Nail Your Regimen Challenge 2014

I haven't completely nailed my regimen but I guess its close enough that I don't feel like I'm struggling.

I need to find a cleanser though. Everything else I think I'm good with. Maybe I will pick up some cleansers during some sales at the end of the year.
I keep trying to nail my regime, but it's a sneaky little sucker. What I have figured out is no combing (unless I'm blow-drying, you probably heard the story a million times) and braiding while it's soaking wet.
I have not posted in a long time but I think I have nailed my regimen and learned a lot about my hair in the process. My hair is thriving. During the process I have learned:

1. My hair thrives with a weekly cowash.
2. Combing only on wash days is a win.
3. Using shampoo only once a month help to keep my moisture up.
4. Daily moisturizing and sealing keeps me straight
5. Using a light protein weekly gives my hair life.
6. Keeping a hair journal helps to know which products and ingredients are good for me.
7. Clarifying and medium protein treatments every 4 weeks keeps my hair healthy
8. Relaxing every 18 weeks eliminates over processing my hair.
9. Heat 4 times a year help me to retain length.
10. Weekly steaming gives me a moisture boost.
As I've mentioned I petty much live in two strand twists. I was feeling the roots for some of the twists and I'm starting to feel some of the hair becoming more defined. (Clumping?)

The baby finally came on Friday, so I'll have to make sure that my regi is super simple for the next couple of months.

I will continue to co wash/wet my hair 3 times a week. I might try to cleanse with castile soap + conditioner or something similar every first day to replace the clay washing.

Overall, I think that the increased wash days is helping my hair retain moisture.
I have nailed my [transitioning] regimen!

1x week:
Overnight oil prepoo
diluted clarifying poo (sulfate free)
Moisture DC
Rinse, leave in + avocado oil (cap+turban for 15min) no rinse
Butter on ends, style

1x week:
Rinse well
Apply leave in + oil, cover with cap & turban for 15 min. so it absorbs fully
No rinse. butter on ends

As needed:
Mist with refresher spray
Moisturize and seal

1x month:
Protein treatment on relaxed ends

1x every 8 weeks:
Protein treatment all over
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[USER=373223]snoop[/USER];20924039 said:
The baby finally came on Friday, so I'll have to make sure that my regi is super simple for the next couple of months.

snoop Yay! Congrats on the beautiful baby bundle of joy! <<<Can you tell how excited I am by all exclamation marks? Lol Merry Christmas and you did good darling.
I think I got one thing down in 2014; that is dc'ing with heat. I will continue in 2015; and hope to master posting pics!
This update is long overdue but I finally have a consistent basic regimen. I've been transitioning since Feb 2014. My hair is SL. I try to wash weekly but sometimes I don't want to deal with my hair and I go bi-weekly for a bit.

1. Shampoo on somewhat dry hair. I use a spray bottle filled what water to ease the way but my hair is mostly dry when I apply my shampoo. I started doing this in the Summer of 2014 and it has greatly reduced my tangles.

2. DC with heat for at least 30 mins. If I'm using body heat it needs to be 2 hours. If it's the first week of the month I do a protein treatment for 20-30 mins first.

3. Detangle in the shower with my Tek brush as I rinse out my DC. This was the biggest change to my regimen since I used to detangle with a seamless comb as I applied my DC. I lose way less hair now.

4. Moisturize and seal. I use a creamy moisturizer on wash day only. I almost never moisturize mid-week but if I do I have to use a liquid leave-in.

5. Style. This is currently the hardest part for me. I typically put my hair in 2 mini buns towards the back of my head or do a blow-out but I want to branch out into different styles. I'll wait until I gain more length before I start trying new things.

I rarely wear protective styles since I hate the install and takedown. When coming out of a protective style I always pre-poo and detangle before I start Step 1.

Optional: Tea rinsing. I meant to start doing this regularly in 2014 but it didn't happen :ohwell:.

I used to henna regularly but I started growing out the henna with the relaxed hair because I wanted to start using color again after my transition was over. I have changed my mind about that and will start using henna again soon.


Weekly Shampoo - Elucence Moisture Benefits Shampoo
Chelating/Clarifying Shampoo - Redken Hair Cleansing Cream
Deep Conditioner - I make my own
Protein Treatment - Komaza Protein Strengthener (also have Bekura Vanilla Whiskey but still testing it)
Creamy Moisturizer - APB Hair Creme
Liquid Leave-in - APB Leave-in Conditioner
Sealant - Whichever of the 20+ butters and oils I feel like using at the time

Every product I listed (besides Bekura) is a Holy Grail for me and will never be changed as long as it's available to buy. I may eventually start making my own shampoo, protein rx and leave-in but I'll still keep at least 1 of each HG on hand.

I've Nailed My Regimen!

Anyone else?