Natural Born Haters

Well-Known Member
What I mean by "natural haters" is not natural hair but haters is general b/c I believe haters are born not created. When relaxed or natural I always had to deal w/ people saying some ish about my hair like I asked them too. For example, I have been told "what's the point of having all that hair if you not going to do anything with it?", "you look ugly w/ natural hair", " you look busted w/ braids", "you are not yt, so you can't grow your hair down to your butt" (personal favorite:grin:), "no black man want a black woman w/ nappy hair" "the only reason she has hair is b/c she put some african voodoo on her head" :lachen:(elementry school). I have been dealing with this crap about my hair my whole life & sometimes wish the people would shut up. Usually the people who comment have the most busted hair you ever seen w/ their "struggling ponytails" with most of the hair is outside the ponytail and w/ like five strands in the ponytail. If I didn't ask your opinion, then why tell me? I also have told about my body too but is for another thead. How do you deal with "natural born haters"?
what kills me is when they talk crap then ask you for advice then when you tell them why they hair is jacked up 9prems, gel,coloring they look at you crazy and do it again anyway like wtf..smh i feel you my step mom talks **** all the time like why you got all them supplies and u still "bald headed" cause im natural she cant see length so that means its not there. i feel bad for her, her hair and my little sis who is made to put dax in her hair still to this day as a matter of fact she is slaping some in her hair as i type. hehe he he
I take their nasty looks and stank attitude as a compliment. I only have like 3 hair haters that I am aware of IRL. I am trying to get up to 100 by the summer. That's my goal!
YES, unfortunately....we must live among them too!!!!

just goes to show everyone has a place in this world. :)

I always say to the haters....
What I mean by "natural haters" is not natural hair but haters is general b/c I believe haters are born not created. When relaxed or natural I always had to deal w/ people saying some ish about my hair like I asked them too. For example, I have been told "what's the point of having all that hair if you not going to do anything with it?", "you look ugly w/ natural hair", " you look busted w/ braids", "you are not yt, so you can't grow your hair down to your butt" (personal favorite:grin:), "no black man want a black woman w/ nappy hair" "the only reason she has hair is b/c she put some african voodoo on her head" :lachen:(elementry school). I have been dealing with this crap about my hair my whole life & sometimes wish the people would shut up. Usually the people who comment have the most busted hair you ever seen w/ their "struggling ponytails" with most of the hair is outside the ponytail and w/ like five strands in the ponytail. If I didn't ask your opinion, then why tell me? I also have told about my body too but is for another thead. How do you deal with "natural born haters"?

OMG! The image of a ponytail struggling almost got me fired! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Don't take this the wrong way pls, but you sound like yr pretty young! I could be mistaken! When I was younger in hs mostly and when I first went in the service I would get all kinds of comments too sometimes about my hair but mostly about being as tall as I am (5'10.5)

And I would just ignore the comments. But as I became older, I became less tolerant of the rude comments!

Although all would not agree with me, but sometimes you have to know and act on them bc some people continue to say rude things!

I've learned through many yrs of growing sometimes you just have to get the ignorants ones off you and speak yr mind! Trust me I know!

You can say something like if you were'nt looking so hard at me maybe you can see through your own flaws instead of concentrating on mine!
Or if you don't like what you don't see either give me some money to have my hair done professionally, or you can just turn yr head and look the other way with those strings sticking out of what you call hair!

One good one, Well look at the pot calling the kettle black!

I am not in any way pushing you in the direction to be as ignorant as those people were/are to you, but in some cases you have get people off you, bc I know too it's not good holding things in, they do build up!:nono:
There is this girl at my job who believes I have a relaxer no matter what I say because when she sees me my hair is straight. I tell her every time its just a blow out and the other day I over heard her on the phone saying "that B knows she has a relaxer, why she gonna play. And I bet its a weave." I just shake my head because the chick has no hair so its gotta be hard to believe other people do.
My sister is that person in my life. She insists on giving me hair advice and my hair is growing long and strong. She said she is more natural than me because she hasn't relaxed her hair in a year and i haven't relaxed my hair in 5 years. And that black people don't have long hair, she is my motivation to get to BSL so she can stop that mentality. I would recommend to her this board, but she would say every black woman on this board with BSL hair or longer is mixed with something so, reaching that goal and showing her will be my proof.
@ycj1, I'm not taking it the wrong way but I tend to hear some of these thing to this day & it keeps bringing back old memories from through out my years. I tried ignoring or saying some thing back but my real concern is why people care what I do. I feel I'm to old for this but for reason this a kind of sensitive subject for me. The criticisms about my body, I generally ignore but the hair I just can't.
no offense, but i think alot of people on here takes hair wayy to serious.. like their obsessed. gosh its just HAIR. cut it all off,itll grow Back. relaxed or natural, doesnt really make a difference to me.
Anyone hating something good, or positive is jealous or some form of envy. It doesn't even have to be the length the thickness of the hair, they could be envious just solely to optimistic attitude you have for your self. Or that you don't live in that same box as them.

Forget haters, maybe they would be positive for once they could reach goals too.
How do you deal with "natural born haters"?

Two words... "YOU DON'T".

"Natural born haters" have always been around since the beginning of time and we all know they're notoriously unhappy insecure people that either have no home training or are so miserable that they allowed the hateristic tendencies to take them over. Why let them rain on your happiness? Keep on focusing on what's important (not their sorry butts) and keep it moving.

Haters come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Don't let beauty fool you. There are some very pretty haters that are festering pustules on the butt of humanity. :lol: Sad but true.

With all of that said don't feel bad about your body or your hair. You're beautiful. :yep:
There is this girl at my job who believes I have a relaxer no matter what I say because when she sees me my hair is straight. I tell her every time its just a blow out and the other day I over heard her on the phone saying "that B knows she has a relaxer, why she gonna play. And I bet its a weave." I just shake my head because the chick has no hair so its gotta be hard to believe other people do.

Fluck her!!! I bet she sitting up there looking like Fire Marshall Bill by the head! With her stanky attitude self!!! Have the nerve to talk about you and you can hear her SMH!!!!
no offense, but i think alot of people on here takes hair wayy to serious.. like their obsessed. gosh its just HAIR. cut it all off,itll grow Back. relaxed or natural, doesnt really make a difference to me.

I think being on this site made it worst for me so no offense taken.
i don't believe in the concept of natural born haters.
in fact, i believe the term itself is way overused. :look:
Here as in Long hair care forums? :lachen:

YES HERE. of course this board is to talk about hair and hair problems.. but PEOPLE are taking it way too serious. this hair board has turned into hair freaks.. hardly no one in the real world or that i know is obsessed with hair like i've seen. i enjoy seeing people show their progress,regimens, and seeking for help with their hair problems. but wow all the other ish is kinda weird...Its my opinion, jus letting it be known miss.:grin:
soo is someone a hater because they dont like your hair or the way you were wearing it?? everyone is so quick to call someone a hater, when sometimes they really do look ridiculous...
no offense, but i think alot of people on here takes hair wayy to serious.. like their obsessed. gosh its just HAIR. cut it all off,itll grow Back. relaxed or natural, doesnt really make a difference to me.

I don’t think we are obsessed on here. For me it’s more of a hobby, game, sport and I am just passionate about healthy hair.

If it was "just hair" then we wouldn't have Black woman going broke over some No.2 Yaki at Ming Lee's BSS. Folks wouldn't be doing smash and grabs robbing hair stores stealing Indian Remy and boosting it out the back of their car trunks like bootleg DVD's Lol. Some people take this hair game real serious, more serious than us on here. :lachen:
Fluck her!!! I bet she sitting up there looking like Fire Marshall Bill by the head! With her stanky attitude self!!! Have the nerve to talk about you and you can hear her SMH!!!!


I know this thread isn't supposed to be funny, but lord I'm rolling!! :rofl:

And for me, that person is my mom's church friend. She owns a salon, and was doing hair for my family since we became members of the church about five years ago.
When I started my healthy hair journey, first thing I did was make sure that she doesn't touch my hair. Since then, she's been cornering me after church, asking when I'm gonna come do my hair.

At first, she was real friendly..."hey baby! When you gonna come in for a relaxer?"
Then it was less friendly..."haven't seen you around the salon for a while. Are you okay?"
Then it wasn't friendly at all...."you need to come to the salon."
Now she just be hating...."your hair looks awful. Look at all your breakage, and you need a perm. I'm a woman of God, so I'm not going to lie to you. You need to make an appointment to fix your hair." :rolleyes: :lachen:
Except for that when she was doing my hair, I never made it past chin length. And I've noticed my mom's hair has declined since this woman been in it. Momma Chaos has taken notice too, because she's been making her way to her old stylist more often lately.

Anyway, I just smile real wide, tell her that I'm managing on my own, and bid her good day and all the blessings of the Lord. Once I looked back, and she was looking at me just like that Samuel Jackson gif. :rofl:
That lady got some hate in her blood, but I'm not gonna suffer myself because of it. Ain't nothing wrong with my hair.

And I bet there's nothing wrong with yours either. In the immortal words of TI, never mind what haters say. Ignore them till they fade away. :yep:
Too funny!

But yeah, when you get hated on, at first its like "Dag!?!?!...what did I do to deserve this?" But over time you get used to it...If its not your hair, then its your clothes, then its your $$, your car, your husband and how (great) your husband treats you....I even get hated on at work cause I actually LIKE my job....and hear people saying...why is she going out her way? Who does she think she is?....So its like shake 'em off...ignore them...It hurts....If you're like me, and you tend to mind your won business and don't keep up drama...its going to hurt because it comes out of nowhere....But it is what it is....God's Got you gyrl!
I don’t think we are obsessed on here. For me it’s more of a hobby, game, sport and I am just passionate about healthy hair.

If it was "just hair" then we wouldn't have Black woman going broke over some No.2 Yaki at Ming Lee's BSS. Folks wouldn't be doing smash and grabs robbing hair stores stealing Indian Remy and boosting it out the back of their car trunks like bootleg DVD's Lol. Some people take this hair game real serious, more serious than us on here. :lachen:

Amen Amen...Let the "Chu-uch" say Amen!:clapping::amen:
soo is someone a hater because they dont like your hair or the way you were wearing it?? everyone is so quick to call someone a hater, when sometimes they really do look ridiculous...

No b/c I would be the first to admit if I look busted but it when you know that your hair looks good and someone knows it looks good but instead of giving you some type of compliment they got something nasty to say. I knew a person who would always have something nasty to say but would later admit to another person she like that person hairstyle.
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Maybe they are just being honest, blunt and slightly rude but honest.
Alot of the women on here do nothing but talk about certain girls (some girl ateya from YT, or shima something) and white women in general, I guess that would make the vast majority envious haters.