Naturally Flexible Support Thread

Happy hair week report for today:

My ponytail hangs over my hoodie!!! Omg!

So happy today :)

I know I don't have fairytale hair but shoooooot ain't nobody gonna be able to tell me NUTTIN when I get to waistlength.

I totally envy all those beautiful relaxed heads that can grow long hair. I couldn't accomplish that. Today I see my hair's progress since i stopped relaxing and i do not regret my choice to go natural at all. it is a GOOD DAY! ;)


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Forget to mention in here that I took my senegalese twists out after almost 10 weeks and went back to my 2nd husband...Mr Roller set!!! lol For this set I mostly used products from the Carols Daughter Monoi line. My hair is so bouncy and light...I could just scream. Gonna pamper my hair with steaming and roller sets for the next month and then I have an appt to get more twists installed at the end of Jan.
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I would like to join this challenge. As my hair gets longer, it's becoming more difficult to handle. I like the idea of flat ironing once or twice a month to control ssks and splits. I did a big trim this weekend (about 2") and May have to cut more. I'm also color treated and my hair is brittle, color damage snuck up on me.

I was watching sistawithrealhair channel and I kinda like her method. I'm gonna try it out for a minute and see what happens.

Any type 4b naturals rollerset and get semi smooth results? I want to try this prior to flat ironing.
So this weekend I came across the thread talking about using salt in conditioner and how it leaves the hair moisturized. I decided to try it because I figured my hair is extremely dry and if it worked then great ,if not then that was fine. So I tried it and didn't notice anything different immediately. I did my braid out using my normal products. When I took my hair out yesterday morning I noticed my hair was not frizzy and dry it had a shine to it and is very soft. I don't know if it was the salt but my hair is not dry and crispy like it usually is. It doesn't look dry or anything. Even today it still feels good.
The result of putting in 3 bantu knots to maintain my roller set from yesterday. I didnt use any product except Hicks for my edges. I normally wear my hair down for 2 days then a ponytail or bun for a few days. Then I'll do a braid out and repeat the cycle..wear down 2 days then ponytail or bun until it's time to re wash.
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Did an impromptu length check today for the waist length 2014 challenge. I am def MBL. I love yall ladies cause baaaaby these pregnant boobies are way to big for this old bra. I need to find a length check shirt cause I wont be using this again. I just wanted a side by side comparison....which is kinda bad to use to compare because in the old pic my hair was pressed straight and the new pic today is a roller set with puffy roots but oh wells.

I think the old pic was taken late summer this year maybe July...I also had a trim in August after this so I retained pretty good. Come on waist 2014!
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Sooo... my I have been on this board a good five years and have yet to actively participate in a hair thread. (don't judge me :look:). I like this thread, SO i will do my updating here :yep:

So to kick off 2014, I am on a mission to get past my current length. Whether relaxed or natural I get stuck at this length. I think my hair is now healthy enough and have my product rotation down, now i'm ready to focus on length. So my first mini goal is to get through the winter without losing any length.

so here are my pics and starting place going into 2014. I'm sporting a fresh blow out and trim


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That was me earlier. I didn't pineapple my braidout last night and just thru on my braid bonnet instead. I looked rough to say the least. Threw it in a lopsided bun and kept it pushing. ANGTFT! :lol:

That was me earlier. I didn't pineapple my braidout last night and just thru on my braid bonnet instead. I looked rough to say the least. Threw it in a lopsided bun and kept it pushing. ANGTFT! :lol:

:lachen: Yes you feel my pain! I had no plans on leaving my house until after Christmas so I haven't been doing much. Last night I was trying to be cute and went to bed in a high bun. Well I had to run to the grocery store earlier so I threw little nutbush in a banana clip ponytail and not 1 but 2 people complimented my hair! I was so shocked cause I knew I was tore up.
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lol I was just huge to me...I'm used to a more tame sleek look. Won't catch me slipping no more this week. I moisturized and put it in 4 bantu knots. Even used some Kinky Curly Custard for a little hold. Oh I'mma be ready for whatever nih pahahaha
Looks good, daydreem2876! Thanks for joining us! Your hair looks super healthy.
You said that going forward you will be focusing on length. What has worked for you so far? What is your goal length?
Looks good, @daydreem2876! Thanks for joining us! Your hair looks super healthy.
You said that going forward you will be focusing on length. What has worked for you so far? What is your goal length?

Since I have been here I have transitioned from completely relaxed to completely natural over the course of five years here at LHCF. My current length while natural is the same as it was when I started five years ago and was completely relaxed. What has worked so far is keeping focused on the moisture protein balance while learning my hair. I have used all kinds of stuff, no matter what as long as the moisture/protein balance is cool my hair stays attached to my head. Also, quality product and tools matter and I am worth the investment. I don't have a goal length yet... I am just trying to get past this one.

My biggest issues are combating these harsh midwestern winters and protective styling. This year I invested in a nice, satin lined fleece hat that will fit upside my big head and fit all my hair up inside, Also, I am going to keep my hair blown out with my hatchet dryer. My hair absorbs butters and oils better when straighter and it too cold to walk around with a wet head. Plus, it's that happy medium between have some texture and volume and ease of daily styling. Other that my edges, I use no other styiling products. The products it takes to get them out is too harsh

This winter product rotation includes:

Elasta QP Conditioning creme shampoo, Aphogee 2min, Nexus Humectress, HB Carrot Cholesterol boosted with 1/2 honey and a whole bottle of Kemi Oyl added to the whole jar

coconut oil, Qhemet's AOHC

Olive Oil EcoStyler (But I'm going to check out the argan oil gel when I run out), beeswax, and ORS edge control

I cant do braids, weaves, and what not... it just does not agree with me :nono:. Bless y'all who can but I get the chills just thinking about it.
Ended up doing a blowout. It was 2 in the morning and I can't be bothered. I am going to rock a chic top knot tonight and a high bun tomorrow. Will install curlformers for new years.