evilbanana:
I successfully straightened my own hair for the first time :rocker:

I used my Kerastase Therapiste samples to prepoo, wash and dc. Then I used Ciment Thermique and chi silk infusion on each section. I tapped the roots a few times and did 2 passes on 350. Learning how to straighten my own hair will save me some serious money. I'm probably just going to spend it on hair products anyway :evilbanana:
I know that's right!!! Learning to straighten my own hair saves me a heck of alotta cash. Get it! Get it! Get it!:amen:
My high curly ponytail is almost shoulder length. I can't wait until it reaches APL. But as I get further in my transition maybe it will shrink before it gets longer.
I think I'm going to wig it for a couple weeks. I've been working extra shifts and I just don't have the energy to straighten my hair right now. Once school starts I will be working less and I can resume my straight hair regimen.
I went swimming this weekend and the salt water reacted with the product in my hair and made this white sticky mess. I had to use sulfate shampoo for the first time in forever. I actually like how clean it made my hair feel. I've been avoiding sulfate a since I started my HHJ, but I may need to use it more often.
I successfully straightened my own hair for the first time :rocker:

I used my Kerastase Therapiste samples to prepoo, wash and dc. Then I used Ciment Thermique and chi silk infusion on each section. I tapped the roots a few times and did 2 passes on 350. Learning how to straighten my own hair will save me some serious money. I'm probably just going to spend it on hair products anyway :evilbanana:

Congrats!!! I still struggle with straightening. I just bought one of those combs with the clamps, but Im not close to mastering it yet. And I'm afraid to keep practicing with the heat.
I miss y'all. I wish they would get the app back. Good lawd!

So far my hair has been flourishing. I would like to rollerset and see how that turns out. But I'm lazy. Lol

If I recall correctly, you and I went natural or began transitioning around the same time. Yes, your hair truly is flourishing! Very healthy looking hair & beautiful curls!
If I recall correctly, you and I went natural or began transitioning around the same time. Yes, your hair truly is flourishing! Very healthy looking hair & beautiful curls!
My last relaxer was July 2011. I can't believe it! Been fully natural since October 2013. Woah....:eek:

What about you? What's your timeline?:cheers:
My last relaxer was July 2011. I can't believe it! Been fully natural since October 2013. Woah....:eek:

What about you? What's your timeline?:cheers:

My last relaxer was November 2011 & I cut off my relaxed hair in March 2013. I had to go back & look at my journals for dates, lol! It feels like forever! But the journey has been worth it. I'm loving my hair! :)

Congrats to us! :yay: