Natural and cant end the breaks


New Member
So I have been on this board for some time. Tried and purchased many things. While I gain length and pretty much maintain it I have ugly ends and some breakage. The breakage I see is tiny very short hairs. The c shaped breaks. Do I need moisture? Protein? I really do not want to purchase another product. My hair is as follows- wavy with kind of curly ends when wet. When dry most waves go poof - I have poofy hair, fine strands with no curl. My routine - I wash hair once or twice a week with a poo bar followed by matrix conditioning balm , next I use castor oil followed by an olive oil grapeseed mix. Weekly I use the olive mix mostly on my ends. I wear my hair in a kinda loose bun. On occasion I will use a hair mud if not too tired. I tried some protein conditioner I had on hand (mane and tail) followed by the matrix. No Change still tiny breaks. I have tried Also deep conditioning for a couple of months and still no change. Ugh :(
Have you tried the aphogee 2 step? It usually stops breakage pretty well and you only use it every 6 weeks. Also the blackstrap molasses is very good for breakage. I use it weekly in my dc and it is helping with breakage although mine is damage from dye :( I ordered it from sams247. Hopefully the gurus will chime in! Good luck.
What about if you tried to switch up the products ?

I'm afraid too switch up - prior to what I use now I could not even get fingers through my hair. Now I do have the moisture and softness that I was looking for. I really have tried countless items.
Have you tried the aphogee 2 step? It usually stops breakage pretty well and you only use it every 6 weeks. Also the blackstrap molasses is very good for breakage. I use it weekly in my dc and it is helping with breakage although mine is damage from dye :( I ordered it from sams247. Hopefully the gurus will chime in! Good luck.

I did order the apogee two step but I was afraid to use it. I have been looking for a good method of applying it for natural hair
I'm afraid too switch up - prior to what I use now I could not even get fingers through my hair. Now I do have the moisture and softness that I was looking for. I really have tried countless items.

I understand what you're going through. I think you may have to start with substituting just one product so you can determine whats absolutely necessary for your hair and what may make a positive difference.

When i try new DC's, i keep the rest of regimen exactly the same.
Are you washing out your conditioning balm before adding oil? If so, you probably need to moisturize your hair, then add the oil.
I'm transitioning and what I do when I feel I need protein is to add some of the aphogee 2 step to my conditioner and sit under the dryer for 30mins to 1 hr and rinse out. This way I get the benefits of the protein without the whole shebang of the 2 step process. My hair doesn't usually feel hard after this treatment so I don't need any other conditioner. Hope this helps you use the aphogee.
OP, what is your diet like? If you have tried a number of products, perhaps the way to look at it is from a holistic approach.
kaykaybobay do you ever style your hair in anything other than a bun? Do you have knots on the ends? Maybe you should try a little heat and different styles. I know doing the same style on my hair causes too much tension or pressure at certain points of the hair (like hairline or the ends). Oil rinses (w/castor oil) also helped w/moisture probs. Most conditioners are pretty watered down and have synthetic oils to replace the oils you lost during the wash process. Perhaps using a pure oil and rinsing it will help your ends.
When do you notice the most breakage? I mean what are you doing to your hair at the time you notice the most breakage?

Can you also list your styling tools ... what you comb with, what you use to bun etc.