Natural Born Haters

@ycj1, I'm not taking it the wrong way but I tend to hear some of these thing to this day & it keeps bringing back old memories from through out my years. I tried ignoring or saying some thing back but my real concern is why people care what I do. I feel I'm to old for this but for reason this a kind of sensitive subject for me. The criticisms about my body, I generally ignore but the hair I just can't.
I want to tell you that you are not alone and there are some just mean spirited people in the world! I know bc one of my oldest brother's use to tease me and make fun of me when I was growing up. And do you realize that to this day it still haunts me! Well we don't see ea other nor talk with ea other mainly bc I prefer not to worry about hearing his negative remarks about me. But when I became an adult and he came to visit me when I was stationed in New Orleans, he tried that mess again, but unknowningly to his surprise I had something for him. Yes, I kept all of the jokes and critisims in for many yrs, but that particular day I just let it out! I was 8.5 months pregnant with my dau and I just could'nt take it anymore!

I told him things that I never forgot and just started singing like a bird! By the time I was done with him he had the nerve to tell me he did'nt realize all the jokes and rude comments he threw at me when I was younger affected me so much!

The point I am getting at is you cannot afford to harbor ill feelings, cuz it will affect you later on down the line. He talked ill of me for so long that I believed no one ever wanted me. I felt that bad about myself! And do you realize even now in my 40's sometimes I still think that way! But you are going to have to lift yr head up high and say to yourself everyday you wake up thank you Jesus for allowing me to be alive and well, and for having all my senses! Then thank God for all of yr blessing that has come into yr life! And last but not least look at yrself in the mirror and say out loud I Love myself! I am attractive and a beautiful woman inside as well as out side.

You will be surprised how self affirmation will make you feel wonderful about who you are!
But you must get off that pity party attitude, bc I was there and after a while I believed the negative things not only my brother ues to say about me but other people as well!
You only have one life to live and I am sure you don't want to live it for other people! Now is your chance to not accept ignorance or rudeness! Now is your chance to stand up for yourself with conviction and not allow others to bring you down. Cus once yr dead and gone you will be another statistic!
Don't accept it! Sometimes you just have to fight back, and people will see and will leave you alone because of it! And the ones that are giving out rude comments I bet they are not supporting you or taking care of you. And if they were that gives no one the right to hurt you or anyone eles! As long as they don't touch you! But I know words hurt! You grow a backbone and let them know yr not taking it anymore! Sometimes you have to show them yr not the one to be played with! You are an adult and not in High School, so they need to know you're not the one to be handled!!!!!!!!!!
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@ycj1, I understand what your saying & I thank you for that. I'm slowly flushing out the hating I'm getting but it has been a slow progress. I attribute most of the hating as jealously anyways.
I've had to deal with people with bad attitudes half my life. When I was a kid i was in tears a lot but now? Shoot! It's either one thing or another and like some one else said it does often just come up out of nowhere! I have people at work who hate me and they have never even spoken to me. Never did anything to them. Whateva! I don't let people in my business and i stay out of drama. Maybe that's why.

When people try to get funny with me over my hair now I just suck my teeth and laugh at them. Because the only ones who have a problem with me are jack asses that have nothing important to contribute or say to anybody with intelligence anyway.
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I agree with the majority of my e-sista's! Let it motivate you! Don't pay them any mind. I must laugh at your statement that haters are born that way :ohwell:. I think its something that developed in them (i.e, insecurities) that they're taking out on you. I live by and wholeheartedly believe that whatever you focus on, will expand. Rather positive or negative if you pay them too much attention resentment and other yuckies will develop in you, and as you read in most of our posts; some of our haters are our one wants to have resentment or bitterness against a loved one. You literally have to keep it moving on the haters because their looking for your button to push. Let it roll of off
@ycj1, I understand what your saying & I thank you for that. I'm slowly flushing out the hating I'm getting but it has been a slow progress. I attribute most of the hating as jealously anyways.
That's exactly what it is, and I'm glad you see that! But pls keep your head up and be proud of you and let no one bring you down! You must live for you and no one eles!

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There is this girl at my job who believes I have a relaxer no matter what I say because when she sees me my hair is straight. I tell her every time its just a blow out and the other day I over heard her on the phone saying "that B knows she has a relaxer, why she gonna play. And I bet its a weave." I just shake my head because the chick has no hair so its gotta be hard to believe other people do.

I dont think it has to do with your hair bc your sig is proof of that. You were absolutely gorgeous as a "bald head" :yep:
Later people will try to tell you what to do and what they think in other ways. Being an artist is hard because there's always someone asking "how long do you plan to do that?" or "I would NEVER do that" or "Thank GOD you went back to school because you need a backup...". No one ever asks a lawyer "how long are you going to give that?" or even a janitor. But with an actor or writer, or director it's ON unless you've "made it" by others standards. So it never stops. There'll be something else that someone feels the need to tell you about besides hair.

I really am just amused by people who feel the need to comment on my life. And no matter what it is from hair to my chosen profession I always have one response

"why do you care?"

To which they always try to back peddle to show how much they don't care.

or a variation "I didn't ask for your opinion" and then I throw in the "why do you care?" Just to bring the point home.

Really. Stick your nose elsewhere and let me move on with my life. Hope those tidbits help you. They always shut people down real quick.
soo is someone a hater because they dont like your hair or the way you were wearing it?? everyone is so quick to call someone a hater, when sometimes they really do look ridiculous...

Unfortunately, some people are haters of hair. I had a boss that heard me discuss with another co-worker about me growing my hair to my co-workers length, which was almost WL. My co-worker was mixed. My boss busted out of her office and said your hair will never be her length, you and her don't have the same hair type:blush: My co-worker and I just looked at each other :blush::blush::blush: and looked at her like :spinning::drunk:. Anytime she got the opportunity to down me in regards to growing my hair believe she did. My co-workers said she was just jealous of my hair. I never thought of that but people always flock around me because of my hair and I tell them "girl, you aint seen long hair, until you see the ladies on this forum" talking about LHCF:yep: Believe it or not but some women are jealous of ladies with long healthy hair:yep:
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I don’t think we are obsessed on here. For me it’s more of a hobby, game, sport and I am just passionate about healthy hair.

If it was "just hair" then we wouldn't have Black woman going broke over some No.2 Yaki at Ming Lee's BSS. Folks wouldn't be doing smash and grabs robbing hair stores stealing Indian Remy and boosting it out the back of their car trunks like bootleg DVD's Lol. Some people take this hair game real serious, more serious than us on here. :lachen:

Hobby my arse:lachen:I'm not growing my hair to lengths I have never grown before as a hobby:spinning: I'm not walking around looking like a crack head poodle (stretching) as a hobby:nono: My hair game is serious....ya dig:rolleyes:
Girl don't pay anybody any mind

The same people that laughed at me when I was "bald headed" :lachen: now ask me for advice.
There is this girl at my job who believes I have a relaxer no matter what I say because when she sees me my hair is straight. I tell her every time its just a blow out and the other day I over heard her on the phone saying "that B knows she has a relaxer, why she gonna play. And I bet its a weave." I just shake my head because the chick has no hair so its gotta be hard to believe other people do.

Oh wow. She is too concentrated on your hair. I bet every time she sees you, she gets so mad that a string on her head pops.

I still have a TWA, so I haven't dealt with anybody hating on my natural hair, yet. Though I know it's coming.
What I mean by "natural haters" is not natural hair but haters is general b/c I believe haters are born not created. When relaxed or natural I always had to deal w/ people saying some ish about my hair like I asked them too. For example, I have been told "what's the point of having all that hair if you not going to do anything with it?", "you look ugly w/ natural hair", " you look busted w/ braids", "you are not yt, so you can't grow your hair down to your butt" (personal favorite:grin:), "no black man want a black woman w/ nappy hair" "the only reason she has hair is b/c she put some african voodoo on her head" :lachen:(elementry school). I have been dealing with this crap about my hair my whole life & sometimes wish the people would shut up. Usually the people who comment have the most busted hair you ever seen w/ their "struggling ponytails" with most of the hair is outside the ponytail and w/ like five strands in the ponytail. If I didn't ask your opinion, then why tell me? I also have told about my body too but is for another thead. How do you deal with "natural born haters"?

My friend's mother calls these type of ponytails "Barely-There-Tails" and "Bird-Turds." :lachen:
Hobby my arse:lachen:I'm not growing my hair to lengths I have never grown before as a hobby:spinning: I'm not walking around looking like a crack head poodle (stretching) as a hobby:nono: My hair game is serious....ya dig:rolleyes:

THANK YOU!! :worship2::worship2:

This is exactly how I feel! And guess, what? On a hair board, this is a completely appropriate way to feel! So, yes, I do own the title of "hair obessed". There are a lot more harmful things to be obssessed with other than hair as I'll take hair over a crack pipe anyday!
There is this girl at my job who believes I have a relaxer no matter what I say because when she sees me my hair is straight. I tell her every time its just a blow out and the other day I over heard her on the phone saying "that B knows she has a relaxer, why she gonna play. And I bet its a weave." I just shake my head because the chick has no hair so its gotta be hard to believe other people do.

That is so cruel. I will never understand why it's so important for some people what other people choose to do with their hair.
@ OP
it doesn't matter how much she talks bout you, claims it's a weave, yada, yada, it's not going to make her hair any healthier, prettier or longer, she should check herself, before you check her.

tsmith said:
Hobby my arseI'm not growing my hair to lengths I have never grown before as a hobbyI'm not walking around looking like a crack head poodle (stretching) as a hobby My hair game is serious....ya dig

OH yeah, say it again.

THANK YOU!! :worship2::worship2:

This is exactly how I feel! And guess, what? On a hair board, this is a completely appropriate way to feel! So, yes, I do own the title of "hair obessed". There are a lot more harmful things to be obssessed with other than hair as I'll take hair over a crack pipe anyday!

ANyone who wants healthy hair down their back has to be hair obsessed there's no other way to learn about hair and tweak the reggie so it works for you if you're not all up in it, on it, to get your hair on point.