Naturally Flexible Support Thread

Thanks girl. I will take it with me to the salon and ask them to put it on my scalp. Then I will use Aphogee 2 minute on my length.
So far my hair is still shiny and my edges have not reverted.

I have been using a dab of Loreal Overnight Treatment followed by a dab of either of these oils on my edges and ends nightly. And by dab I mean "dab". Not even a dime size amount.

I'm happy with my results. Finally after three years, I'm happy with my hair and this natural journey. Finally some Results!


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What are your problem areas and why? And what are you doing to address it? How has your regi changed to make progress In your problem sections ?
My problem areas are scattered throughout my head and are 3 inches shorter than my shortest layer. Moisture overload last year caused my hair to break in random areas all over at about 3 inches. Now the problem area is 8 inches all over. It is slowly catching up.

I have corrected my protein/moisture balance. I stopped cowashing and wetting my hair frequently. Now I wash once a month and I use protein-moisture each time since I use heat.

Great question :)
I feel my problem area is my edges and ends.

I am trying to make sure I Moisturize and seal at least once a day.

I need to come up with a regimen for my edges. They aren't bald like after I has my son, but they are weak. I feel like I should pamper them because I wear my hair pulled back quite a bit.
U cray cray... Age. Lol ;)

Are u doing anything different for your edges?

When i had major reaction to henna i loss my edges bad and what i did was kept oiling them and that's what i'm doing now coconut oil, castor oil, anything moisture.
When i had major reaction to henna i loss my edges bad and what i did was kept oiling them and that's what i'm doing now coconut oil, castor oil, anything moisture.
I'm sorry to hear that. What kind of henna did u use? I'm scared of henna. I want to try cassia but I'm scared of a setback
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Roots after a week of no touch ups. This is a miracle for me. Thanks to winter and my new routine! I'm gonna miss not having wet hair.


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I keep hearing reactions to henna. I'm scared now.

Try it on a small section of your skin and then a small section of your hair. It can cause your pattern to loosen and of course you won't be able to lighten your hair after using it. It is permanent.

I use it to cover my gray hair and have not had any reactions. My pattern is the same. I have very tight O shaped curls though and medium width strands. You should definitely test it out before using it all over your head. My hair was only a couple of inches long when I first used it, so starting over if it didn't work was not too daunting to imagine. I would be more cautious now that I am nearly 3 years into my journey.
Two week update on the TMS system. So I flat ironed my hair two weeks ago. I wore it down for a week and then I have been ponytailing it for the last week. I worked out every day. And today I am out in the rain.

This is my reversion in the rain today. Which I have to say is amazing. My roots are a little curly but my ends have not turned into a bushy frizz patch. They are still straight and sleek. I'm sooooo happy.


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Two week update on the TMS system. So I flat ironed my hair two weeks ago. I wore it down for a week and then I have been ponytailing it for the last week. I worked out every day. And today I am out in the rain.

This is my reversion in the rain today. Which I have to say is amazing. My roots are a little curly but my ends have not turned into a bushy frizz patch. They are still straight and sleek. I'm sooooo happy.

I keep looking at reviews of this. I got scared because they say u have to apply the leave-in with gloves and your texture might change, and you can only use their products on your hair.

Is this true? Has your hair fully reverted without a texture change?
I keep looking at reviews of this. I got scared because they say u have to apply the leave-in with gloves and your texture might change, and you can only use their products on your hair. Is this true? Has your hair fully reverted without a texture change?

I guess u can use gloves. I didn't. Lol! I heard that it will soften your nail polish so gloves are good for protecting your nails if you have polish, I suppose....I'm not saying don't wear gloves. I'm just saying I didn't.

I used the shampoo and conditioner that came with it on the weeks that I flat ironed my hair since the initial treatment. HOWEVER, I have worn my hair curly in between and I used my regular products on THOSE weeks when I wore my hair curly. You only are encouraged to use their shampoo and conditioner if you want to flat iron again and maintain a straight look. You don't HAVE to use their products. But for straight hair styles, they work better than anything else I've tried.

I would have to scroll back to see my initial treatment, but I believe I have flat ironed three times since initial treatment and worn my hair curly two or three times in between. Full reversion.

I actually even Chelated and Clarified a few weeks ago. I didn't need to, but I thought I should in order to remove any build up that might be on my hair strand. Anyways....My hair was back to normal after the first regular shampoo. I have not applied the initial treatment again. I don't need to treat my hair again. The shampoo and conditioner that comes with it system seems to be enough to maintain when I want to flat iron.

My hair has no texture change at all. It feels "coated" and "softer" when wet. I can't explain it. It doesn't feel lighter or thinner or weighed down or less curly or more curly. It feels "protected" and looks the same.

I personally have had no issues. I suggest doing a strand test and a patch test on your skin. This will make sure you aren't allergic and will have reversion, if you are nervous. I did this the first time and was pleased with my result so I was all good from there.
Today was wash day. I wanted to show Once again...Because I keep getting asked ....yes. I have full reversion after using the beautiful textures TMS texture management system. No texture change at all. Here is my hair after clarifying shampoo and deep condition.


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Can I join y'all? :wave: I think I am a natural newborn (BC 12/30/2014 after 14 months of transitioning) but my natural hair is longer than a TWA. My fro is about 6" long.

A. any pictures from your journey you want to share -

Relaxed days:

Day of BC

Hair after DC rinsed...not sure what my hair type is. 4b maybe?

B. your regimen
I have no idea what to do with my natural hair. I recently ordered several sheamoisture items because they were BOGO free at Walgreens. I need a really good leave in and DC.

C. how long you relaxed and what products you used
Ages 14-30...I didn't have a set regimen until I started a growth journey. My products were Aubrey Organics items.

D. any setbacks and how you overcame them as a natural or relaxed head. (you never know who you can help with this information)
Stretching too long as a relaxed head set me up for a huge setback...I never overcame it and started transitioning.

E. Your goals as a natural, especially length goals
Find quality products for my hair type that will keep my hair moisturized and strong. As far as length, I would like straightened MBL hair. Not sure what length that is curly.

F. Any hair inspiration pictures or stories about who/what inspired you (in a POSITIVE way) to go natural or consider it
Seeing how much information is available now helped me to make up my mind to finally return to natural hair.

F. Anything else POSITIVE you want to share.
Natural hair is intimidating but so beautiful. The day of my BC I couldn't stop staring a myself in the mirror. I loved my hair immediately. I have a really good guy friend who would always tell me how much he "hated the nappy look" on women and how I was "making a big mistake" when I cut my relaxed hair from BSL and started transitioning. He saw my hair post BC for this first time this past weekend and LOVED it. He kept telling me how beautiful and soft my hair is :drunk: My only regret is that I didn't become natural sooner. :yep:
Today's Bunny Bun.

Moisturized with Aloe gel, Amla oil, water and Hairveda whipped cream.


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Thanks! :wave: Ladies in other threads keep telling me that I need to know my hair's porosity before I can develop a stable regimen. OK, so how do I find out? I tried the float test (?) where I watched how long my hair floated on water...after several minutes, it never sank. Is that low porosity? My hair didn't seem to fit the characteristics of low porosity hair that I found on naturally curly: takes a while to get wet, resistant to chemical processing, etc. Is there another test I can use?

Thanks! :wave: Ladies in other threads keep telling me that I need to know my hair's porosity before I can develop a stable regimen. OK, so how do I find out? I tried the float test (?) where I watched how long my hair floated on water...after several minutes, it never sank. Is that low porosity? My hair didn't seem to fit the characteristics of low porosity hair that I found on naturally curly: takes a while to get wet, resistant to chemical processing, etc. Is there another test I can use? HELP!

You got me on that one....once my hair got healthy off relaxers, I didn't have to worry about porosity anymore.

Perhaps your hair is normal porosity.
My blowout today. My hair is almost bsl and I pay $45, but I saw 2 nl/sl naturals get charged $68 :ohwell:


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Thanks! :wave: Ladies in other threads keep telling me that I need to know my hair's porosity before I can develop a stable regimen. OK, so how do I find out? I tried the float test (?) where I watched how long my hair floated on water...after several minutes, it never sank. Is that low porosity? My hair didn't seem to fit the characteristics of low porosity hair that I found on naturally curly: takes a while to get wet, resistant to chemical processing, etc. Is there another test I can use? HELP!

Sounds like low porosity hair. Your cuticles are closed tightly that's why it takes a while for your hair to get wet. Check out YouTube for tips on moisturizing low porosity hair. Love your hair!
I am so depressed about my straight hair. My ends are see through. :( i dont know if i should cut off my hair now or should i grow it out and cut it later
I am so depressed about my straight hair. My ends are see through. :( i dont know if i should cut off my hair now or should i grow it out and cut it later

I say grow it out and cut it later. Do mini trims to maintain your length